Here's something you won't read on separtist/hatred-inciting/racist sites like keithboykin.com - a black man has just won
Big Brother. Twenty year-old Brian Belo was voted as winner of the reality series by a massive 60.3% of the British public (headline on keithboykin.com: "39.7% of British Public Are Racist").
Let's put this in context: the last four contestants in the house consisted of down-to-earth, earnestly nice Northern lad Liam (white), vain ex-boyband member Ziggy (white) and Aryan princesses Amanda and Sam (twins, blonde and white).
What this says about the media, modern Britain, and any old bollocks really, remains to be seen, and obviously a black male could never win the American version of
Big Brother, but it's all terribly insightful - or maybe I've just had to much chardonnay tonight?
Answers on a postcard.
You are quite correct. A Black male would never win the American version of Big Brother. Because no one will admit it, but as much as I love being an American, I will still admit to one of it's biggest flaws. America is a very behind society, especially regarding race and sexuality. So a Black winning Big Brother in Britain is not as much of a shock to me, as it would be if it happens here in the States. I'd be so in shock, I'd probably have a heart attack.
It's only a matter of time before a black person wins Big Brother here in the U.S. Perhaps it will happen this season, as a black female is currently one of the remaining 4 in the house.
Also in the american version, the public does not vote for the winner, only the houseguests voted into sequester get to vote.
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