Cops, God, tragedy and Dallas

||| How can gay Asian men conquer internalised inferiority?


||| Judge: Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy unconstitutional.

||| An analysis of the ruling by Ari Ezra Waldman.

||| Marriage equality is not the last hurdle to equal rights for the GBLT community. Employees cannot be judged on "irrelevant personal characteristics such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability", but no protection is afforded to GBLT workers. (Surely getting that right should have been given priority over marriage rights?)

||| Microsoft decides Fort Gay is a real place after all.

||| Arnold Schwarzenegger's got jokes. Palin's the gift that keeps on giving...

||| President Barack Obama won't continue to support the tax cuts for wealthy Americans introduced by his predecessor.

||| Gay Saudi diplomat seeks asylum.

||| And the latest in bad World Trade Center ads...

||| Just following orders? Seymour Pine - who led raid on Stonewall Inn over forty years ago - is dead. He was 91.

||| Jewish religious attitudes toward homosexuality are slowly shifting.


||| Former Mr Gay UK (and serving police officer) Mark Carter denies rape charges.

||| Comptons, one of London's best known gay bars, has been bought by chain operator Faucet Inns.

||| Societies without God are more benevolent.

||| Catholics, it's you this Pope has abused, Johann Hari writes at The Guardian. "It is my conviction that if you review evidence of the suffering he has inflicted on your fellow Catholics, you will stand in solidarity with them - and join the protesters."

||| Hold the front page! The Catholic Church is homophobic and misogynist, a reform group claims.

||| Black Pride and prejudice. Kevin Maxwell (left) writes about the racism he experiences in the GBLT community.

||| Ricky Preddie - one of two boys jailed for killing 10-year-old Damilola Taylor in 2000 - has been released from prison. He served just four years for his part in Damilola's murder.


||| The European Commission must force all EU member states to fully recognise same-sex partnerships, say Euro MPs.

||| Why the EU should tackle Serbian homophobia.

||| Does Ikea's new ad represent bisexual inclusion? Or slutty stereotypes?


||| MEXICO: 400 same-sex couples have now married in Mexico City. It's been six months since a law permitting gay marriage went into effect.

||| Spanish-language network Univision asks readers, "Is soccer compatible with homosexuality?"


||| Exporting Homophobia: American far-right conservative churches establish influence on anti-gay policy in Africa. Gay Ugandans face daily fear for their lives, Jody May-Chang writes.

||| SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg threatened by rising tide of toxic acid mine water.

||| SOUTH AFRICA: It was the kiss that last month caused uproar in bigoted South Africa. Bjorn Czepan and Mark Dean Brown were pictured at the annual Soen in die Laan (Kiss in the Avenue) locking lips. The shot was used on the cover of student newspaper Die Matie, triggering a tsunami of hate. Now, Czepan is dead and Brown is critical after a tragic car crash.


||| Chen Xiaomei - a lawyer in the Chinese city of Xian - is suing a cinema for wasting her time by showing 20 minutes of adverts before the film Aftershock.

||| Being gay in Malaysia.

||| Australian swimmer tweets, "Suck on that faggots." Which I guess makes her a twat.


||| FRANCE: HIV spread "out of control" among gay men. Infection rates are 200 times higher than in the heterosexual population.

||| The spread of the disease in Europe (including the UK) is largely down to young, white, gay men.

||| More things you can die from, no.1: Boffins prove the link between poor oral hyiene and heart attacks.

||| More things you can die from, no.2: Sleeping pills.

||| More things you can die from, no.3: Stress. It increases the chances of dying from heart-related problems by five-fold, boffins claim.

||| And don't rub your hands together after you wash them. That'll finish you off too.

||| Meet Khagendra Thapa Magar (pictured with body builder Tiny Iron), who will become the world's shortest man when he turns 18 next month. Londoner Iron, meanwhile, has the biggest biceps in the UK.


||| Know your Sémillon from Pinot Noir? No? You're not alone. Moreover, many wine drinkers don't know how to pronounce the name of their favourite alcoholic grape juice.

||| Shot of pissky, anyone?

||| Guess this is what they call a cereal misdemeanour.

||| The top 10 worst foods to eat.


||| Animal pictures of the week (24 more pictures). Left, starlings harass a prairie dogat St. Louis Zoo. Right, a young black bear falls from a tree into a net in Montana.


||| The bee decline is already having a dramatic effect on the pollination of plants.

||| Intergalactic pearl necklace.


