What does your music say about you?

Normally, I'd be loath to use my blog for something as trivial and of-interest-to-no-one as this - a survey - but the idea of this is pretty cute, and if you play it properly, the results can be surprisingly apt. Try it! If a cynical, bitter git like me can, so can you...
What does your music say about you? 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. What does next year have in store for me? Hush - LL Cool J What's my love life like? Feels Good - Next What do I say when life gets hard? Anaesthetic - Tunde What do you think of on waking up? Whatever Gets You Through The Night - Simon Webbe What song will I dance to at my wedding? Beautiful In My Eyes - Joshua Kadison What do you want as a career? Disremembrance - Danni Your favourite saying? Show A Little Love - Ultimate Kaos Favourite place? My Lover - Ultimate Kaos What do you think of your parents? Summer In Miami - Jim Jones What's your porn star name? Get No Better - Cassidy Where would you go on a first date? Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand - Primitive Radio Gods My Ex is… Still - Macy Gray Drug of choice? Within My Soul - Tony Rich Project Describe yourself… Vanishing Point - Apollo Four Forty What is the thing I like doing most? Dumb - 411 The song that best describes my boss? Mary - Scissor Sisters What is my state of mind like at the moment? Hoppipolla - Sigur Ros I would describe my crush as… Spaceman - Haddaway Tomorrow I will… Advertising Space - Robbie Williams Your last words… I Love To Love - La Bouche How will I die? Watching The World Go By - Maxi Priest


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