the destination for the
week's essential news
and pop culture stories,
with a gay bias.
||| Be killed or be caged? "For gay people of colour or those from low-income backgrounds, there are seemingly two choices when faced with a violent situation: take the harm lying down, or fight back and face time behind bars."
> Black, gay, American. A search for sanctuaries, and
needed conversations about race and identity.
||| Is it time
to update our flag?
||| How the internet
paved the way for marriage equality.
||| Why bisexuals
stay in the closet.
||| Next time you read of union "bosses", ask yourself what the media are up to. "Most journalists show little interest in understanding trade unions because so few of them are actually working class."
||| How about
bonuses for shop assistants, not bankers?
||| McDonald's puts budgeting on the menu for its employees. "The fast-food chain offers staff advice on how to live on $7.70 an hour. Have some humbug with your hamburger, why not?"
||| The
six types of atheist.

> This is 17-year-old Carlos Vigil, a gay teen from New Mexico who has taken his own life
after enduring years of bullying. Please read his heartbreaking suicide note.
||| Dying gay man
gets his wish to marry his partner.
> The camp for boys
who want to dress like girls.
||| That time my Dad made me go to Pride. "From a closeted teenager boy to a proud grown man, Wes Janisen has grown up with the community."
||| House Republican leaders
drop opposition to marriage equality statute.
||| Why a plaque ceremony for Stonewall Inn
was abruptly cancelled.
||| California City cancels gay Pride month,
arrests protestors.
||| Westboro Baptist Church spells "illiterate" wrong
on flyer accusing voters of not being able to read. In related news, Westboro
will picket the funeral of deceased
Glee star Cory Monteith.
< Meanwhile, members of the Satanic Temple
claim to have turned Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps' mother into a lesbian in the afterlife after performing a "pink mass" at her gravesite.
||| Trayvon Martin:
Zimmerman acquitted.
In pictures.
Right, a sheriff's deputy carries Trayvon's hooded sweatshirt as trial evidence is removed from the court.
||| Trayvon Martin: The
key moments in the case that led to Zimmerman's acquittal.
||| Trayvon Martin: Witness
claims Trayvon thought Zimmerman was going to rape him.
||| Trayvon Martin: Juror B37, who hates the media,
signs up prominent literary agent, called Trayvon "boy of colour" and described his slaying as "an unfortunate incident".
||| Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman jury say TV juror
does not speak for them. "Four jurors issue brief statement to say opinions expressed by juror B37 on CNN are not representative of their views."
||| Trayvon Martin: The
devastating message the verdict sends.
||| Trayvon Martin:
Statement by President Obama.
> Trayvon Martin: How Skittles
became a symbol of Trayvon Martin's innocence. "Zimmerman's 9mm Kel-Tec handgun will now be returned to him. But when the Seminole County criminal justice centre has finished with Martin's still-unopened bag of Skittles, it belongs in a museum."
||| Trayvon Martin: Protests,
in pictures.
||| Trayvon Martin:
The world is aghast. The US needs to look at itself. "The jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman say they acted in strict accordance with US law. That in itself speaks volumes."
||| Trayvon Martin: It's
open season on black boys after a verdict like this.
||| Trayvon Martin:
The killing of Trayvon Martin is the continuation of business as usual. "In 'post-racial' America unquestioned habits of thinking led directly to George Zimmerman's exoneration."
||| Trayvon Martin:
One more among so many black men killed in my lifetime. "I feel the grief of all people who love fairness and justice. But George Zimmerman has his own conscience to reckon with."
||| Trayvon Martin:
If racism is alive and well, homophobia has lots of good years left. "The Zimmerman trial feels like a relic of the inflamed race wars of the 1960s. If anything good is to come of it, it's the reminder that prejudice has a long shelf-life."
||| Trayvon Martin:
10 commentaries on the George Zimmerman verdict.
||| Trayvon Martin:
Black panic lives on: Where Trayvon Martin and Matthew Shepard Collide.
||| Trayvon Martin: From Matthew Shepard to Trayvon Martin -
bigotry knows no boundaries.
||| It's over. But it's not really done. Why the not-guilty verdict is unlikely to be the end of the Trayvon Martin saga in court.
||| Trayvon Martin: The Zimmerman verdict outrage
should also be about concealed guns.
||| Why Bradley Manning "aiding the enemy" charge
is a threat to journalism.
> Is
Rolling Stone's Dzhokhar Tsarnaev "rock star" cover
an outrage?
||| Dzhokhar Tsarnaev capture pictures don't deromanticise this "monster". "These latest pictures of the Boston suspect actually look more heroic than the
Rolling Stone cover. But anger at an image obscures the more difficult reality."
||| The problem with
Rolling Stone's' Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover isn't the image —
it's the reaction.
||| Detroit becomes largest US city
to file for bankruptcy. "Detroit's fall is complete. It is a depressing, if inevitable, end to a grotesque saga of decline, corruption and mismanagement."
A warning from Detroit. "Parts of the city seem as deserted as Chernobyl or as blasted as Stalingrad in the aftermath of battle."
||| Yet Detroit
is still rich in other ways.
||| "Bash mobs" - organised crime rampages of roving groups attacking innocent people and businesses -
sweep through Southern California.
> In Texas, four homeless men
have been rescued from a "dungeon" where they had been held for up to 10 years.
||| Hostess Twinkies:
hardly the "sweetest comeback ever". "Twinkies are back on shelves this week, but it's hard to erase the 18,000 lay-offs and management mistakes."
Why are Canada's trains vulnerable? Good old capitalist cost-cutting. "Canadian trains used to be run by five engineers each, now it's just one. Competition trumped safety, now lives have been lost."
< The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill
passes the final reading in the House of Lords, is signed into law.
||| The government wants to know why the passing of marriage equality
was largely ignored by the country's major broadcasters. For example, "on the evening that same-sex marriage became law, the BBC’s flagship News at Ten featured a lengthy report about a child asking The Queen about the royal baby but it did not have time to mention the historic bill that The Queen signed into law."
||| There are still aspects of discrimination in the equal marriage bill, human rights activist Peter Tatchell
...And the six ways marriage equality in England and Wales
isn't quite equal.
||| New Barnardo's video
raises awareness of how young gay people can be exploited.
> South London 15-year-old
raped 13-year-old boy in stairwell of highrise for "having a poor phone".
||| Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing
to be given posthumous pardon. But is it
a pointless exercise?
||| How people of colour
have been painted out of working-class history. "It's shocking how even voices on the left mythologise the history of Britain's labour movement as an all-white affair."
||| Northern Ireland could face legal action
if our politicians don't support marriage equality soon.
< SPAIN: The sickening and barbaric Running of the Bulls,
in pictures.
||| ICELAND: Reykjavik mayor
to cut ties with Moscow over Russia's "gay propaganda" law.
||| BELARUS: Gay "propaganda" law
||| FRANCE: EuroPride
marches through Marseille.
In pictures.

