The man to open his ears widest to flatterers is he who first flatters himself and is fondest of himself

Mass in Motion



Sublime, new music from GAIKA. His album, Drift, is out 8 September.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
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KAOS on Tumblr.

On Fire


Follows a family who lives in a trailer home in the woods and are suddenly confronted by a wildfire. Survival becomes their main objective.

More film: see 'em all, at KAOS.
Talk to me on Twitter.
KAOS on Tumblr.

A man of genius makes no mistakes his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery

Mass in Motion

Keiynan Lonsdale


Enter, The Gay Street Fighter, new music from Keiynan Lonsdale.

More music: find it all, at KAOS.
Talk to me on Twitter.
KAOS on Tumblr.

The bright stars fade. A voiceless song sang from within, singing: the morn is breaking

Mass in Motion

Fair Play


An unexpected promotion at a cutthroat hedge fund pushes a young couple's relationship to the brink, threatening to unravel far more than their recent engagement.

More film: see 'em all, at KAOS.
Talk to me on Twitter.
KAOS on Tumblr.

And the time of dreaming dreams is over - as lover to lover, sweetheart, I come

Mass in Motion

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