Tired old queen at the movies

Dark Passage

scaped convict Humphrey Bogart, with the help of beautiful Lauren Bacall scour the streets of San Francisco in search of the person who murdered his wife in Delmar Daves' Noir masterpiece Dark Passage (1947).

This film is unique in the history of noir, as the first forty-five minutes are shot from the first person point of view and you are Bogart, accused of murder and on the lam. Rounding out the cast, are some of the most vivid character players on the Warner Brothers lot headed by a marvelously reptilian Agnes Moorehead in one of her rare roles as a femme fatale. The atmosphere is dark and dank, the black and white cinematography is gorgeous and the convoluted plot line will have you delightfully spinning in your seat. It's classic Bogie, Bacall and Warners all the way!

Steve Hayes

MORE reviews

Taylor Siluwé

Taylor Siluwé, the author, and my friend, is dead. He was 45.

The news came, like the news usually does these days, on Facebook - some ambiguous words on someone's status update that gives a hint of something awry - but the words on fellow blogger The Gayte-Keeper's feed didn't leave room for misinterpretation: "Rest in peace Taylor Siluwé".

I knew Taylor was sick. He'd been diagnosed with lung cancer - fucking cigarettes - and was documenting his treatment on his blog, SGL Café. He did so with typical Taylor flare, and one of his last posts detailed his ill-advised escape from hospital, and gardening adventures with Trel, his boo. That was the Taylor I know and love, doing what he shouldn't be with a dude "half his age".

So I knew he was sick. And a friend told me lung cancer was the worst of the worst. But I just thought, hoped, told myself, he'd be alright. He had to be.

I read The Gayte-Keeper's status a couple of times, not quite taking it in, and then, with a mounting sense of panic, clicked on Taylor's Facebook page. The wall posts, real grief, virtual grief, were already mounting up. His boo Trel's page was groaning under the weight of condolences. Premier blogger Rod McCullom already had an obituary posted, as had Lambda Literary. And I broke down; I wept, and I've been crying for the last couple of hours. My friend is dead.

I've known Taylor for several years. He's supported me and my blog with a banner at the top of his. He liked what I was doing. He liked me, and I liked him. We chitchatted back and forth, and he came to be a trusted friend. More than that, a role model: more than ten years older (not that you'd know to look at him) he was the cool head and guiding hand more than a few times when I needed advice.

I once wrote a piece about David McAlmont's Diamonds Are Forever video. He was ridulously excited about this new (to him) black, openly gay artist. I promised I'd send him all his CDs, and set about acquiring McAlmont's back catalogue. That was a year or two ago. I had a couple of discs still left to find. That little pile of CDs is still gathering dust in a cupboard. I wish I'd sent them sooner.

To those of you who didn't know him, or hadn't read his blog or his books, or heard his dreams or ambitions, it's hard to desribe him. Razor sharp and one of the smartest people I've been lucky enough to meet, he was sexy (hell, have you seen those lips? They're a work of art!), and ambitious, a dreamer, and brilliant. He had a heart of gold. He was one of us. He was my friend.


a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 99 | June 2011 | FREE

Mustafa Sabbagh lenses Head Of Their Time: The White Series.
More mannequins later...

...But first, this week's good, bad and indifferent bits.

<<< Young, gay and homeless. (IPS)

>>> Muslim and gay: Allah made me this way. "He's a 27-year-old Dutch guy who believes he's basically a good person and, therefore, a good Muslim too. But he’s also openly and unashamedly homosexual. How does he fit the two together?" (Radio Netherlands Worldwide)

||| Gay Pride Now And Then: Stonewall - What 60s NYC gay life was, Part 1, Part 2. (The New Civil Rights Movement)

||| What is Gay Pride? (Baristanet)

||| The Pop-Up Museum of Queer History. "If you don't know you have a past, how can you believe you have a future?"

Marlon Riggs, who died in 1994.

||| Black gay men only 1 percent of the population, yet account for 25 percent of all new HIV cases in the US.

||| 30 Years Is Enuf: the History of the AIDS Epidemic in Black America.

||| The high financial cost of HIV/AIDS in the black community. (BV Wellness)

>>> Why Miami Sizzle is a fizzle, by Ivan Coulter.

||| Oh dear. Eddie Long and his (long-suffering) wife are having marital problems...

