Issue 266: Edie Windsor, Basquiat, Jay Jay Revlon, Corbin Colby, David McIntosh, Grenfell, Insecure, Will & Grace, and more...

the week's
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Why voguing is all about LGBT resistance.

One month after Charlottesville, we must be allies every day. "If 2017 has proved anything, it's that racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia have not gone away and that white privilege is real."

On the myth of “unintentional” or “implicit” racism.

What’s the right way to deal with a racist?

So you’ve decided to make friends with a black person: a beginner’s guide.

Why men fight – and what it says about masculinity.

The sorrow and the shame of the accidental killer. "How do you live after unintentionally causing a death?"

...But is the pursuit of pleasure a modern-day addiction?


Activist, performer, and DJ Anthony Torres (aka "Bubbles") murdered in San Francisco.

Sheriff’s deputy in West Virginia tells students "faggots will burn in hell" as gay teen boards bus he is driving.

On gay equality, conservatives — and the Trump administration — are in full retreat.

California assembly votes to repeal HIV crime laws.

Miss Texas destroys Trump in just fourteen seconds.

An ESPN commentator criticized Trump. The White House wants her fired. "Jemele Hill tweeted that Trump is a white supremacist, which press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says is 'a fireable offense'."

"Gaydar" AI researchers accuse HRC, GLAAD of "smear campaign." "LGBT groups criticized a Stanford University study of an algorithm designed to identify gay and straight people as 'junk science.'"

These are the trans people killed in 2017. 26-year-old trans woman Derricka Banner, who was found shot to death in a car in Charlotte, N.C., is this year's twentieth transgender victim.

Edie Windsor, the mother of marriage equality, is dead. She was 88.

The world mourns LGBT icon Edie Windsor. "Edith Windsor, whose fight for same-sex marriage led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling, leaves behind a legacy of love."

Eleven jubilant photos of Edie Windsor changing the course of marriage equality forever.

The perfect wife. "How Edith Windsor fell in love, got married, and won a landmark case for gay marriage." (September 2013)

Barack Obama releases statement on the death of "quiet hero" Edie Windsor.

Trump on Edie Windsor: Who? "It's ludicrous to even consider that Trump cares or knows about the mother of the marriage movement."

Four questions answered on the LGBT Health Care Bill of Rights.

Trans Chechen refugee to Americans: don't forget about us.

Vile “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli sent to jail after inciting his followers to assault Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s DACA deal is still nowhere close to being done.

I'm a Dreamer, not a delinquent. "How DACA allowed me to live a comfortable life without fear of deportation."

Trump's choice to head NASA - Jim Bridenstine, a Republican congressman from Oklahoma - is from Planet Homophobia.

Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore "doesn’t know" if gay people should be executed.

Trump nominates homophobic religious right activists as Texas federal judges.

Bette Midler slams Trump and Betsy DeVos at the same time. She wrote on Twitter: “Betsy DeVos wants to roll back protections for sexual assault victims on campus, just in case her boss ever wants to visit a campus.”

Steve Bannon couldn't hide his anger from the TV cameras...

...And he thinks Trump’s firing of James Comey was the biggest mistake in modern political history.

Trump comes for Hillary on Twitter — and she claps back with class.

Clinton won't be silenced no matter how many male opinion writers demand it...

...But America’s vitriol towards Clinton reveals a nation mired in misogyny.

Ted Cruz hates sex toys but his Twitter likes porn.

Seattle mayor Ed Murray resigns in wake of fifth child sexual abuse allegation.
Oakland Pride, in pictures.

Denver's newest gay bar aims to save the Gayborhood.

Key West's gay-owned Island House resort — one of the most famous men's resorts in Florida — was damaged by Hurricane Irma, but is "fixable."

Deranged former child star Kirk Cameron claims hurricanes are sent by God for "humility, awe and repentance."

Loopy Benham brothers claim God used hurricanes to tell us to repent for LGBT equality...

...Meanwhile, Houston drag queen Regina Thorne-DuBois has raised thousands for hurricane survivors.

Key West gay bar 801 Bourbon Bar opened its doors to help the community after Hurricane Irma. Owner Jim Gilleran opened the venue as a hub to distribute donated food items.

Vile far right troll Milo Yiannopoulos lied about his home being destroyed by Hurricane Irma.

Homophobic troll sues for the right to marry his laptop because he wants "the same rights" as gays.

Joshua Thomas wasn't even out to his parents yet, but he had to tell them he was HIV-positive. He survived and tells others how they can too.

Secular temple devoted to Oscar Wilde opened in the basement of a New York church; proceeds from private events and donations to the Temple go to support for LGBT youth at risk of homelessness.