> ITALY: "I love animals, but when I see her, I can't help but think of an orangutan." That's what Italian politician Roberto Calderoli said in reference to Cécile Kyenge, Italy's black minister of integration. Why do racists
still flourish in multicultural Italy?
< ITALY: Vatican bank
accused of "gay lobby" cover-up.
||| ITALY: Five Costa Concordia staff
convicted for manslaughter, negligence.
||| ITALY: There is
just one chance to refloat the stricken Costa Concordia.
Despair as parliament votes to fire thousands of teachers, cops.
||| MEXICO: Benjamin Medrano, the country's first openly gay mayor,
is "not in favour" of marriage equality.
< MEXICO: Activists
protest Russian anti-gay policies outside the Russian embassy in Mexico City.
||| JAMAICA: Leading theologian Rev. Dr. Clinton Chisholm
calls for tolerance of gays as anti-buggery law is challenged.
||| HAITI: A thousand people
protest against marriage equality in Port-au-Prince. Two men, accused of being gay,
were beaten to death.
> CAMEROON: This is Eric Ohena Lembembe, an openly gay actvist
who has been tortured and killed in the capital Yaounde.
||| And police
aren't even investigating. "Police took no photos, collected no evidence, and there has been no autopsy," a fellow activist says.
||| UN officials
condemn the killing, and United States government has also
voiced its disapproval.
||| How
we can help pay for a proper funeral for Eric.
||| ZAMBIA: Philip Mubiana and James Mwape
will spend four months in jail before they even face trial on charges of homosexual activity; the 21-year-olds were arrested in May "after a hostile mob found them sharing a drink at a local bar".
||| KENYA: Anti-gay violence
continues, despite progress, as gay men are hacked with machetes and murdered
in a wave of hate crimes.
< SOUTH AFRICA: Why a white teenager
risked traditional circumcision.
||| SOMALIA: Gay refugees
face death threats.
||| INDIA: New Delhi man
killed in cash-for-gay-sex row.
> INDIA: Shunned by sponsors, Mr Gay India
to go it alone in Belgium pageant.
||| INDIA: Deadly school meals
a national crisis.
||| BURMA: Myanmar gays
to sue police for assault and harassment.
||| AUSTRALIA: So, just what is this "gay agenda" which Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's sister
is so afraid of?
||| AUSTRALIA: Christian lawmaker
says gays should get "homied" and "lesied" instead of married.
||| AUSTRALIA: Are South-East Asian holidays
spreading HIV in Australia?
< AUSTRALIA: The so-called smart country
turns its back for good on asylum seekers. It is, indeed,
Australia's day of shame.
||| YEMEN: Al-Qaeda linked group
kill man after accusing him of being gay.
Explaining the UK and US heatwaves.
Right, brothers William and Xavier
hug in Minnesota, 17th July 2013.
||| The sea is invisible to us –
so it's become our trash heap.
||| Where are all the wasps?
||| Chimps, apparently,
experiment with sex more than humans. Dirty beasts.
< Giant panda
gives birth to twins in Atlanta zoo.
||| Inside the industry
supplying millions of mutant mice.
||| Why is the rich US in such poor health?
||| Sweet snacks
linked to bowel cancer.
||| The average penis
is smaller than you thought.
||| Young gay men are 15 times
more likely to get genital cancers.
||| In Iran, HIV transmission via sex
has nearly tripled.
||| Could a bad gut
turn your HIV into AIDS?
||| Is HIV eradication
in our future?
||| Boffins use HIV
to cure rare genetic disorders.
||| HIV dating 3.0:
New rules of engagement.
||| In the US, a Bill to lift a ban on HIV-positive organ donation
has passed the House committee.
||| Let gay men
donate blood.
||| MERS - the Middle Eastern coronavirus - is worrying,
but not an emergency for now
||| Our bodies are super-gross. Here's why. Plus, weird ways to burn 200 calories.
||| How
to look good online.
> Is Mister
the grown-up version of Grindr?
||| How Scientology
changed the internet.
||| Google Play store search links Mickey Mouse game
to gay erotic fiction.
||| Tumblr: Porn blogs can stay,
but they'll be mostly hidden.
||| Why it's time to change your Tumblr password —
||| We want privacy from the government,
but we're an open book on social media.
||| What your email sign-off
really means.
||| Why the hard drive
is here to stay.
||| Why I still use a dumb phone (and have no plan to change).
< Queers In Exile, the Unforgotten Legacies of LGBTQ Homeless Youth,
a new exhibit showing the long-hidden crisis of queer youth homelessness, at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art.
||| Young, gay and hoping for something better. Don't miss Photographer Preston Gannaway's pictures documenting the life of Tavaris 'Teddy Ebony' Edwards.
> Keep Your Timber Limber (Works on Paper),
an exhibition at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts, exploring "how artists since the 1940s to the present day have used drawing to address ideas critical and current to their time, ranging from the politics of gender and sexuality to feminist issues, war, censorship, and race". Until September.

