To dwell on the things that depress or anger us does not help in overcoming them. One must knock them down alone

C  L  A  S  S  I  C
I    T    '    S        A        M    A    N    '    S        W    O    R    L    D        A    N    D        Y    O    U        M    E    N        C    A    N        H    A    V    E        I    T

Model: Lethal Weapon
Photographer: Unknown

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The copyright of all images remains with their respectful owners.
If you own rights to any of the featured images, and object to their appearance here, please get in touch.

About the quotation in the title:
"Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either"
Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist, 1879 – 1955.

K A O S  ©  2 0 1 8

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite models as a baby gay - whatever happened to Lethal Weapon, I wonder? Who was he, and who did he become?


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