Civilised people cannot fully satisfy their sexual instinct without love

You can't have failed to notice the art
of "Lonsam" (thought to be comprised of Japanese artists Lon Sam, Tatsukichi
Kimon, Kazuhira Senju) splashed all over
cyberspace in recent years. Little seems
to be known about the collective (if, in
fact, it is a collective).

Much more (adult content warning!)
after the jump...



Title quote: "Civilised people cannot fully satisfy their sexual instinct without love."
Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, 1872-1970.


Forbidden Light said...

This strikes me a little bizarre, in the same way as Tom of Finland. Maybe its the proportions and strange positions... Beautiful.

Moanerplicity said...

Ah yes! The creative spirit is a beautiful (& sometimes mad erotic) thing!


Unknown said...

Just LOVE these photos!

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