Issue 131: Pride in Delhi, David Kuria, the gay mosque, World AIDS Day, Rudy Ray Moore, Freefall, Freaky Boiz, Sarge + more

a news compendium
with a gay bias


< This week's cover features Shane Jackson, lensed by our friends at Sitron Studio. Look out for the rest of the shoot, exclusively here at kaos, this weekend.

||| Associated Press bans the word "homophobia" - as well as Islamophobia - saying "phobia" inaccurately describes anti-gay hate.

||| On that note, readers of kaos might have noticed that we don't use umbrella acronyms like LGBT (we prefer the simpler, cleaner "gay"). Likewise, we don't refer to gay rights - we talk about gay equality, and marriage equality, not "gay marriage". For some time, we've also used the term "anti-gay hate" in place of the softer "homophobia" - good to see the Associated Press have caught up with us!

||| But kaos favourite Rev Irene Monroe says the AP's decision is discouraging. Is she right?

||| And Patrick Strudwick - editor of Attitude magazine - also thinks "homophobia" and "Islamophobia" are the right words for the job.


> Portuguese underwear model Renato Seabra found guilty of castrating and murdering Portuguese fashion journalist Carlos Castro.

< Arizona principal condemned for punishing two boys with "gay hand-holding".

||| Meanwhile, a teacher in Detroit has been suspended for playing Same Love her pupils. Susan Johnson played the pro-marriage equality song to eighth grade performing arts students at Centennial Middle School, after one of her pupils requested it.

||| Prison doctor pleads guilty to sexually abusing male prisoners, tries to commit suicide.

||| Four New Jersey men file lawsuit over Jewish JONAH Center "gay cure" practices.

||| Just what is Hillary Clinton's position on marriage equality?

> US retailer J. Crew profiles gay couple in its Wedding Album for the first time.

||| Morgan Freeman narrates new marriage equality advert.

||| America's secret service, the CIA, has held its first gay recruitment drive.

||| Alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning takes the stand.

< New York and Los Angeles score 100% in gay rights city report. Frankfort, Jefferson City and Montgomery all scored zero in the the Human Rights Campaign list.

||| New York City celebrates day without violent crime.

||| Gay Sandy victims struggle to recover.

> Naked AIDS activists invade the office of the speaker of the US House of Representatives, John Boehner. In pictures.

||| There's more evidence that Abraham Lincoln was gay, apparently.

||| Carnival Cruises bans drag on drag cruise, in case families are offended.

Remembering Harvey Milk on the 34th anniversary of his assasination.

||| CANADA: Explosives discovered in Montreal gay village.


||| Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell applauds the Leveson Report - the result of an inquiry into British press standards - saying it will help protect gay private lives: "Too many LGBT people are subjected to invasions of privacy, homophobic insinuations and sensationalist, inaccurate reporting. The methods of redress are weak, patchy and often dependent on a person being wealthy enough to take on media corporations."

||| The Leveson Report concludes there is: "disturbing and intrusive reporting of transgender and intersex issues by parts of the press". This includes showing trans people as "deviant" and "deserving of parody" as well as "outing" them.

||| Being gay at school remains difficult for teachers. "While many teachers wish to come out at school so they can be role models for pupils, there are still many issues around homophobic language and even lack of support from colleagues, Stonewall research reveals."

< National Union of Students launch Christmas card campaign calling on Prime Minister David Cameron to move faster on plans to legalise marriage equality.

> UK Independence Party would-be MP Winston McKenzie loses election but still rants over gay adoption, which he likens to the fall of the Roman Empire.

||| Wealthy Oxford students claim they are being "persecuted" for being Conservatives after being called "haters of gays" and "rape apologists".

||| 73-year-old London butler John Crawford is one of the first to apply to have an archaic gay sex conviction - dating back to the 1950s - quashed.

||| Gay Ryanair trolley dolly given community order for stealing duty free products to sell on eBay.

||| Government vows to get tough on sex in prison.

||| SCOTLAND: Man raped in Glasgow's west end.


||| Half of EU believe gay hate is history.

< FRANCE: Why I want to open a gay-friendly mosque in Paris, by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed. "Being gay and a feminist is not incompatible with Islam. An inclusive place of worship would give hope back to many."

||| FRANCE: Opposition politician Nicolas Dhuicq warns marriage equality will "cause terrorism" and provoke psychosis. And the children of gays are would-be terrorists, he added for good measure.

> GERMANY: Berlin launches Europe's biggest gay, multi-generational sheltered house.

||| RUSSIA: National gag on "homosexual propaganda" to become law...

