the week's
& pop
with a
||| Children raised by same-sex parents are "healthier and happier".
||| Where you can and can't be fired for being gay.
||| LGBT info on resume means fewer responses.
||| Should gay men and lesbians be bracketed together?
||| Can gay men and straight women really be friends?
||| Gay and bi men twice as likely to be depressed than straights.

||| 25 signs you might be racist.
U.S. & Canada News
||| New York governor Andrew Cuomo's plan to end AIDS.
< More than 1 million turn out for New York’s annual LGBT Pride parade. In pictures:
||| Marriage equality is a “plot” conceived by the New World Order to impose communism, claims Fox News pundit Ben Carson.
||| 11 major obstacles to equality that gay Americans still face in 2014.

> This is Ali Muhammad Brown. He is wanted by police over the 1st June murder of two gay men in Seattle. The American born Muslim extremist gunned down Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young (left).
||| Tyler Clementi's parents denounce overturn of New York's cyberbullying law.
>Remembering Mel Boozer (1946-1987), former president of the Gay Activist Alliance.

||| 10 New York things I learned after a month in the city.

||| Who stole the water? "How greed, drought, and rampant overdevelopment are sucking Texas dry."
U.K. News
< House of Brag - a squatter-run “queer social centre” - opens in Brixton, in protest at the commercialisation of LGBTQI events.

||| The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime launches consultation to reduce anti-gay hate crime.
||| Darren Douglas, a murderer who stabbed a man for being "queer" on the run from prison.

||| The VICE guide to London 2014.
||| Average person knows 8 gay people, survey says.
> Young men in crisis may not be crying out for help. But it's desperately needed.
||| So, what are we going to do about Britain's lost boys?
||| Why are so many prisoners killing themselves?

||| How the Tories chose to hit the poor.
||| Ireland: Referendum on marriage equality to be held in spring of 2015.
||| Ukraine: Kyiv Pride cancelled over fears of anti-gay attacks.
> Turkey: Tens of thousands march for Pride in Istanbul. In pictures.

Latin America News
||| Brazil: The lack of black faces in the crowds shows Brazil is no true rainbow nation.

||| Jamaica: 25,000 rally in support of anti-gay law.
Africa News

||| Uganda: Turns out that America and Great Britain had a lot to do with the anti-gay law.

Asia News
||| China: A great power we can't trust.
||| Taiwan: Christian, Taoist and Buddhist groups form alliances to oppose marriage equality.
||| Australia: Primer Minister Tony Abbott airbrushes Aboriginal people from history, claiming Australia was "unsettled" before the British arrived. Here's just how "unsettled" it was.

||| Australia: Why are there so many racist outbursts on public transport?
Planet Earth
> The discontent of zoo animals.
||| In Liberia, there's a place called Monkey Island, inhabited solely by former lab-tested chimpanzees who survived disease and two civil wars.
||| Japan is building nursing homes for its aging pet population.
< The year they turned off Niagara Falls.
Inside The Spaceship
||| Do you want to live in a world run by Amazon? "Their plans for domination of the digital world are deeply concerning."

||| Time for the emperors-in-waiting who run Facebook to just admit they're evil.
> Grindr rolls out new look for summer - with "gay porn twin" Kyle Goffney the new face of the brand.
||| Plasma TV is dead: Samsung to end production later this year.
||| Why you should either buy this T.V. right now or wait two years.
< Couple publish The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions, which depicts them engaged (fully clothed) in simulated sex positions, to mock the institution that they were brought up in.

||| As Amazon slugs it out with the big publishers, authors are left cowering.
< Former gay trolley dolly Owen Beddall's Confessions of a Qantas Flight Attendant: True Tales and Gossip From the Galley.
||| The Normal Heart's Matt Bomer wants to play closeted screen icon Montgomery Clift but only "if it's done right".
||| Rupert Everett claims "there just isn’t very far you can go" in Hollywood as an openly gay actor.
||| Queer As Folk creator Russell T.Davies wants to know why aren’t there gay characters in Star Wars?

