Patrik-Ian Polk - creator of Noah's Arc - has criticised Glee for its lack of black characters. But where was the diversity on his own show?
Let's get one thing straight before we start: I love Noah's Arc. It's one of my favourite shows, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with a drama about four friends consisting entirely of a monoculture - just as I don't have a problem with Queer As Folk or Seinfeld being about four white friends. Nor do I want to see Noah's Arc have white characters crowbarred in, before we hear cries of "can't we have anything for ourselves?"
Queer As Folk: All white in the hood! |
But here's the thing: criticise Queer As Folk for it's Caucasoid-bent all you like, but the guys were often seen to hook up with other ethnicities (even if they were background artists, they were there, and they were visible). Brian was seen hooking up with black guys, and Emmett once had a devastatingly beautiful Japanese boyfriend.
In Noah's Arc, Ricky - the token slut (Brian's equivalent) - only ever hooked up with black or Latino hotties (interchangeable types in that world - see "Blatino" sex parties). The others - Noah, Chance and Alex - are never seen to date "outside of their race".
And that's not a problem - although it leaves us with the conclusion that they're an insular, separatist bunch - because, as I've said time and again, choosing to date one race over another isn't wrong or objectionable. It's just a preference.
Bad white men attack! |
The problem arises when you, the producer of a piece lacking diversity, criticise another show for its lack of diversity. Pot, kettle, black, anyone?
Polk said, "They don't have ANY black dudes on Glee?" Why is it always a question of "no black dudes in a white show?" African-Americans who shout the loudest about black visibility never seem to care about the lack of visibility for Asians, or, say, Arabs. Don't they matter? Or is complaining about a lack of black visibility really just a way of proving how anti-white you are? James Earl Hardy, anyone?
One final point. Noah's Arc did once feature a few white characters. They were the straight gay bashers who left Noah fighting for his life.
How's that for negative reinforcement?