Who Can Predict What Will Move You


F I L M  S K O O L
A   F I L M   I S   A   P E T R I F I E D   F O U N T A I N   O F   T H O U G H T

“Nervous?” – “A little.” 

Two young men shooting hoops somewhere in Brooklyn. In the gradually gathering dusk, their shadows dance, entwined, to the cadence of basketball meeting pavement. Farewell is in the air. Emotions emerge to the surface. Tentatively, gently, director Livia Huang’s densely atmospheric film tells of desire and intimacy through gazes and gestures. What is memory, what is perhaps merely a dream? Or is everything dance in the end?  Teddy Award

Who Can Predict What Will Move You, a film by Livia Huang.

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"A film is a petrified fountain of thought." Jean Cocteau, French filmmaker, 1889-1963


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