...But at least fellow Pastor Creflo Dollar is eagerly jumping to his "brother in the Lord's" defense.

||| Unbelievably (except, perhaps, to true believers), Long is demanding larger donations to build new churches and recruit fresh meat.

||| And more Christian spiritspite: Catholic Dioceses suspend adoptions rather than comply with civil unions.

||| Same-sex couples find rough road to immigration. "When one partner is not a U.S. citizen, some couples find a friendlier legal reception in other countries. A favorable decision on the Defense of Marriage Act would let them return." (Los Angeles Times)

||| What a repeal of the gay marriage ban means. (New York Times)

<<< NYC gay centre to stop renting space to both anti- and pro-Israel groups.

||| Being gay in high school today.

>>> Catholic school bans rainbows to censor Gay-Straight Alliance Pride; students fight back.

||| Iowa teen moves forward after family dumps him. (The Des Moines Register)

||| Gay teens more likely to engage in risky behaviors. (Reuters)

||| Message for transgender kids from one who's been there: You Matter. (NPR)

<<< Here's a scary picture (sorry if you're eating): Donald Trump and Sarah Palin eating pizza together. And Palin's using a fork! WTF?

||| Meanwhile, fellow rightwing fruitcake Ann Coulter didn't seem to know how to react when asked what she'd do if one of her children were gay...

...But managed to find an answer on another show later in the week: "Obviously I'd tell him he was adopted, ask for some help redecorating the dining room."

>>> Anti-gay group flies Gay Day "warning" over Disney World... (Towleroad)

...And hot on the heels of its Home Depot boycott fail (see last week), the American Family Association turns its malignant gaze on Old Navy, who plan to sell shirts to benefit the anti-suicide, anti-bullying It Gets Better Project.

<<< Ex-Gay proponent Dr. George Rekers confronted about suicide of "sissy boy" he "treated". (Towleroad)

||| The true story of George Rekers and "Kraig". (Box Turtle Bulletin)

>>> "Actor" and UFC fighter Rampage Jackson teaches the Japanese expressions like "I am a faggot" in new video.

||| The United States Army has launched a brand new website devoted entirely to the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. (Towleroad)

||| Personnel won't be permitted to opt out of enlistment just because they oppose the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

>>> The second issue of OutServe, the magazine for serving GBLT military personnel, is out now.

||| White House not concerned about delay in Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal.

||| White House to host Pride celebration on 29th June...

...But the President's record on GBLT issues gets mixed reviews. (NPR)

||| Obama extends protections to gay couples under Medicaid. (Washington Blade)

||| Would 62 percent of Americans really be okay with a gay President?

<<< Portuguese model Renato Seabra, who castrated gay activist Carlos Castro with a corkscrew, to use insanity defense.

||| Wanda Sykes on coming out: "I kind of shocked myself". (CNN)

||| Corrections Department u-turn allows gay officer to march in uniform in West Hollywood's Gay Pride Parade.

||| Going to Pride events? Don't get caught in a boycotted hotel!

>>> Queer Beer flies off the shelves.

||| First gay cruise on the Amazon announced.

||| CANADA: Hate crimes on the rise.

<<< This is the "Miracle on the Hudson" plane arriving at it's new home in Charlotte, North Carolina. More.


>>> Former Mr Gay UK - and serving police officer - Mark Carter denies rape in court. He's accused of sexually assaulting three men and raping a fourth on a Christmas night out in 2009.

||| LONDON: Gay men verbally abused through PA system by Trafalgar Square busker. (PinkNews)

||| LONDON: Ban homophobic clerics from mosques. "Activists call upon London mosque leaders to stop allowing their premises to be used to promote gay-hate campaigns." (The Guardian)

||| Pastor vows to fight against gay sauna in Derry.

||| "It's OK to be gay and a Scout!"

||| Christian writer to walk 160 miles to repent homophobia. (The Guardian)

||| Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups. (Telegraph)


<<< ITALY: Gay parade plans to challenge "backward" Italy. It's Lady Gaga vs. the Vatican and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi - I'm not sure which one I dislike the most. The Vatican probably comes off best.

||| CZECH REPUBLIC: Attitudes toughen towards homosexuality. CR one of just four countries to see declining acceptance of GBLT community.

||| ROMANIA: 150 people hold gay pride march in Bucharest.


||| Pandemic in Puerto Rico: 3 GBLT murders this week, 18 in 18 months. (The New Civil Rights Movement)


||| CAMEROON: Amnesty fights for Jean-Claude Roger Mbede, jailed for three years on charges of being gay...