||| Google Instant launches...

||| ...And decides that "lesbian" is a pornographic reference.

||| - a "cloud storage service" - threatens to make pirating films as prevalent as music piracy. And that's bad news for the movie business, and everyone involved in it.


||| Are The Advocate, Southern Voice, stealing stories?

||| Wanted: hypersexualised teens.

||| Review: By Nightfall, by Michael Cunningham.

||| Review: Tomorrow May Be Too Late, by Thomas Marino.

||| Review: The Silver Hearted, by David McConnell.

||| Review: Secret Historian, by Justin Spring. It's a biography of Samuel Steward, who was "an influential teacher and tattoo artist, a talented writer, and a dedicated homosexual when such sexuality was deeply taboo. He was a masochist intoxicated by authority (especially in sailor's clothes), a transgressive artist and writer, a source of inside knowledge for the sex oracle Alfred Kinsey, and a comfort and inspiration for George Platt Lynes, a fashion photographer of the 1930s and '40s also known for his images of male nudes."

||| Remembering John Stahle, a "writer, photographer, graphic designer and the editor of Ganymede, a journal based in New York City devoted to gay men's art, literature and culture".


||| Beginners: A coming out story with a difference.

||| Indian film director Sanjay Sharma talks about Dunno Y Na Jaane Kyon, which opens the South Asian Queer Film Festival.


||| The birth of Coronation Street: Scriptwriter Daran Little talks about the BBC Four drama that looks at the creation of the 50-year-old soap.

||| Here's something we don't need to see, but which I'm going to show you anyway: Matt Smith, half-baked lead in the half-baked abortion that is Doctor Who, on the cover of this month's Gay Times, writhing with Douglas Booth for BBC drama Christopher and his Kind.

||| US cable network TNT is developing a new series of Dallas, based upon the sons of Ewing brothers J.R. and Bobby.

||| CNN suddenly decides it's not so cool to ask if gay characters on TV are "bad for society".


||| Lady Gaga isn't loved or loathed here at ka-os|theory. She's just not interesting enough. She doesn't grate on my nerves, but the hype that surrounds her does. Now Camille Paglia, "America's foremost cultural critic", has zeroed in on everything I dislike about the cult of Gaga.

||| Gaga is a "nonconformist, a misunderstood artist" - with a huge corporate machine pulling her strings. Paglia says Gaga's voice is banal, her public appearances "lavishly scripted", and condemns the singer as so false she fails to have an identity or sexuality. "Gaga isn't sexy at all – she's like a gangly marionette or plasticised android," Paglia writes. "How could a figure so calculated and artificial, so clinical and strangely antiseptic, so stripped of genuine eroticism have become the icon of her generation?"

||| I'm with Paglia on this one, but in the interest of balance (not that that's on the agenda), Alex Needham at The Guardian writes, "Camille Paglia's attack on Lady Gaga is way off the mark. The professor who once heralded the future of feminism now seems marooned in the past."

||| Still, I'd like to let Gaga loose on 50 Cent. Maybe she could stuff her (by now) rotting meat dress down his toxic throat.

||| So, Darryl Stephens sings too? Listen to Envious Moon here.

||| The JLS condom range is finally here. Yes, finally!


||| Matthew Rush presents: So You Think You Can Fuck.

||| Everything you ever wanted to know about Race Cooper - but were afraid to ask!

||| Diesel Washington fires his agent - war of words ensues.


||| David Agbodji gets lensed by Boo George for LOVE magazine...

||| ...Whilst Santiago Peralta and Dominique Hollington do I-D. They were shot by Karim Sadli.

||| This week's cover shot is one of Robert Mapplethorpe's iconic shots of Ken Moody. Find more of his work at the excellent blog Black Muscle: 1940-1980.


||| Plastic boy slut puts a shirt on to launch some watches. But there's much more of Cristiano to come...

||| Swoonworthy's Fantasy Football Team 2010...

||| ...And Gavin Henson naked - which is always a good thing. There might even be a reason for it!


||| Buzz Lightyear: The Carrot!

||| And finally, the moment we've all been waiting for. Yes, it's the full length (hehe) Cristiano Ronaldo Emporio Armani ad. Don't ya wish you were that maid...?

||| Read last week's copy.

||| Remember what was going on this time last year? No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 26.

||| Help me make next week's copy even better. Contact me with tips and suggestions. If you're a model or photographer, contact me about being on the cover.

Issue 76 covers 6-12 September 2010

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"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."


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