Mr Coke Bottle


Pictures: New York-based model Jorge Lander, aka Mr. Coke Bottle. He says, "I pride myself on being a chameleon both creatively and as a model. A long time ago I had the idea, 'Has there ever been a male pin-up?' Then I pictured myself as a male pin-up and thus Mr. Coke Bottle was born... I am from the south where men often compare a woman's shape to a coke bottle. I'm sure you can figure out the link and in the words of Lady GaGa, 'This one is for God and the Gays!'"

Anyone thirsty yet?

He also says, "Yes, I'm anatomically male, but for all intensive purposes I am androgynous. I have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, but unlike most I choose to utilize them both. It's more fun that way... professionally speaking."

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sold.

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Forbidden Light said...

"I have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, but unlike most, I choose to utilize them both. It's more fun that way..."

WOW! I really like this guy, I love that he's androgynous without eschewing his masculinity...I love the photo with the veil, I never liked a man in lipstick before...

corve said...

Doing a good job

Prince Todd said...

Oh my goodness I think he's sexy!
I too love the way he gender bends without becoming Bscott (still love you Bscott!)...
Gawjus dahling gawjus!

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