||| New film Same Difference, from filmmakers Joshua Sweeny and Kyle Wentzel, sheds light on the powerful effects that school environments have on LGBT youth.
< Do the Right Thing’s 25th anniversary: What the hell happened to Spike Lee?
||| Trailer: Pride, the unlikely but true story about a group of gay activists who join forces with a small mining community in Wales in 1984; and looking back at everything that was wrong with Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes.
> Remembering the real world of Pedro Zamora.
||| What's it like working behind the scenes on a "reality" T.V. series? Pretty grim, it turns out.
||| Talking to Peter Paige, the man "who’s pushed the boundaries of gay representation for two decades".
||| Law & Order star Ice-T: "The gay male is gay and I have no problem with that."
||| America is getting really tired of singing competitions. What should networks do now?
||| How about Zoo, a show about animals planning a global attack against humans?
||| Iran remakes Modern Family - minus the gay characters.
< A breakdown of Seinfeld pilot 25 years after its premiere.
||| All the anxieties I picked up from watching Seinfeld.
||| How Seinfeld paved the way for Tony Soprano.
||| 10 ordinary things that always make you think of Seinfeld.
> What's your favourite Seinfeld moment?

||| Britain's soaps are in trouble, warns Queer As Folk creator Russell T. Davies.
> Laura Palmer's Twin Peaks house is for sale.
||| Josh celebrates his gay birthday in the latest episode of Steam Room Stories; and Judge Judy discovers Grindr...

> Justin Bieber: A case study in growing up cosseted and feral.
||| Watching teenage car crashes in slow motion: Is Justin Bieber doomed?
||| Christ Bearer, the rapper who cut his penis off while high on PCP wants to do porn.
> Album review: Trey Songz - Trigga. "Trigga does hang together, and has a seductive power."
||| 50 pop songs from the '90s that will instantly make your day better.
||| New from Fly Young Red - Make Me Know It.
> François Sagat gets naked for Out.
||| Talking to pioneering director Wakefield Poole.
< Talking to the ever popular Jovonnie.
||| Talking to the sizzling Seduction.
> Where are the gays in People Magazine's Hottest Bachelors issue?
< SEXCIRCUS 2014 happened in London during Pride, in pictures.
< Mr. Dominican Republic 2014, in pictures.
||| 5 questions to ask yourself before banging your ex.
||| What it feels like to have an affair.
||| 5 questions to ask yourself before banging your ex.
||| What it feels like to have an affair.
...Do a little shopping in tiny shorts...
...And make an appearance at gay party called #TemptationFridays, where he was "very friendly and sweet with his gay admirers and didn't mind a lil drunkin' touch and feel action from them either"...

||| 16 soccer terms, and what they would mean if they were gay slang.
||| Welcome to the World Cup of racism.
> Finally, something interesting happens in soccer.
||| And now World Cup news. Well, pictures, anyway. Meet Belgium's Axel Witsel.
> Italian tennis player Fabio Fognini gets naked for Cosmo.
The Human Body
||| Three babies cured of HIV after being given revolutionary vaccine in the first hours of their lives.

||| PrEP shown to lower herpes infection rates.
||| Ebola is "out of control" in parts of west Africa.
||| Is assisted dying the final triumph of market capitalism?
||| Sitting all day is really bad for you. Here's why.
||| Swimming right after eating isn't bad for you after all.
||| Can science find a safe replacement for alcohol?
||| 7 reasons why I do not want to go to the pool.
< A guide to day drinking.
Betta Work!
||| If you want to solve wealth inequality, then you can start by giving trade unions their power back. "The decline of the unions and the rise of the super-wealthy is no coincidence."
||| 4 things you learn from working in foodservice.
And Whilst You're
Thinking About That, Think
About This

||| 10 reasons why you should move to another city (or country) in your 20s.
||| 16 things you become irrationally obsessed with when you get your first apartment.
< Burger King goes gay.
||| Tokyo's second-hand shop for booze.
||| And finally, Chloe relishes Independence; Andrew contemplates nudes for fame; Walter discusses PrEP; and dating in Atlanta...
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Read the last edition.
© 2014
"You know, we might just as well not have
bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
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