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BACK IN JULY, our new occasional feature, "Forum Or Against 'Em", a light-hearted look at the brain-sapping, deranged and frequently hilarious world of internet forums, made its debut. That first excursion was a journey through a thread on entitled, "I Have Sex With My Twin Brother". Today, we'll see what the great and good of really think about race. The thread is "Just Because Somebody Isn't Attracted To A Certain Race". Enjoy. Or not, after the jump... JUST BECAUSE SOMEBODY ISN'T ATTRACTED TO A CERTAIN RACE _affiliate_: THAT DOESN'T MAKE THEM RACIST. IT'S CALLED A PREFRENCE. IT GETS ON MY NERUES. ON @DAM4@DAM WHEN I TELL A WHITE GUY. IM NOT INTERESTED. THEN THEY SAY. IM RACIST. PFFT. yet_and_still: I can't help it if some races give me gas. danjerousone: I failed my summer challenge to get it wit more white boys than black summer I'mma do one from every continent swishersosweet: REMEMBER NO WHITE BOYS AFTER LABOR DAY me-and-who: YEAH YOU RITE YOU SO SEXY THATS WHY THEY ALL WANT YOU BLACK WHITE LATINO IT DOESNT MATTER csg2fly0: Depends on the reason. If a white man says he doesn't date black men because they're all ignorant, loud, and uneducated, then yea....he's racist. If a black man doesn't white men because he doesn't find them physically attractive, then probably not racist (even though I can't imagine how one can find an entire group of people, especially that big, to be unattractive). all_a_dream: That's the damn truth, but it is so many overly sensitive ass punks on here, who love to run admin and whine, he's a racist, he said he don't like me because I'm white, or s***t like that. aekid08: I knew this topic was going to have black on white undertones in it. Anyway, white guys are sexy. j_starr: i just dont get how a person can say they're not attracted to a WHOLE RACE ? certain features would be understandable, but it makes you sound prejudice when you automatically rule it out. personally i can be attracted to ANY race...there are beautiful people of every race...not just blacks, or just whites. if you dont agree, maybe you need to get off bgc and get out more. the internet is not the only place to meet people musiqprodigy07: If the sole reason that u wouldn't date that person is DUE to their race then yes you are racist. I understand that certain people have a certain preference for this and that but wen u wont give somebody a chance due to the fact that their white/latino/black/etc. Than you are being RACIST. Now wen u wont date somebody due 2 how they act then that's different but if it's due to race, then your being racist. blackboy504: Fellas, nothing is wrong with preferring your own race FIRST. I'm not racist but a black dude catches my attention first. It's only natural! bineemeanz1: IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE REASON "WHY". WHY AREN'T YOU ATTRACTED TO WHITE MEN? THAT'S THE QUESTION YOU SHOULD ASK YOURSELF. KNOW IT OR NOT, RACISM CAN OCCUR ON THE SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL (THAT IS, YOU CAN DO SOME THINGS THAT ARE RACIST AND NOT REALIZE YOU ARE DOING THEM, LIKE IF YOU EVER SIT NEXT TO A WHITE GIRL ON A BUS AND SHE PULLS HER BAG CLOSER TO HER). IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN ATTRACTED TO A WHITE DUDE, THEN YOU SHOULD BE GOOD. BUT IF THEY ALL MAKE YOU SQUIRM, WELL, MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN IT COMES. LOLZ. scorpiom78: i think most black r hypocrites when it comes to that department.....if you a black man an du not fond of white ppl its ok ppl will give u a tap on the back and say "just preference" BUT IF U A BLACK MAN and u don;t date othe rBLACK MAN its all hell " OMG U SELL OUT!!...YOU HAVE don;t like yurself....blah blah blah".....retraded goldensunshine: ITS ALSO FUNNY HOW MANY WHITE GUYS ON M@NHUNT ARE QUICK TO CALL U A "NIGG3R" IN AN ARGUMENT WHEN U TURN THEM DOWN. WHEN THAT HAPPENED TO ME I WAS LIKE," WOW I DIDNT THINK GAY MEN WERE RACIST TOO" ! LOL blackmajik09: I feel you, bruh... A lotta people on BGC got all swole up when I told 'em not only would I not f***k a white boy, but WHY, I wouldn't f***k a white boy. But it's kinda funny 'cause it shows how much homos equate sex with racial identity and self-worth.... rac⋅ism   /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rey-siz-uhm:e56d45b8dc:e09e1367ec:54e3f7ca19] Show IPA Use racism in a Sentence See web results for racism See images of racism –noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Now, for those of you who think I am a racist.... How does my choosing not to have sex with white people equate to me saying, 1) I believe that white people are inferior and that black people should rule over them. 2.) I am a policy, system of government that fosters such a doctrine, or 3.) That I hate white people or am intolerant of them? Am I discriminating? Yes. But no more than you all who prefer tall guys over short guys, or athletic guys over thick guys. Everyone's so quick to call it when race is involved, but unless you're 100% equal opportunity, you're guilty of discrimination. Preferences are part of our inherent right to choose, and our body is something that we should share with others at our discretion... What offends me is this notion of "white privilege" where some white people feel that they are entitled to black men, or that black men should be grateful to be the object of their lust. lusitano: Off course it doesn´t make you racist. It is when someone turns around and says we smell like goat cheese etc, they are stepping the line... marquis-de-sade: ...cuz u don't? chuckie_27601: More like a wet, dirty dishrag genesis_x: yall are so silly... on the real tip This is a representative sample of the comments displayed on the forum. Some drawn out debates between individuals have been omitted. Comments and pictures are already in the public domain and have been reproduced here for the purpose of review.

...out of time


Now, that's my idea of a strapline.

Generally speaking, the LGBT community has a pretty poor record when it comes to its history, it seems to me. Harvey Milk, Tom of Finland, Langston Hughes, Bayard Rustin, Albert L. Gordon... So, maybe you know the names, but how much do you really know about who they were and what they did - for Us?

Don't worry though, this isn't a history lecture, we're here to look at ALL THE SAD YOUNG MEN! At Gay On The Range, Ryan Richardson has assembled a collection of gay pulp paperback adult novels from the 1950s and 1960s that "portray a fantasy world full of clichés and misguidedness and absurdities."

It's a strange little time capsule of forgotten cultural artefacts, "a glimpse into a handful of publishers pushing the boundaries of acceptability in the quest for further fistfuls of dollars."

I wonder what these lost literary classics were like, and what happened to the men who read them?

There's plenty more where this came from at
Gay On The Range, and a few more DEPRAVED! gems after the jump...
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