...He "is one of many victims of entrapment by security forces". (The Guardian)

||| SOUTH AFRICA: How progressive laws collide with deeply traditional views of homosexuality as un-African and as an import from the decadent West. (Los Angeles Times)

||| South Africa's ambassador to Uganda, Jon Qwelane, will apply for rescission of a judgment in which he was found guilty of anti-gay hate speech.


<<< AUSTRALIA: The unsolved murder of Matthew Leveson.

||| AUSTRALIA: Gay man killed with platypus statue by straight flatmate.

||| AUSTRALIA: Gay bar wins right to ban women. Common sense prevails at last.

||| AUSTRALIA: School cuts gay character from Glee musical.

||| INDONESIA: Military plans to rid Central Jakarta park of transvestites. Maj. Gen. Waris, head of Jayakarta Regional Military Command, said: "Do we really want foreign tourists seeing those [transvestites] when they visit the country?"

>>> INDONESIA: Islamic school hopes to change perceptions; Transsexual hairdresser Mariyani has created a safe haven in her salon.

<<< JAPAN: Tokyo's GBLT community is finally making its voice heard in local politics. Openly gay Wataru Ishizaka, left, was elected in April.

||| JAPAN: Before and after photos show progress in earthquake cleanup.

||| HONG KONG: Gay community to take legal action against Hong Kong police. (UKGayNews)

>>> INDIA: A woman picks rags among avian companions. (PhotoBlog)


<<< Iran's queers declare, "We are everywhere" (except in Iran).

>>> Tel Aviv's Gay Pride parade draws thousands to the city. "Liberal, hedonistic and secular Israeli metropolis has ambitions to be world's most gay-friendly place." (The Guardian)

||| Tel Aviv Gay Pride parade, in pictures.

||| Tel Aviv Gay Pride parade biggest in city's history, organisers say.


||| AIDS at 30: The Real Story. "[The] June 5, 1981 paper by Dr. Michael Gottlieb of UCLA, published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, made a mistake that has haunted the AIDS epidemic for three decades." (The Huffington Post)

||| AIDS at 30: An interactive timeline of the epidemic.

>>> AIDS at 30: A Time Capsule.

||| AIDS at 30: The original 1981 Center for Disease Control report on the disease.

||| AIDS at 30: Scientists reminisce.

||| AIDS at 30: The National Museum of American History has opened an exhibition on the disease. More on this at The Washington Post.

||| AIDS at 30: San Francisco General Hospital's famous Ward 86, a profile.

||| AIDS at 30: Meet 52-year-old Tom Menard, vice president of operations for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, who has been HIV-positive for at least 30 years.

||| AIDS at 30: The Death Sentence That Defined My Life. "Although there was not yet a test for the disease, I mark the beginning of my AIDS life in 1982. It’s hard to imagine now the intensity of sexual liberation that gripped gay men then. Oppression was out. Freedom was ours, and we declared it with sex." (New York Times)

||| AIDS at 30: More than 1 million Americans now live with HIV.

||| AIDS at 30: Britain heads for 100,000 cases. "AIDS experts say prevention campaigns are not altering sexual behaviour."

||| AIDS at 30: Why no cure?

||| AIDS at 30: The war still rages. (Los Angeles Times)

||| Anti-circumcision, anti-Semitic.

||| Exposure to "gender-bending" chemical higher than thought. (Telegraph)

||| Homophobic men most aroused by gay male porn. (Psychology Today)

||| Why young people "should avoid alcohol until 24". (Telegraph)


<<< Meet the "Devil Worm", a newly discovered species evolved to withstand heat and crushing pressure (which like circuit boys) and the deepest-living animal.

>>> Hot tub bear.

||| Dlisted takes a hard and serious look at the death of Trouble, the world's richest dog. This s**t is deep.

||| Dogs can instinctively sense a friendly face. (Telegraph)

<<< Animal pictures of the week (31 pictures). Left, penguins in the Antarctic.

||| The unusual uses for animal body parts.

<<< The Sun flares up.

>>> The Big Picture: Volcano in Chile (33 pictures).


||| McDonalds to replace humans with swipe cards and touch screens. Obscene.

||| Could websites become extinct in the future?

||| YouTube gives users the option to remove its logo from their videos.

||| Decision day for MySpace.