Could Father Mychal Judge be the first gay saint? "Inside the fractious campaign to canonize the 9/11 icon."

When 9/11 hero Mark Bingham was The Advocate's Person of the Year. "Revisit the 2002 issue that honored Mark Bingham, a gay passenger on United Airlines Flight 93, who helped plan to retake the plane from terrorists."

The falling man. "Do you remember this photograph? In the United States, people have taken pains to banish it from the record of September 11, 2001. The story behind it, though, and the search for the man pictured in it, are our most intimate connection to the horror of that day." (September 2003)

Americans' sustained fear from 9/11 has turned into something more dangerous.

Fearful Californians prepare for nuclear attack.

The Americans waiting to welcome refugees who may never come.

Why the resignation of Vitit Muntarbhorn, the UN’s first independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, has the potential to spell trouble for LGBT equality.

"The way to survive it was to make A’s." "They were the first black boys to integrate the South’s elite prep schools. They drove themselves to excel in an unfamiliar environment. But at what cost?"

Ontario activists brand HIV criminalisation laws the epitome of shameful.

Federal government to announce advisory council for apology to LGBT Canadians.


Song labelling gay couple "fairy" and "fag" is not homophobic, court rules after gay couple are tortured by homophobic neighbours.

Beaten up for being gay. "Fifty years ago, gay sex between men in private was decriminalised in England and Wales. Despite this, hate crimes against gay people have persisted, and the number of attacks recorded by police has been rising. There were 7,194 in England and Wales in the year to April 2016. Campaigners say this isn't the full picture, though, as many victims still don't report assaults. Six people affected by hate crimes share their stories."

Police hunting these men after gay couple have teeth knocked out in brutal homophobic attack in London.

Phil Poole and his boyfriend Zbynek Zatloukal were brutally attacked on Valentine’s Day this year. Now, their teenage attackers are in jail.

Leicestershire police officers sacked after hateful messages about LGBT people uncovered.

Former boyband star Phil Creswick - one third of 1980s group Big Fun - accused of supplying chemsex drugs.

Teenagers who stabbed wine salesman to death found guilty of murder. "Akol Garang and George Rodriguez Galean, both 18, lured Omar Raza to residential street, then robbed and stabbed him in broad daylight."

Theresa May's shaky government won’t speak out for marriage equality in Australia, despite previously vowing to champion LGBT rights around the world.

"Four Lions factor": how terrorist incompetence is saving lives. "Not for the first time it seems that a terror attack - this time in Parsons Green - could have been much worse but for a malfunctioning device."

The young paedophiles who say they don’t abuse children. "Some paedophiles say they would never abuse children. But what support is there for people like this and how should society treat them to prevent abuse happening?"

Andrew Gosden: the boy who disappeared. "On 14 September 2007, 14-year-old Andrew Gosden walked out of the family home in Doncaster, boarded a train to London with a one-way ticket and then simply vanished."

Hadrian’s Wall was built by a gay man. Historian E-J Scott: “The Wall was built with the might of 15,000 Roman soldiers, but it’s know widely acknowledged that Hadrian was enamoured with one soldier in particular. His name was Antinous, and to put it in modern terms, Hadrian was very much ‘out’ about it."

The real reason Tories are so furious with Labour's Laura Pidcock. "It's not just because she doesn't want to be friends with them."

This take-down of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s views on marriage equality is amazing.

Tory MP Philip Davies, who opposes LGBT equality, re-elected to equalities committee.

Tory councillor Luke Stubbs calls for public burning of John Lewis cards over gender-neutral policy.

Bigoted parents threaten lawsuit against school over trans student.

Christian school brands gender-neutral toilets a "massive improvement."

95% of young people not taught about LGBT relationships.

Are we seeing the end of the "traditional family"?

Steve Bell on opening of Grenfell Tower inquiry.

All the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire named so far.

Look at Grenfell and recall when social housing was beloved. "Britain’s best modernist estates remind us of the flair ordinary people were once thought to deserve."

The most wretched streets in central London, ranked by sheer awfulness.

A refugee's tale: they gave me asylum - and then made me homeless. "Nasir, a 28-year-old from Eritirea, explains how failings in Britain’s support for people granted asylum left him homeless."

Faroe Islands Couple accidentally become first to marry in the small autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark.


Man called homosexuality "evil" on his CV, then sued for for discrimination.

Authorities foil terrorist plot to attack gay nightclubs in Paris.

LGBT Syrian refugees ordered to leave Zara store after homophobes attacked them.

