Tired old queen at the movies

Suddenly, Last  Summer

lizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn and Montgomery Clift take a walk on the wild side in Joseph L. Mankiewicz's Suddenly, Last Summer.

Taken from a Tennessee Williams' one-act play and adapted for the screen by Gore Vidal, but with Williams taking credit for the screenplay, this film was so controversial Cardinal Spellman himself publicly banned it. This, of course, brought the audiences out in droves and made it one of the highest grossing pictures of the year. The plot deals with homosexuality, murder, madness, lobotomies, greed and revenge with casual references to, incest, nymphomania, suicide and various Oedipal complexes. In short, it's classic Williams done to perfection by a star-studded cast at the top of their game. Provocative, disturbing and fascinating, Suddenly, Last Summer is ultimately unforgettable.

Steve Hayes

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Here at ka-os|theory, Steve Hayes is regarded as a legend. He's opened up a whole world of cinematic pleasure, and fired up my appreciation of film. His enthusiasm is infectious, electrifying, and unfailingly on point. The films he recommends are always worth seeing, and several have become firm favourites. If you have even a passing interest in movies, watch a couple of reviews. They're fun, funny, and you'll be intrigued. As he says, "Trust the tired old movie queen, this is terrific!"

(Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes. I'd recommend that readers check out his YouTube channel and explore his reviews. Discover the joy of vintage cinema - I did!)

1 comment:

  1. I want to believe that since homosexuality was such a forbidden subject back in the day, Williams took some personal liberties to make it seem all the more mysterious, depraved, hellish & ill-intentioned. Maybe that was his way of getting his jollies. That horror scene Liz describes is basically a cannibalistic fantasy & supposedly these were all young boys were having at a 'fag' because they were all so turned on by La Liz's presence.

    Definitely different. I quess he was trying to erect her as Dee Fag Hag Supreme!

    Good movie, if a waaaaay heavy-handed on the homo melodrama.



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