a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 71 | July 2010 | FREE
Cover model British model Rob Evans, who's just made his debut as model at the Givenchy Spring/Summer 2011 show in Paris.

||| The Y, formerly known as the YMCA.
||| But where are all these young gay boys? Scissors Sisters' Jake Shears says, "I'm not seeing as many young people anymore – I think it's a generational thing. I don't think young people are identifying with a solely gay scene – they have all sorts of friends and don’t necessarily want to just go to a gay bar."
||| Gay in 2050: What does the future hold?
||| The Sun newspaper, and TV show The X Factor - two of Britain's sleaziest, most exploitative operations - point the finger at each other for outing a young gay asylum seeker. The paper also printed his real name, and the story was subsequently picked up by media outlets in the Middle East. Disgusting.
||| Meanwhile, Iran sentences another 18-year-old boy to death. The boy was tortured to such an extent that a glass desk shattered during his interrogation; he subsequently "confessed".
||| ONE MILLION GAY TEEN BOYS FOR SALE! Kind of. The collapse of XY Magazine and XY.com has led to concerns over the sale of the company's database of some one million profiles - most of whom belong to young gay teenagers.
||| More on this at SGL Café.
||| Taylor Siluwé has launched the follow-up to his debut novel Dancing With The Devil. Entitled Cheesy Porn, it's "his most eclectic short-story collection to date.
New tales of fantasy, fairies and obsession - from the whimsical to the shocking." Get it here.
||| "For an under-prepared and psychologically stunted individual who plays sports at a high level to come out before they are ready is like being born prematurely." John Amaechi on the pressure for closeted sports stars to come out.
||| Whosoever - the only online magazine for GBLT Christians - is now 15-years-old.
||| Jesus and the Son of Scam. "Time and again, fundamentalists buy the fantasy that the world’s worst reprobates can fundamentally change,"
Wayne Besen writes. "It never seems to occur to these credulous Christians that perhaps they are being had by the unusually bad."
||| Why does Canyon Ridge Christian Church in Las Vegas sponsor rabid anti-gay Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa?
||| And it's that support that has resulted in Southern Nevada Health District cutting ties with the church.
||| The US military's comic book... for Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
||| The Dog Tag Project.
||| Anti-gay literature distributed in D.C. Police Department's Major Crash Investigation Unit.
||| More on the return of the Queen of Hate, Anita Bryant.
||| Maybe she could guest on American talk show The View? The network responsible for the
show has refused to correct the dangerous HIV/AIDS myths spouted by hosts D.L.-I-Look-Like-A-Lesbian-Hugely (left), and Sherri Shepherd.
||| The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs issues its annual report on hate crime against the GBLT community. Reported incidents are down 7 percent since 2008, but murders are at their highest level in 10 years, with a staggering 79 percent against people of colour.
||| Heat emergency: The Big Apple is far from cool when it runs out of power.
||| New York City from above (65 more pictures), above right. Not the same without them, is it?
||| Canada's Stonewall: It's 20 years since the Sex Garage raids in Montreal.
||| Canada: A college instructor accused of sexual assault thought a sleeping student had consented to sex. The student was "spread his legs, was aroused".
||| The Supreme Court's ruling in favour of gay asylum seekers has been a field day for the right-wing press. "Now asylum if you're gay," the Daily Express screamed hysterically, with the Daily Star grumpily protesting, "No room for gays". What, not even a little one?
||| Mobolaji Adams, a Nigerian national deported last year when his asylum claim was rejected (he was told to return home and act discretely), must wait until October to find out if his High Court challenge has been successful.
||| Why the Human Rights Watch's apology to Peter Tatchell is long overdue. 
||| Remember naughty copper Haydn Evans, who we last heard about in Issue 67? The married police officer had been using the police database to check up on his "secret gay lovers". He has now resigned.
||| Is coming out a career killer? Right, the recently out gospel artist Tonex.
||| Father jailed for attacking girl who taunted his gay son. Give the man a medal.
||| The British Medical Association has officially condemned ex-gay therapy. 
||| Imams help gay Muslims embrace new social identities.
||| Punch him in the ring: It could only be a gay boxing class. 
||| Budapest: Oops - the picture I used last week for the Gay Pride was of anti-gay skinheads, not the joyous multitudes.