Victims of Chechnya’s gay purge open up about their horrific abuse.

Activist charged with "gay propaganda" for posting on Facebook.

How party tourists are destroying Europe's towns and cities.

Forget the Parthenon: how austerity is laying waste to Athens' modern heritage. "A full 80% of 19th and early 20th-century buildings in the Greek capital have already been destroyed, and time is running out for what’s left."

Gay pride march set to be a celebration of newly enacted Marriage Equality Act.

MP forced to resign after attending nephew’s gay wedding.

First West Africa LGBT-inclusive religious gathering takes place.

On Fred Odinga, the Kenyan claiming to be a LGBT equality activist, who has defrauded several organisations by falsely claiming to be a victim of persecution.

Queer art exhibition cancelled after campaign by rightwing protesters.

Downward spiral: how Venezuela’s symbol of progress became political prisoners’ hell. "The dizzying spiral structure in central Caracas was conceived in the 1950s as a monument to a nation’s confidence – but now its crumbling shell houses a notorious political prison. Is El Helicoide a metaphor for modern Venezuela?"

How an icon of Venezuelan architecture became a prison.

El Salvador
The girl gangs of El Salvador. "Joining a gang seemed like the best way to evade violence for women in El Salvador, but in many cases it only put them more squarely in danger."

Myanmar’s Nobel Peace laureate is hiding from the world as her country moves closer to genocide. "Aung San Suu Kyi will skip the UNGA next week in New York as humanitarian groups report the number of Rohingya fleeing Myanmar has reached 370,000."

While the world's attention is elsewhere, Bangladesh faces a humanitarian crisis. "Monsoon floods have affected millions in south Asia. But the world is still ignoring disasters that are happening more often and becoming more severe."

Hotel warns guests about "ladyboys."

Hong Kong
Lifetime ban on gay men giving blood lifted – but there’s a catch.

Where tourists gawk at impoverished North Koreans. "Thousands of tourists flock to a stretch of the country’s 880-mile border with North Korea each month to point binoculars at their poor neighbours."

North Korea
How NBA star Dennis Rodman came to stand between the world and nuclear war. "It says a lot about the world that the only man on good terms with both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un is a former basketball player."

North Korean missile alerts becoming a fact of life.

HIV victims could be jailed (or face a hefty fine) if they don't take "reasonable measures" to prevent the spread of the disease.

Human Rights Watch slams the marriage vote as cruel and homophobic.

Godson of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd beaten after standing up for marriage equality.

Church cancels wedding after bride supports gay marriage on Facebook.

Thousands rally in support of marriage equality as the polls narrow. In pictures.

Marriage equality rally sweeps Sydney, in pictures.

14-year-old boy with two mums asks Australians to vote for marriage equality.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has urged voters to vote "yes" in favour of marriage equality...

...But his deputy Barnaby Joyce (really) thinks marriage equality could harm cattle trade.

Marriage equality mural in Melbourne defaced with "hetero pride."

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott marries himself.

Former Prime Minister John Howard says marriage equality is a conflict of children’s rights.

And former Resources Minister Matthew Canavan thinks LGBT people who are struggling with the marriage equality debate should "grow a spine."

Ted Cruz's pollster is flooding Australians with homophobic robocalls warning about "radical gay sex education."

Insane troll Margaret Court claims Christmas will be cancelled if gays are allowed to marry.

Meanwhile, fellow bigoted harridan (and far-right leader) Pauline Hanson says marriage equality activists want to destroy mums and dads.

And against the backdrop of all of the stories from Australia this week, Lyle Shelton, leader of the Australian Christian Lobby, says that "homophobia doesn’t exist much" in the country.


Bigoted rugby player Israel Folau defies teammates as he comes out against marriage equality.

Former rugby star Gareth Thomas says he scrubbed his body after first gay sex encounter.

Floyd Mayweather defended Trump’s vile "grab them" comments. It didn’t go well.

Colin Kaepernick has a job. "Inside the past, present and future of this country's most inconvenient truth, by way of the most controversial black man in America."

Why Fox doesn't want Americans to see NFL players protesting about race.

Darth Maria Becky Sharapova is the 2nd-whitest woman on Earth.

Art +

LGBT art exhibition, billed as the first of its kind in Asia, has opened at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Taiwan's capital Taipei.

Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, the perfect exhibition for Trump's America.

Activist group Indecline shock with street art installation of KKK figures hanging from trees in Richmond’s Bryan Park.

Contemporary, controversial and coming soon: Cape Town's vast new art museum. "The MOCAA, described as ‘Africa’s Tate Modern’, will be the continent’s biggest ever art museum when it opens later this month."

