Omar Rudberg

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Talk, new music from Omar Rudberg.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Senseless Sexy Rage, new music from Rubby.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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KAOS on Tumblr.

Paris Is Burning

F i l m  S k o o l

Full of iconic quotes that have shaped the queer lexicon, Jennie Livingston’s seminal documentary captures the ballroom scene of 1980s New York in all its vivacious joy and heartbreaking precarity. Carved out of sequins and solidarity, its safe havens are where fantasies become gloriously real.

The Rivermen

F i l m  S k o o l

Narrated by Monroe Beehler, The Rivermen directed by Monroe Beehler under the name Marc Aaron, has been applauded for its cinematography and was an example of storyline erotic films that were released during the golden age of gay erotica.    Demystifying Gay Porn


F i l m  S k o o l

You Have Been Watching Films examines cult German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder's final film, released posthumously after his death at 37.

A film steeped in homoerotic turmoil and violent betrayals, reflective of Fassbinder's own relationship history, Querelle is a fascinating examination of masculinity and sexual identity.   You Have Been Watching Films

Bronze Avery

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Heatwave, new music from Bronze Avery.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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Jake Benjamin

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Never Be Mine, new music from Jake Benjamin.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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KAOS on Tumblr.

Mysterious Skin

F i l m  S k o o l

You Have Been Watching Films examines a popular favourite by the legendary New Queer cinema filmmaker Gregg Araki, his adaptation of Mysterious Skin.

An unflinching, yet heartfelt portrayal of trauma and its long-lasting consequences, Mysterious Skin remains a harrowing, but essential watch.   You Have Been Watching Films

Pet Shop Boys

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

A New Bohemia, new music from Pet Shop Boys.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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KAOS on Tumblr.

Moses Sumney

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Vintage, new music from Moses Sumney.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
Talk to me on Twitter.
KAOS on Tumblr.

Isak Danielson

B e a t s ,  R h y m e s  &  L i f e

Sweat, new music from Isak Danielson.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
Talk to me on Twitter.
KAOS on Tumblr.

A terrible beauty is born

M a s s  in  Motion

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