...Meanwhile, Venice, Milan and Turin cut symbolic ties with St Petersburg over its anti-gay laws.

||| The UN Human Rights Committee has passed a landmark ruling saying the Russian law against "homosexual propaganda" is discriminatory, violates the basic right for freedom of expression and unconstitutional.

||| ITALY: More than half of gay Italians fear getting older, are pessimistic about the future.

< TURKEY: The 2013 David Kato Vision and Voice Award has been awarded to Ali Erol, the country's leading gay activist.

||| TURKEY: New regulations list murder and being gay as expulsion reasons from army.


||| ARGENTINA: Congress passes bill that could ban clinics from asking blood donors their sexual orientation.

> TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Jamaican gay activist Maurice Tomlinson challenging the archipelagic state's entry ban on gays in an international court.

||| JAMAICA: Read Maurice Tomlinson's open letter to Jamaica minister of justice about repealing the country's anti-gay law.


< KENYA: David Kuria announces withdrawal from the race to become a Senator in 2013. Kuria was running as an openly gay Senator for Kiambu County.

||| UGANDA: Activist Kasha Jacqueline says death penalty still in anti-gay bill.

||| UGANDA: America's Family Research Council blatantly lies about supporting the anti-gay bill.

||| UGANDA: Half a million people urge Citibank and Barclays - both of whom have a presence in the country - to condemn the anti-gay bill.

||| UGANDA: Germany announces three year suspension of aid to Uganda.

> SOUTH AFRICA: Wendelinus Hamutenya - Mr Gay Namibia 2011 - suspended after domestic violence claims.

||| LIBYA: Militia to execute twelve men for allegedly being gay.


< INDIA: Hundreds join colourful Delhi Queer Pride parade.

||| Delhi Queer Pride, an impressive show of solidarity.

||| Delhi Queer Pride, in pictures. More images here.

||| INDIA: Why I walk the Queer Pride every year.

THE BIG PICTURE: Gandhi of the subway carriage.

||| VIETNAM: 800 celebrate sexual diversity in Ho Chi Minh City.

||| CHINA: Gay job advert deleted after sparking anger; blogger complained gays "taking our boyfriends and jobs".

> TAIWAN: Taipei court hears marriage equality case; Nelson Chen and Kao Chih-wei are fighting to have their relationship legally recognised.

||| SINGAPORE: Couple sue to end Singapore's 377A sodomy law. Gary Lim and Kenneth Chee object to being branded criminals, despite the government saying the law is not to be enforced proactively.

||| SINGAPORE: Why there's no such thing as eternal rest on the overcrowded island.

||| MALAYSIA: Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister, has blamed HIV on gay people, and declared: "you have to nip it [homosexuality] in the bud".

||| NEW ZEALAND: MP asks gay couple "who would be the wife" during select committee into legalising same-sex marriage.

||| AUSTRALIA: Thousands march for marriage equality.


< This £212million creation is to be the biggest sculpture in history.

Talking to photographer West Phillips.

||| How comic writer Darren G. Davis came to terms with his HIV status by creating an island full of monsters.

||| The Best LGBT Books of 2012: 87 authors select their favourites.

||| Talking to Joshua Martino about his novel Fontana, which deals with the outing of a gay New York baseball player.

||| Review: Penetralia, by Richard Foerster. "Despite their ostensibly grim subject matter, these poems are remarkably alive in their rigorous intelligence and sensual linguistic play."

< Review: Perking The Pansies, by Jack Scott. "Truly a Turkish delight... I can't wait for the sequel."

||| Simon & Schuster steps into self-publishing.

||| Bad Sex Awards 2012: The worst sex scenes of the year.

> Vintage Pelican paperback covers, in pictures.


||| Rock and Doris and Elizabeth - the BBC Radio 4 Rock Hudson play - is to get a stage reading to raise money for HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust.

< Review: Boy Meets Boy... "might not be to everybody’s taste, but there is an unfailing sense of optimism about this show that makes it one of the most pertinent revivals of the year." The Independent's review is here.

> Review: Hero. "Although the play is well done, it never proves much more than that denial of one's sexuality leads to depression."

< Review: A Clockwork Orange... "isn't for the faint hearted, or easily offended."

||| Review: Straight. "Fresh-minted dialogue... and a quartet of terrific performances, ensure this is one of the most entertaining evenings currently available in London – even if the movie scenario extends credibility way too far."


||| Enjoy The Wizard Of Oz with a live orchestral score.

> World AIDS Day: An essential guide to HIV/AIDS-related cinema. Right, the devastating Longtime Companion (1989)...

...And why that picture is the Best Movie Ever. Longtime Companion was no.9 on the kaos Top 30 Gay Films of all time.

