Alec Benjamin

& Life

Shadow Of Mine, new music from Alec Benjamin.

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No power on earth, if it labours beneath the burden of fear, can possibly be strong enough to survive

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Isaac Dunbar

& Life

Bleach, new music from Isaac Dunbar.

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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intention

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Jump, Darling


A rookie drag queen reeling from a breakup escapes to the country, where he finds his grandmother (Cloris Leachman) in steep decline yet desperate to avoid the local nursing home.

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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are

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Night of the Kings


A young man (Bakary Koné) is sent to "La Maca", a prison of Ivory Coast in the middle of the forest ruled by its prisoners. With the red moon rising, he is designated by the Boss to be the new "Roman" and must tell a story to the other prisoners.

Night of the Kings
, a film by Philippe Lacôte.

Find more film, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Troye Sivan

& Life

Wait, new music from Troye Sivan.

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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation

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& Life

El sexo convexo, new music from FUTURACHICAPOP.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Liberty is rendered even more precious by the recollection of servitude

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Charing Cross


Has London's Charing Cross Tube station slipped back in time - to the '70s?

Not quite. These fantastic mock ads currently adorn the walls of the station's disused lower levels, where the Jubilee line once terminated, and which now plays host to filming (from low budget horror Creep, to Skyfall),  and TfL's own Hidden London tours.

Pictures (C) KAOS

Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate friendship

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& Life

Ritual, a film by Fx GOBY, for Saul Nash.

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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Doctor Who


Sarah Jane and Sevrin lead an escape through the top of the Thals' rocket - but they are under heavy pursuit!

Find more from Doctor Who, at KAOS.
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KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

If you would abolish covetousness, you must abolish its mother, profusion

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Shaun Ross

& Life

Unisex, new music from Shaun Ross.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Fab The Duo

& Life

Somewhere In Delaware, new music from Fab The Duo.

New LA-based alternative-pop duo Fab The Duo aim to smash societal norms through music and love. The glamorous boyfriend duo quickly became rising stars in New York City’s nightlife and indie music scene, performing to big, energetic crowds at iconic venues like The Cutting Room, The Stonewall Inn, and The Bitter End all within their first year.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Yves Tumor

& Life

Secrecy Is Incredibly Important To The Both of Them, new music from Yves Tumor.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Neither can embellishments of language be found without arrangement and expression of thoughts, nor can thoughts be made to shine without the light of language

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BFI Flare 2022


Watch the trailer for BFI Flare 2022 - London's LGBTQIA+ film festival - which takes place 16-27 March..

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Three Months


Coming-of-age film about Caleb (Troye Sivan), a South Florida teen. On the eve of his high school graduation, everything changes when he's exposed to HIV. While he waits three months for his results, he finds love in the most unlikely of places.

Find more film, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

True Romance


Mad, bad True Romance throbs with manic energy as an eclectic array of maniacs and oddballs lose their minds (and in some cases, parts of their anatomies) in La La Land.

Christian Slater are Patricia Arquette are our... er, heroes. Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman and James Gandolfini are thrillingly monstrous (Gandolfini's scenes, particularly, ooze menace and malice). Brad Pitt is a ton of fun as an unemployed pothead, and Dennis Hopper finds a unique way to needle a Sicilian (don't try this at home).

It's a big, daft heady brew of violence and crackling dialogue that will leave you gasping, "WTF?!" When it's all over, you'll be in need of a lie down in a darkened room - but you won't regret one second of this exhilarating ride.

Find more film, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

I have always been of the opinion that unpopularity earned by doing what is right is not unpopularity at all, but glory

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& Life

Forever Trade, new music from iamb0s.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

He only employs his passion who can make no use of his reason

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Ultimate Kaos

& Life
Rewound: 1994

 Rediscover Ultimate Kaos's Some Girls.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

Neco London

& Life

Dom Top, new music from Neco London.

Find more from music, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.

I prefer the most unfair peace to the most righteous war

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You're Killing Me


An intriguing mix of horror and romantic comedy, You're Killing Me demonstrates what happens when narcissistic, wannabe Internet star George meets Joe, a monotone serial killer.

George catches Joe's attention and they immediately begin dating. While all of George's friends agree that Joe seems a bit strange, George claims his new beau "isn't scary, he's gorgeous."

As George's friends start to disappear, the remaining group take matters into their own hands. The surprising ending begs the question: Can the right kind of attention make you blind to a cute killer?

Directed and co-written by Jim Hansen (creator of The Chloe Videos with Drew Droege), this gay mixture of Dexter and Gilmore Girls blends witty banter, pop culture references and good old-fashioned gore. You're Killing Me will have you laughing hysterically as you cover your eyes in fear.

Find more film, at KAOS.
Talk to me - I'm on Twitter.
KAOS is on Tumblr, too.
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