||| A postcard from gay Poland, by Łukasz Pałucki. "I'm going to tell you the story you certainly don't know. This is a history of a State that was a safe refuge for many
types of 'unaccepted' minorities, where homosexuality was never a crime, where several rulers were homosexual, and Catholic priests gave church weddings to same-sex couples."
||| Poland: 15,000 turn out for blazing hot EuroPride parade in Warsaw. More at BBC News. Video at France24.
||| Poland: EuroPride, in pictures. ||| Poland: EuroPride, in video.
||| Germany: Storm over 'bunch of gays' in World Cup team.
||| Spain: This is Julio Anderson Luciano and Isaac Ali Dani Pérez Triviño, a gay couple murdered in Vigo in 2006. A Spanish court has allowed their self-confessed murderer, Jacobo Piñero, to walk free.
||| The Big Picture: The Festival of San Fermin, 2010 (39 more pictures).
||| Malta: Gay Pride Parade attracts 300 in Valletta.
||| Dominican Republic: No blacks, no gays allowed in Rua's Bar, Santo Domingo.
||| Brazil moves to stop gay couples adopting children.
||| Paraguay: As Argentina legalises gay marriage, could Paraguay be next?
||| Argentina: A gay-friendly nation. Left, the extremely popular Argentinian Daniel Marvin.
||| Argentina: "I am completely in favor of the marriages," Argentinean NBA star Emmanuel Ginóbili says, "I think we all have the same rights."
||| Mexico City is offering a free honeymoon for first Argentine gay newly-weds.
||| Blabbeando has extensive and comprehensive coverage of the vote, including facts you didn't know about tonight's historic marriage equality vote in Argentina.
||| Blabbeando also reminds us of the "groundbreaking scene that ran on [popular Argentinian soap Botineras] on April 9th, 2010. It was the first time the two [football players] slept together. I find it beautifully handled and erotic, even if a bit NSFW. It does make you wonder, though, how those hair curls stay in place..." Just gorgeous:
||| 250 million people worldwide live in jurisdictions "which provide for marriage equity":
||| Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe reminds us that polygamy is okay, and homosexuality is "similar to dog behavior". The bible says so, you see.
||| Dubai: 22-year-old gay student sentenced to three years, pleads to be kept from general prison population.
||| Iraqi police crackdown on gay men continues with raid at Baghdad male beauty parlour.
||| Asia weather: Typhoon Conson in the Philippines, floods and landslides in China and Japan (25 more pictures).
||| Was class the real dividing line between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown?
||| Just ate? Then skip to the next story. Thames Water staff have started removing an estimated 1000 tones of solid fat from central London's sewers. 
||| A far cry from Japan's, which are paved with gold. Where there's muck, there's brass, I guess...
||| What lies beneath: World Trade Center site gives up one last surprise...
||| World Trade Center discovery, in pictures.
||| New Indian rupee currency symbol a tribute to British Rail.
||| Centre of gravity theory explains black sprinters and white swimmers, boffins think.
||| The Terrence Higgins Trust - the sexual health charity - is warning an aggressive form of chlamydia is taking hold in the GBLT community. Symptoms include
"bleeding and discharge from the rectum, inflammation, and painful anal abscesses or ulcers".
||| In love with someone other than you significant other? You're not alone.
||| Vaseline launches skin-lightening application for Facebook. 
||| Animal pictures of the week (28 more pictures).
||| Banker saves ducklings as they jump off building!
||| Don't feed the elephants.
||| Gorillas play tag.
||| What's killing red squirrels? People, of course.
||| Boffins have discovered "bizarre prehistoric sea life hundreds of kilometres below the Great Barrier Reef". 

