The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more

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Kit (Henry Golding) returns to Ho Chi Minh City for the first time since he was six years old when his family fled the country in the aftermath of the Vietnam-American war. There he meets Lee (David Tran), his estranged second cousin, Linh (Molly Harris), a young Vietnamese student, and arranges an online date that turns into something more with Lewis (Parker Sawyers), an American clothing designer.

Struggling to make sense of himself in a city he's no longer familiar with, he embarks on a personal journey across the country that opens up the possibility for friendship, love and happiness.

Monsoon, a film by Hong Khaou.

It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea...

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Lukas Clay



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Toronto-based singer-songwriter Lukas Clay brings earnest lyricism and coming-of-age fantasies with a textural alt-pop and well, gay, sound.

Lukas Clay's Debut EP Wasted Lies is a self-portrait of a younger self, struggling with sexual and gender identity within the LGBT community, relationships, and a rude introduction to a world outside of the safety of "home".

Wasted Lies, new music from Lukas Clay.

Find more Lukas Clay at KAOS.

Some other places were not so good but maybe we were not so good when we were in them

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David McAlmont

beats, rhymes & life
rewound: 1998

Immerse yourself in David McAlmont's jaw-droppingly gorgeous A Little Communication, from his perfect album of the same name.

Never mistake motion for action

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Bronze Avery



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Sea Salt, new music from Bronze Avery (feat. Miss Benny).

Find more Bronze Avery at KAOS.

I am so in love with you that there isn’t anything else

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Tony Njoku



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Death By Dimitri, new music from Tony Njoku.

Find more Tony Njoku at KAOS.

It is never hopeless. But sometimes I cannot hope. I try always to hope but sometimes I cannot

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The Prince



Jamie is sent to prison after the murder of his best friend, ‘The Gypsy’. Young and good looking, he catches the eye of ‘The Stud’, an older, respected man who soon stakes his claim. Under the protection of ‘The Stud’, Jamie is dubbed ‘The Prince’, sparking animosity amongst other inmates. When The Prince finds himself drawn to another prisoner, he learns that his protection comes at a price. Finding himself at the centre of prison politics, the Prince is caught in a war between love and loyalty that threatens to plunge the whole prison into chaos.

Forget Prison Break and The Green Mile - this is life behind bars like you've never experienced it before. Come and see the winner of the Venice Film Festival Queer Lion Award - a sleazy, artfully portrayed insight into a world inhabited by beautiful young boys and hardened older men in 1970s Chile.

Not the why but the what

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Isaac Dunbar



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love, or the lack thereof, new music from Isaac Dunbar.

Find more Isaac Dunbar at KAOS.

We all take a beating every day, you know, one way or another

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Didn't I, new music from Garth.

Find more Garth at KAOS.




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It's been a long two years, but it's been worth the wait. UK-based Zimbabwean artist Kwaye is back with Run.

"Run is an experience lived by many of our brothers around the world - it is the dichotomy of walking your truth as a human being, and negotiating your survival as a black man," he says. "The turbulent nature of 2020 has caused many of us to reflect on our own individual worlds - what they need, how they feel, and where they sit within the ever-changing world we all share. In this time I realised how far I’d strayed from the things that make up who I am, and began to address the battles that have long needed resolving. The first is Run: Freedom vs. Duty. From family and community to loyalty and expectations, this song captures the beauty and the complexity of that internal conflict."

Find more Kwaye at KAOS.

No Hard Feelings



Parvis, the son of exiled Iranians, copes with life in his small hometown by immersing himself in pop culture, Grindr dates, and raves. After being caught shoplifting, he is sentenced to community service at a refugee shelter where he meets siblings Banafshe and Amon, who have fled Iran. 

As a romantic attraction between Parvis and Amon grows, the fragile relationship between the three is put to a test. They find and lose each other throughout a summer of fleeting youth, and intense first love. An attempt at a joint future brings them to the stark realization that, in Germany, not all are considered equal.




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More Than Them, new music from Stevan.

Strong in all the broken places

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Patrik Jean



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Consequence, new music from Stockholm's Patrik Jean. Warning: it's a heartbreaker.

There's a great interview with the out, gay artist here.

His new EP, Consequence, is out now.

You're my religion. You're all I've got

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SMH, new music from Mavi, an electrifying and woozy throwback (in a good way) to '90s rap.

Man is not made for defeat

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Scandocious J.r.



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I Wanna Fuck Chris Brown, new music from Scandocious J.r..

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