< Why do so many public murals
seem to have a homoerotic tone?
||| The
queer guide to Comic-Con.
||| We
talk to the multi-talented artist known as Choklit Daddy.
||| Check out the chucklesome
Gaysome comic.
||| Read Trayvon's Scream, a poem by
The Long Blue Moan author L.M. Ross.
||| Why John Horne Burns
never became a gay icon.

A library is not just about books: it's also a place for the vulnerable. "If another 400 UK libraries close by 2016, as predicted, the true loss to society will be even greater than we realise."
< Book review:
Red-Inked Retablos, by Rigoberto González. "González
brings the concept of retablos, handcrafted works of devotional art, into literature."
||| 50 places every literary fan
should visit.
> Homo The Musical!, the story of a gay alien from Planet Homo
who invades a conservative American town and sparks a sexual revolution.
||| A
Magic Mike musical
is in the works.
< Fuerza Bruta "is a breathtaking, high-energy acrobatic spectacle" and the show is bringing back its classic gay-friendly
Boys Night Out for three summer performances.
||| Theatre review:
Mirrorball. "
An emotional and engaging portrait of the 1980s and one man’s struggle to keep himself together as his world falls apart."
||| Why is Netflix
secretly cropping movies?
||| Ender's Game is making a big push at Comic-Con, but I'm not buying it. "As a gay 'nerd', I don't want my money going to benefit homophobic
Ender's Game author Orson Scott Card in any way."
> But a boycott of
Enders Game movie is "a waste of energy",
claims Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black.
||| Why Johnny Depp
must be stopped.
||| Behind The Candelabra scores 15 Emmy nominations.
< Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is coming soon.
||| The
Star Wars home of Anakin Skywalker
is about to be buried by sand dunes.
||| That Certain Summer,
a different kind of California gay movie.

> 12 gay movies
straight out of LA.
Leave It on The Floor.
< Naturally, Frankenstein's monster
is now sexy.
> Wilson Cruz
is on Fire Island, in very little.
||| Remembering
the inimitable Barbara Stanwyck.
||| 17 amazing stories of lost and found films.

