Confessions of a Male Prostitute

F  i  l  m
A   F I L M   I S   A   P E T R I F I E D   F O U N T A I N   O F   T H O U G H T

A reporter (John Aprea, The Godfather Part II) doing a story on life on the streets pays a young hustler (newcomer Jonathan Kos-Read) to tell him how he wound up where he is.

Filmed entirely in New York City, Confessions of a Male Prostitute (1992) was written, produced, and directed by Brian Scott Mednick when he was only nineteen and a freshman at NYU film school. He has since went on to write the acclaimed biography Gene Wilder: Funny and Sad (2010), as well as the short story collection Drinking Games…and Other Stories (2011) and the novel Unnecessary Headaches.

Rex Reed said of the film: "I am a bit speechless. This is exemplary work...revealing much sensitivity and intelligence. The actors were absolutely first-rate and directed with skill, precision and naturalism… I actually could have hung in there with [these] characters for another hour or so. I am really most impressed with by the writing more than anything else – an economy of words, a wealth of style, an almost minimal thrust in dialogue but with maximum believability. [Brian Scott Mednick] has obvious talent... This short film is so good I would be very keen to see what [Mednick comes] up with in the next few years."

Confessions of a Male Prostitute, a film by Brian Scott Mednick.

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"A film is a petrified fountain of thought." Jean Cocteau, French filmmaker, 1889-1963

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