< Why ParaNorman featured the first gay character in an animated film.

||| Gay cinema get the nod amongst Independent Spirit Awards nominations.

||| Talking to Patrik-Ian Polk about The Skinny, Blackbird, and Logo.

> Jared Leto on starving himself for his Dallas Buyers Club turn as a super skinny HIV trans.

||| Daniel Radcliffe's gay film.

||| Marvel movie director James Gunn condemned for anti-gay blog; Gunn is set to direct Guardians of the Galaxy, which sets up the sequel to The Avengers.

||| The rise of the new gay villains.

> This is student filmmaker Henna Saeed, who has won the Emerging Talent award for her documentary Outcasts, about gay life in Pakistan.

||| When it comes to Hollywood, Asians remain invisible...

...But Bollywood is "starting to promote positive gay characters".

< Blaxploitation era icon Rudy Ray Moore outed in new documentary.

||| Review: Yossi. "You never feel you're being delivered a sermon, just a simple story that highlights the difficulties of being gay in Israel, or anywhere for that matter."

> Review: Bad Boy Street.

||| Review: Magic Mike. "It may have its flaws, but there's a surprisingly complex film trying to get out of Magic Mike. It never quite emerges, with characters sometimes being unclear and the ending a little abrupt, but it's interesting nonetheless. Plus the copious stripping scenes are certain to keep a lot of people entertained, whether they like the plot or not."

||| Review: Hitchcock. A "lightweight dramedy about the Hitchcock marriage."


> Don't miss our exclusive interview with David Summers, creator of sizzling new drama Skin Deep the Series.

...And why attacks on Skin Deep the Series exploit the bigotry within the black gay community.

||| Kevin Clash, until recently the voice of Sesame Street's Elmo, is facing a third lawsuit. The latest accuser claims he was 16 when he met Clash on gay chat line. Meanwhile, here's the first accuser, Sheldon Stephens.

Right-wing mouthpiece the Daily Mail revels in revealing lurid details of the accusations.

||| New sitcom Malibu County is full of gay stuff and star Reba McEntire wouldn't have it any other way.

||| Actors who badmouthed their own shows.

||| Talking to Dynasty legend Joan Collins.

||| Dallas to go on without JR.

> The best holiday episodes of '90s TV shows.

||| Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford.

||| Review: Yes, Prime Minister. The "six-part remake bravely sets about absorbing the changes that have occurred in British society since 1980."

< Dinah Sheridan, the actress who played Chancellor Flavia in Doctor Who's 20th-anniversary story The Five Doctorsis dead. She was 92.

||| Watch episode 1 of new webseries Freefall, from director Lamont Pierre.


||| Ricky Martin joins The Voice Australia.

> JLS open up about opening up.

< Justin Bieber's overalls cause international Twitter incident...

...Justin was sans overalls when he performed at Madison Square. Tongues back in, twink lovers.

||| Chris Brown fights with girl on Twitter, throws his toys out of the pram, quits Twitter.

Feast your eyes on the cover art for LL Cool J's forthcoming thirteenth studio album, Authentic Hip-Hop...

...And here's the Freaky Boiz Unleashed. The gay hip-hop duo drop their debut later this month:

||| More praise for Boody & LE1F's Liquid EP.

||| Watch football players' "gay kiss orgy" in the music video for UK band Hot Chip, and Same Love, by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.


||| World AIDS Day: In remembrance. Gay Porn Times has a roll call of the 100 or so friends, performers, co-workers and others we've lost to AIDS.

< DawgPound star Sarge announces his retirement - to marry longtime girlfriend.

||| My very gay night at very straight strip clubs.

< So, just where in the hell is Marc Williams? (Anyone?)

> Marcus Mojo AND Brady Jensen? OH. MY. GOD.

||| Have you ever jerked off to Zeb Atlas?

||| Bareback porn star Juan Steel pitches up on Judge Judy.

||| Mason Wyler is back on Twitter, and The Sword serves up the best of his deliciously OTT filth... My favourite? "Where can I get some fresh cum for my hole to eat tonight?"

||| Awesome gay porn bitching, featuring Jeff Stryker, The Sword, and Diesel Washington. You'll die laughing.

< Yes, of course, it's Skyball. What else?

||| The Rihanna gay porn debut no one asked for.


||| OutSports' list of athletes who posted anti-gay tweets in the past year - named and shamed.

> Port Talbot footballer Daniel Thomas fined, suspended for anti-gay Tom Daley tweet. Thomas' vile Tweet read, "If there is any consolation for finishing fourth at least Daley and Waterfield can go and bum each other #teamHIV."

< Liverpool football player Suso in gay Twitter slur...

