The world is stirring in very strange ways. Maybe this is the century for it. Maybe that's why it's so troubled

Q u e e n
a t  t h e

Gregory Peck heads an all star cast in Darryl F Zanuck’s Oscar winning Best Picture of 1947; Elia Kazan’s Gentlemen’s Agreement.

Based on the bestselling novel by Laura Z Hobson, it deals with the problem of antisemitism just after the World War II. Also in the cast are Dorothy McGuire, John Garfield, Anne Revere, June Havoc and Celeste Holm in the role of the sympathetic reporter that won her an Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. Brilliantly written by Moss Hart, it’s subtly acted, directed and as relevant today as the day it premiered.  Steve Hayes

Gentleman's Agreement is out now.

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