>>> The latest phase of Manhattan's utterly delightful High Line opens, doubling the park's length. And a little extra length is always a good thing, right boys?

||| Some fantastic pictures of New York's newest park as it used to be here.

||| But the High Line isn't just a sight to see; it's also an economic dynamo.

<<< Riverside Museum in Glasgow, by Zaha Hadid Architects.


>>> Bay Area Reporter celebrates 40 years at the hub of gay culture.

<<< The best GBLT books of all time. America's "leading queer writers" tell us about their five indispensable books. City of Night by John Rechy and Dancer From the Dance by Andrew Holleran are there, and a smattering of Hollinghurst greats. I'd add any of John R. Gordon's groundbreaking work, and specifically the utterly brilliant Skin Deep.

||| Bruno Gmunder, founder of the eponymous, Berlin-based publishing and distribution giant, is to step down from the company he founded 30 years ago. (The Adams Report)

>>> An interview with Nick Burd, who has written "one of those books that many of us wish we could've read when we were teenagers - one that probes that confused, lonely, struggling teen mindset that's often pegged as self-involved, when it's really just honest and hurting and not pretty."

||| Review: Another Country: Queer Anti-Urbanism, by Scott Herring. "Herring explores queer culture's overwhelming 'metronormativity' and makes a strong argument for examining the varied dimensions of queer life's rural iterations." (Lambda Literary)

<<< "Radiation therapy is a breeze... Once you get used to strapped down to a table with a custom mask over your face to you remain completely immobile while they strategically zap your tumors. Yeah. A breeze." Our friend and author Taylor Siluwé fights on...

>>> "Gardening for sanity. Trel hard at work. Me dictating from a chair guzzling BOOST and pulling some weeds." Taylor's back at home with his boo, where he belongs.


||| Scissors, sex and sideburns. "Tales of the City, Armistead Maupin's love letter to gay San Francisco, is now a musical – with songs by Scissor Sister Jake Shears. Hadley Freeman watches it come together at rehearsals." (The Guardian)

||| Review: The Temperamentals. "How many of you have heard of the Mattachine Society? Probably very few; many in the audience at the Greenwich Theatre last week almost certainly won’t have done until they saw this production of The Temperamentals. The Mattachine Society existed long before Stonewall, trying to fight for the rights of gay men and women in the United States. The play tells the stories of the five men involved in establishing the society." (So So Gay)


<<< New and forthcoming film releases: House of Boys, The Cost of Love, Man at Bath, Uncle David ("[an] unsettling tale of an uncle and his nephew [pornstar Ashley Ryder]. Combines a heightened sense of English normality with the logic of madness), and Boys On Film 7: Bad Romance.

||| Saying Gay: Help a 17-year-old make this film - or he won't be able to. (The New Civil Rights Movement)

||| X-Men: First Class: Gay rights and the intelligence community. (ThinkProgress)

||| Ewan McGregor: Homosexuality "doesn't interfere with anybody's life". Aw, he's a good lad, ain't he?

||| McGregor is talking about his latest picture, Beginners, in which is father (Christopher Plummer) comes out after half a century in the closet.

||| OMG! OMG! OMG! Taylor Lautner in gay kiss shock!

<<< Review: Kaboom. "[Gregg Araki's] grasp of narrative is woeful – the story here proceeds as though it's literally being made up, moment by moment." (The Independent)

||| Review: Kaboom. "It's a quirky, freaky comedy, designed to be shown at cult midnight movie slots."

||| Review: Kaboom. "Right now, radical queer is for everybody." (The Irish Times)

||| Review: Kaboom. "The real suspense is about sexuality: gays having straight sex, straights going gay." (Evening Standard)

||| Review: Kaboom. "Like [a] hyper-caffeinated, hyper-sexualised version of Twilight." (Telegraph)

>>> Review: Men For Sale. "I don't think I can adequately express how angry this film makes me. Depressing and not especially enlightening, this is a shameful piece of cinema." (GaydarNation)

||| Russell Crowe calls Jewish circumcision "barbaric" and compares it to human sacrifice in bizarre Twitter row. (Telegraph)

||| Jennifer Love Hewitt worst-reviewed actress over last 25 years. (Telegraph)


<<< Rightwing tabloid the Daily Mail tries to stir up controversy over rural soap Emmerdale's "paralysed gay man's assisted suicide" plot. What's the real beef: euthanasia or homosexuality before the watershed?