...But "gay footballers would be accepted", says former England player Gareth Southgate. The problem would be the fans, not team-mates, he added.

||| Sexy Managers, the spoof calendar showing football managers in suggestive gay poses. Scary.

||| Cleveland Browns NFL player Ricky "Tank" Carder sorry for "faggot" tweet.

> Gay football player Vince Pryor writes to Tank Carder: Saying "faggot" keeps athletes in closet.

< This is Scorpio Sky, the wrestler who loves to throw the word "faggot" around, but won't say "nigger".

||| Meet Moustafa Ismail, the man with the world's biggest biceps:

< Olympic champion - and kaos favourite - Anthony Joshua has his eye on Rio.

> And here's fellow Olympian Louis Smith soaking wet and shirtless. Just because.

||| Watch Warwick Rowing's Brokeback Boathouse video, and raise money for Ben Cohen's StandUp Foundation to fight the bullying of gay youth.


||| Why it's time the US changed archaic sex laws.

||| So a nice coat of wet throat can kill you now. Great.

||| World AIDS Day: How AIDS ends.

||| World AIDS Day: Lambda Legal calls for end of HIV criminalisation laws in US states.

< World AIDS Day: The White House dresses for the occasion.

||| World AIDS Day: Watch the Terrence Higgins Trust new HIV awareness video, designed to combat the lack of knowledge of HIV among young people.

||| World AIDS Day: In the UK, HIV diagnoses have soared to an all-time high amongst gay men; nearly a quarter of them don't know they're infected.

||| World AIDS Day: UK government failing gay men on HIV.

||| World AIDS Day: Hillary Clinton's plan for an "AIDS-free generation" by 2016.

||| World Aids Day: Dating when you're HIV positive. "For all the medical advances in treating and preventing transmission of the HIV virus, a normal love life for those with a positive diagnosis remains elusive."

||| World AIDS Day: Gay community challenged to design new HIV campaign for Soho's 56 Dean Street clinic in London.

> World AIDS Day: Ricky Martin marks the event, talks Obama's gay support and life after coming out.

< World AIDS Day: kaos showed its support.

||| Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline loses appeal against "gay sex addict" ruling.

||| Is internet dating killing romance?

||| So, about facesitting...

||| I get turned on by being humiliated by other men, having them laugh at my small penis and spanking me.

||| Smoking rots the brain.

||| Grapefruit and pills mix warning.

||| Aspirin reduces the risk of developing liver cancer or dying from chronic liver disease by around 50 per cent - even if only taken monthly - boffins find.


Is this the end? "We'd seen it before: the Piazza San Marco in Venice submerged by the acqua alta; New Orleans underwater in the aftermath of Katrina; the wreckage-strewn beaches of Indonesia left behind by the tsunami of 2004. We just hadn’t seen it here. (Last summer’s Hurricane Irene did a lot of damage on the East Coast, but New York City was spared the worst.) 'Fear death by water,' T. S. Eliot intoned in The Waste Land. We do now."

||| Antarctica, Greenland ice definitely melting into sea, and speeding up.

||| So, should New York City officials be planning for a future tsunami?

Animal pictures of the week. Left, an "angry lioness launches herself at a male - but ends up sitting on his head, looking like a lion hat. She pounced at the male when he tried to discipline her cubs, but misjudged the distance".

||| Nearly 600 rhinos have been killed in South Africa so far this year.

||| Germany moves to ban bestiality. "We see animals as partners and not as a means of gratification. We don't force them to do anything. Animals are much easier to understand than women," Mr Kiok from the Zoophile Engagement for Tolerance and Information group protested.

> National Geographic Photo Contest 2012, in pictures.


||| Microsoft in trouble as sales of Windows PCs plummet.

< Flexible phones will be out by 2013.

||| Get a 3D action figure - of yourself.


Justin Bieber will take one in every color. Yes, it's Yoko Ono's new men's fashion line.

||| reveals the most popular questions of 2012.

||| The tragic stories of the lottery's unluckiest winners.

||| Awesome! Watch a University of Central Florida student strip to try and silence anti-gay preacher.

||| And finally, meet Martin's boyfriend! And Davey Wavey has some advice for the porn industry...

25 November - 1 December 2012

Read the last edition.

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MOC Blogger said...

Interesting link on Germany's decision to ban aid to Uganda for three years. Interesting because it it likely that many more countries will follow. It's a cruel price their citizens will pay for the leader's world views on sexuality but it is a price that must be paid.

Cup-o-Noodles said...

dunno where Marc Williams is, but he's still alive, at least. I see him online on once in a while.

Prince Todd said...

I totally have to play some catch up!

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