Rail replacement bus services are in operation

a pixelated pick'n'mix

From top to bottom:

1. Unknown.

2. A doll pictured in disaster-hit Japan on 16th March.

3. A scene from British soap Coronation Street in December last year.

4. In Colombia, residents watch a demonstration over the shooting death of 17-year-old rapper Mario Alejandro Sierra, on 29th March.

5. A publicity still from Rikki Beadle-Blair's gay football comedy, KickOff; the DVD is released on Monday.

6. Gang members are unrepentent as they're sentenced to nearly 50 years in jail, in Guatemala on 30th March.

7. London's Trafalgar Square is the scene of anti-government demonstrations once again on 26th March. This picture is from a similar protest in December last year.

8. Unknown.

9. Tom Baker and Mary Tamm appear in Doctor Who in 1978.

10. Unknown.

11. This house was featured on online design bible Dezeen on 4th March. It's in Sendai, Japan.

12. An unknown BGCLive member.

13. This isn't the set of Seinfeld - it's a tiny model of the set. Lots more here.

14. A boy in Brazil, by Rodrigo West de Magalhaes.

15. Poster for 1976 comedy The Big Bus - a disaster movie "where everyone dies laughing".



Prince Todd said...

Guess who became my new wallpaper!

◄Design by Pocket
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