Cub Sport



W  H  E  R  E     W  O  R  D  S     F  A  I  L    ,     M  U  S  I  C     S  P  E  A  K  S

"I wrote Limousine at a time when I was starting to open up about a bunch of things I'd never really said out loud before, a lot of which involved my sexuality — something I'd learned to feel ashamed of when I was growing up," Cub Sport's Tim Nelson says. "This song was inspired by that feeling of being completely exposed while I'm still figuring myself out and working through things. It's an ode to deepening developments in love, sex and spirituality and the way I feel like they're all intertwined. The closing section of this song feels like some sort of other-worldly rebirthing or shedding of a former-self and right from the first demo of this song, I envisioned a video that captures the heightened energy and other-worldly vibe that this song holds for me."

Limousine: new music from Cub Sport. Get it.

The album Cub Sport is out now.

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"Where words fail, music speaks."
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author, 1805-1875.

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