< Film review:
Fruitvale Station. "The feature debut of 27-year-old writer/director Ryan Coogler tells the true story of the death of a 22-year-old African American man named Oscar Grant, who was shot by police on New Year's Day in 2009 at the Fruitvale BART Station in San Francisco. Watching it last Friday it felt like a modest success, a solid specific slice-of-life drama if not a great or ambitious one. But context is a funny thing.
The very next day it was feeling much bigger.
||| DVD review:
Speechless. "
An intriguing and well-made movie that certainly keeps you watching, even if a slightly uneven tone and tendency towards melodrama in the later stages stop it from being as great as it might have been."
||| Watch the sweet trailer for the 25th Vancouver Queer Film Festival; and
Born This Way, a new film
about the oppression of gay Cameroonians;
Fruitvale Station; and
Bashment, which is finally out on DVD in October.
> Cory Monteith: the
Glee star's death is an
all-too familiar teen idol plot-line.
||| Why HBO's
The Newsroom is a homage to everything that's wrong with TV news.
||| HBO
renews True Blood for a seventh season.
||| Let's stop having a summer TV hiatus.
||| Why
you should know about The Borgias.
||| Teen Wolf's Dylan O'Brien
plays with co-star Tyler Posey's nipple during an interview.
< Teen Wolf paper dolls!
Meet the new men of
America's Next Top Model.
||| Marc Anthony Samuel is confident his gay character on
General Hospital will get a love interest.
Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford.
Left, gay action in German soap
All That Matters.
||| Why these female
Apprentice finalists
give me nothing to cheer about. "Both Luisa Zissman and Leah Totton's ideas for profit, like their grooming regimes, are profoundly dispiriting."
||| 25 great (American) sitcoms
you can watch right now on YouTube.
If it's between Bieber and a bombing suspect, who can blame Rolling Stone? "Now that lateness is thought bad behaviour, and even Downey Jr's a bore, it's no wonder the US mag went with that cover."
||| Oh dear. A tape of Kanye West ranting about Taylor Swift, racism and more
has leaked.
||| Pet Shop Boys'
12 greatest collaborations.
Talking to Zebra Katz, and stray Katz:
lost in London.
||| Watch Zebra Katz -
Lst Ctrl.
||| Music videos: Mister Chase -
F*ck U Betta; and Colton Ford -
All My Love.

Talking to porn legend Matthew Rush about retiring from the industry, his relationship, and working with men of colour.
||| Marcus Mojo
snapped out and about in West Hollywood...
...Or maybe
Marcus Patrick (
left) is more to your liking?
||| Talking to Colton Ford.
Talking to straight ally Brendon Ayanbadejo...
...Who gets hit on by men and women all the time:
but guys are easier to deal with.
||| Should professional athletes speak out about gay equality?
||| Pamphlet issued by the German Football Association
advises gay football players to come out "quietly".

< Tom Daley
practises ahead of the FINA World Championships in Barcelona, bouyed, perhaps,
by being crowned the sexiest man in the world by readers of
Attitude magazine.
> Nude photos of Australian rugby player George Burgess
wind up on Twitter. Incidentally, that's Burgess and his twin brother.
Uh huh. More pictures, including the naked ones,
||| Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell: Olympic sprinters
fail drug tests.
||| What is oxilofrine?
Jamaica is dealt a blow by positive tests of Asafa Powell and four others. "How the devastating news of multiple positive drug tests is being received by media and officials on the Caribbean island."
||| Asafa Powell's trainer
denies wrongdoing, claims he has been made a scapegoat: "It is time the athletes took responsibility for their doping."
< Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell:
A tragedy for athletics.
||| Sprint legends Ato Boldon and Donovan Bailey
clash over Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell.
||| Adidas
drops Tyson Gay.
||| Sprinters walk out of news conference when questioned on doping.
||| Have years of scandal and drug cheats
taken the joy out of winning?
Even at its lowest point the 100m remains an unquenchable fascination. "While tempting to conclude that the sport has arrived at its lowest ebb since 1988, it is still impossible not to love such a gloriously ruined, gloriously human spectacle."
||| Reeling from recent failed tests,
athletics fights on.
||| Now Jamaican discus thrower Traves Smikle
reveals positive drug test.
||| Did Urban Outfitters mean
to put a gang sign on a shirt?
||| Why restaurants
are louder than ever.

The 10 greatest white elephants. "Benidorm's In Tempo is the latest huge construction project to end up unused. Here are nine more examples from history."
> Brutalist buildings
that should be dystopian movie sets.
||| What is it like
to live in an airport?
||| And finally, we check in with Rogue "Marbie" Scott, Davey Wavey explains frot sex, Martin invites us to spend the day with him, and Walter stirs up some controversy...