||| By 2050, one in three American kids will Be Latino: 40 things you need to know about the next 40 years.
||| India will overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2026.
||| Cork or screwcap? Forces for and against are squaring up on both sides.
||| Never mind - Mother Nature, or God, or something, goes back to the drawing board every once in a while, with mass extinctions every 27 millions years.
||| Last month was the hottest yet recorded on Earth.
||| WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! Record collapse of Earth's upper atmosphere puzzles scientists. "Something is going on that we do not understand," the boffins say.
||| Above and below: Epic aerial shots of Earth's most remote areas from a paraglider (26 more pictures).
||| Why Facebook really is so gay.
||| Ghosts in the machine: What happens to our profiles after we die?
||| Google is to phase out YouTube accounts, requiring everyone to have a Google account in order to sign into the site.
||| Supermarket chain Asda spends £3millon developing a new type of toilet paper that doesn't tear when it's first used. "Our product managers have actively developed a new technology that alleviates this stress for loo users, and ultimately reduces waste." Loo users? As opposed to those of us who aren't loo users? Interesting...
||| British R&B quintet Damage are to reunite after nearly ten years. The group split in 2001. Fingers crossed that their predecessors, MN8 and Ultimate Kaos, are next. 
||| Download Kele Okereke's Tenderoni (Larry Tee & Beckwith Remix) for free. And then gobuy the album
||| Ne-Yo - remember him? - is getting a bit cross about all those gay rumours flying about. You know, the one's he has to keep addressing. 
||| John Barrowman is to host West End Bares: Strip Britannia - based on the Broadway Bares events in New York - this September.
||| Which 90210 boy babe (right) is going to come out in the forthcoming season 3?
||| EastEnders' killer preacher is finally starting to grate on the Christians. What took them so long?
||| Even the great and good can have mid-life crises. Stephen Fry has reportedly left his boyfriend of 14 years for a (much) younger model.
||| Brazilian beauties kiss live on dance show.
||| Queer Frame, a label dedicated to art house gay films, launches in Italy.
||| Gay Iraq war romance, anyone? It's happening, and it's from the people who gave us The Matrix. Make of that what you will...
||| The Kids Are Alright: Yes, those are the vintage films of COLT Studios.
||| Whoopi Goldberg: "Mel Gibson is not a racist." So which part of "pack of n*****s" didn't you understand, Whoopi?
||| All the terrible things Mel Gibson has said on the record. If you can stomach it. 
||| Gibson is on that well-trodden Hollywood path to madness.
||| Channing Tatum (right): Wow - where did it all go wrong?
||| "I liked the tent scene because
I have to grab Taylor's chest and his nipples get hard really easily." Robert Pattinson talks about playing with Taylor Lautner's nipples in Twilight. Hate. Him.
||| Jones or Jolie: Who's going to play Elizabeth Taylor?
||| The house where Marilyn Monroe passed away is up for sale. If you don't know much about the actress (apart from the headlines), as I didn't until recently, check her out in Niagara.
||| A Charlie Chaplin film - not seen for nearly a century - has been found. A Thief Catcher is one of the silent era star's earliest film roles.
||| Disney sells Miramax Films for $650M.
||| Back To The Future is to have a theatrical re-release in UK cinemas this year.
||| CocoDorm vs City of Miami. Judges find in favour of City.
||| Cybersocket's Top 40 porn stars: Black performers need not apply. Unbelievable - except it isn't.
||| Thugoverload gets an overhaul.
||| Gay porn star Peter Le joins the cast of Tyrese-produced reality show K Town.
||| Why won't Amazon sell gay porn documentary Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars, But Were Afraid to Ask!
||| Bookshelf porn, anyone? 
||| Scrigno (left), by Brazilian brothers Fernando and Humberto Campana, for Italian brand Edra.
||| Etch A Sketch, the children's toy, is 50-years-old this week.
||| Old Spice: Just who is Isaiah Mustafa?
||| Old Spice: Nice ads, shame about the smell.
||| Speaking of old things: The world's oldest champagne is found on the Baltic seabed. It's a mere 230 years old.
||| British-based supermarket chain Tesco launches a lasagne sandwich. Yes, the picture made me feel sick too.
||| CLIENT magazine, all about "male models, lads and menswear", launches in glorious, er, black and white at the end of this month.
||| Gavin Henderson. Naked. Say no more.
||| And finally this week, in a subway far, far away...
||| ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 19.07.09
||| Access any back issue of the ka-os|theory news compendium from the backissues menu in the sidebar.
||| Contact me with tips and suggestions for next week's copy!

Issue 71 covers 12 July - 18 July 2010
ka-os|theory is not responsible
for the content of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
*Magazine cover added retrospectively on 9th February 2011.
**Cover changed on 0th October 2018