

& life

"I wrote this song about internalised shame I developed throughout my childhood and teens based on racial stereotypes that were imposed upon me. Shame resulting in suppressed anger and pain. Listening to it back in the midst of our recent political climate, it gave me strength.

Most of us experienced shame. Already in our childhood we were confronted with hurtful negations of our being human.
As subtle as it sometimes appears, every comment by a non-black peer that reads us as „other“, hurt. These comments scar our self-belief and self-image and self-love. 

Stereotypes against Black people and people of Color, our heritage, language, appearance, hygiene, intellect, sexuality, (the list will never end) undermine every step of our way to self acceptance. 

Shame is a poisonous water, it spreads. Wounded people, traumatised people are most likely to replicate their perpetrators' behaviour, if we don’t find space to heal.
I'm tired of having to fit, of having to explain.
I just wanna be. Period.

With this song I invite you to be just who you are, wear and carry whatever makes you feel proud being a queer Black person, person of Color. And be."

Shame, new music from LIE NING.

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