>>> Original Coronation Street prop sold on eBay. Ee, those were t'days.

||| TV archivists dig up the first ever gay kiss on TV or film. 007 was the man for the job.

||| The CW axes its token gay from 90210.

||| Roseanne Barr, grand marshal of Utah Gay Pride! Love. Her.

<<< NOT GAY Shemar Moore works it on Miami beach.

>>> Angry Boys, in pictures.

||| Review: Angry Boys. "From the idiot hicks to the dog-molester, Angry Boys is excruciating – and very, very funny." (The Guardian)

<<< Review: Angry Boys. "Gran also showed off her unthinking racism. 'Two teams,' she announced in the exercise yard. 'Dark skins, light skins.' Is that racist humour? Or mocking same? It's a fine line, but Lilley steps over it as far as he can." (Telegraph)

||| Review: Doctor Who - A Good Man Goes To War. (Cathode Ray Tube)

>>> Review: Doctor Who - A Good Man Goes To War. "The angry Doctor rounds up his gang – but although we learn more about River Song, there's little in the way of a real story." (The Guardian)

||| Roy Skelton, the actor, is dead. He was 79. Skelton is best known for providing the voices for the first Daleks in Doctor Who in 1963.

<<< Yolande Palfrey, the actress, is dead. Palfrey appeared in Blake's 7 (she was "Kasabi's child") and Doctor Who. She was 54.

||| Andrew Gold, the singer-songwriter best known for The Golden Girls theme song Thank You for Being a Friend, is dead. He was 59.


||| Lupe Fiasco: Obama is a terrorist.

||| I should be appalled, but I'm pleased: Lebanon bans Lady Gaga's Born This Way, not for being musical excrement, or cynically manipulative, but for being deemed "offensive to Christianity". Whatever their reasons, the outcome deserves a cheer!

||| Patti Labelle sued by West Pointer over bodyguard attack.


>>> Roman Heart meets D.O. More pictures here.

||| Hear the Bel Ami boys speak in broken English at the Grabby Awards. Yum!

||| ka-os|theory favourite Jimmy Coxx/Clay (depending on the studio) meets Mason Star. (Fun comments at The Sword about Mr Star's tattoo, and the set furniture...)

>>> Ethan Marc, the porn star, is dead. He was 38.

||| The Adams Report has a little more on the tragic suicide of Bel Ami model Evan Cobb (reported last week).


||| Boris Kodjoe's pro-GBLT Tweets.

<<< Forrester Millard, the former AMG model, is dead. He was 81. Millard was the first model to be lensed for Bob Mizer's Athletic Model Guild in 1946.

||| Kevin L. Johnson, by Joseph Bleu; Mateusz Rogenbuk, by Anton Jhonsen; Lucas Malvacini, by Lucio Luna:

||| Rafael Ribeiro, by Anton Jhonsen; Luis Perrusquia, by Thomas Synnamon; Gerard Anton Go, by Enzo Mondejar:

||| Ryan Hughes, by Thomas Synnamon; Kevin L. Johnson in a second shoot by Joseph Bleu; Diego Miguel, by Stewart Shining:

||| Andrés Velencoso Segura, by Inez & Vinoodh; A model from the forthcoming Game Over 2012 Calendar:

||| Scott Buker, Thiago Ribeiro, and Wendell Lissimore, by Alexander Wagner:


||| Gay rugby team King's Cross Steelers win 2011 Union cup.

||| Muddy York RFC - Toronto's gay rugby club - wants you. Watch their lovely recruitment film:

...And former New York Giant Michael Strahan (with fiancée Nicole Murphy) speak out as New Yorkers for Marriage Equality.

||| It's time for a gay All-Star.

<<< The Shoulders, David Oliver, at the Diamond League in Oregon. Videos here and here. Spectacular.

>>> GayTimes flashes back to July 1991 and Justin Fashanu, football's first (and only) openly gay player.


<<< Introducing the Great Gays Out of the Closet Mug: just ad hot water!

>>> The worst ad placement of all time?

<<< The Chip Shop Awards 2011: What if advertising people could do whatever they wanted?

||| I can see your underwear!

...And welcome to Gay-Ville. Cold shower, anyone?

||| And finally, all our favourite boys from GuysWithiPhones, NYCSubwayGuys and TubeCrush, after the jump!

Issue 99: 4-10 June 2011

||| Remember what was going on this time last year? No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 67.

Cover photo: Actor Gene Anthony Ray.

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