Nigeria is a country of two halves - the 'Christian' south, and the Muslim north (forgive the pun, but God help us).
The African country, famed for its sterling human rights record (chuckle chuckle) is seeking to host the Commonwealth Games in 2014, but human rights activists are petitioning the Commonwealth Games Federation to consider Nigeria's bid. Small wonder: man who layeth with man faces execution at the hands of the Muslims, but luckily in the tolerant Christian south they just go to jail. Not to worry then.
The Commonwealth Games Federation constitution states: "there shall be no discrimination against any country or person on any grounds whatsoever including race, colour, gender, religion or politics" in Article 7. In Nigeria, law dictates that anyone who has "carnal knowledge of any person against order of nature or permits a male to have carnal knowledge of him" can be imprisoned for 14 years.
Will these apparent conflicts of interest stop the games being held in Nigeria? Or will Nigeria change its collective mind and treat gays equally? Tune in to the nest exciting episode of Common Sense vs. Religion!
Read more about this story here.
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