Friends & Lovers

Whilst we wait for the news that the success of Noah's Arc: Jumping The Broom has prompted Logo to come to its senses and green-light a third season (or better still, encourages Showtime or HBO to pick it up and do it justice), look to Friends & Lovers. It's a new series from Maurice Jamal, who was responsible for Dirty Laundry and The Ski Trip: "Part comedy, part soap opera, part feature film, Friends & Lovers follows several diverse LA couples as they live large, live loose and make big mistakes." About as diverse as Queer As Folk was diverse, if the poster is anything to go by, but let's not split hair extensions. Any new gay TV is good news. And it's got Benjamin Patterson (crazy Guy from Noah's Arc) in it, which is enough to make me pre-order the DVD. Hell, he can move in, pretend to be my straight jock pal, and scheme to bump off my boyfriend any day of the week! Visit Friends & Lovers here. And just because, here's a lot more of Mister Patterson than you might have seen before...


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