On the community photo-activism of Devin Allen.

On the EveryMan Project, the ongoing visual series that "chronicles the relationships queer black men have with toxic masculinity, body image, celebrating trans inclusivity, and taking hyper-masculinity head on."


Nathan Runkle explores the connections between gay activism and his mission to fight for animal rights in his new book Mercy for Animals.

Talking to Armistead Maupin. "After spending four decades writing his vivid Tales of the City novels, Armistead Maupin tackles his toughest character yet: himself."

How many Man Bookers must writers of colour win before they’re accepted?

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened and its place in feminist history, explained.

Ten things we learned from Hillary Clinton’s book What Happened. "Clinton’s memoir holds back little, from her disgust with Donald Trump and his divisive campaign, to what was running through her mind on election night."

They Both Die at the End, by Adam Silvera. "If you’re willing to have your heart broken by captivating characters, breath-taking plot developments, and in-depth exploration of death, friendship, and love, then They Both Die at the End is a book well worth reading."

Charlie of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was originally black.

Can lost words like "rouzy-bouzy" and "wlonk" be revived? Spare me the ear-rent.

On the rag: your guide to the gay weeklies.

At Night

Six politically-minded plays and musicals not to miss. Above, As Much As I Can; and below, Afterglow.

Musicals back in vogue, and business, as genre lights up Broadway and TV.

The Caretaker. "Christopher Haydon updates the 1960 play about the machinations of a homeless houseguest into a piece about paranoia and the migrant experience."

On Jay Jay Revlon, MC/Host, DJ, Voguer and Special Events Organiser of the Iconic Legendary International Undeniable Unforgettable House of Revlon.

How Bill T. Jones' Still/Here turned AIDS into art.

RuPaul's DragCon, in pictures.

Pansy Craze: the wild 1930s drag parties that kickstarted gay nightlife. "Early drag queens like Jean Malin helped bohemian gay culture thrive – before mob violence, Nazism and Hollywood homophobia drove it back underground."


Movies, patriotism, and cultural amnesia: tracing pop culture’s relationship to 9/11. "The tragedy caused a dramatic shift in media trends. Looking back on it now is almost surreal."

Sixteen feminist-approved fall movies.

Talking to Gregg Araki, Tom Kalin and Christine Vachon about New Queer Cinema.

Netflix explores The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson in new original documentary. Here's the trailer:

Five things to know about activist Marsha P. Johnson ahead of Netflix's documentary.

Eight things we learned about God’s Own Country from its star Josh O’Connor.

On Logo's new film Kevin Aucoin: Beauty & the Beast in Me, "He was the most famous makeup artist ever, creating the iconic looks of Cindy, Christy, and Naomi; Whitney, Janet, Tina, and Cher. But a new film shows Kevyn Aucoin could never quite cover up a painful past."

Tyler Hoechlin to play bodybuilding pioneer Joe Weider, and Colton Haynes fitness guru Jack Lalanne in Bigger, George Gallo's biopic about the start of the modern bodybuilding movement.

I, Tonya is the film about a 1994 figure-skating scandal that America needs in 2017.

Horrorwood! Will the new golden age of scary movies save cinema? "It’s been a disappointing year at the box office – which means the huge success of It, Get Out and other horrors have made the genre more vital than ever. So how did these once-fringe films move to the heart of the mainstream?"

Universal Pictures have released this snap of Jamie Lee Curtis to announce her return to the Halloween franchise. I figured we could have a little fun with it.

Return of the B-movie: why big-budget flops could be good for cinema. "The likes of King Arthur and Cars 3 crashed at the box office – but could they pave the way for a ‘second feature’ renaissance?"

Why does Star Wars keep losing its directors?

Hollywood's movies suck, and it doesn't want you to know.

Talk is cheap: will anyone save us from the waking nightmare of director Q&As? "The growing trend for film-makers to discuss their work with the audience after a screening is ruining the cinemagoing experience. Please make it stop!"

Four Days. "What should have been a good short film with quite a few really good moments, feels like it’s taking far too long to eke out far too little plot."

Laura Alston's short film Bájúláyé: Ode to Kin, which visualises "the unity of three brothers through dance and movement.”

Rubdown, Dennis Hensley's short film "about an L.A. gay guy who goes undercover as a 'secret shopper' at a spa to find out if a certain masseur is following the spa’s nipple policy."


Here's the US trailer for Tom of Finland; Heartstone; and B&B.


Is Lawrence from Insecure trash? An important debate. (Ed: No. Lawrence is bae.)

On the near-perfect Insecure season finale and Issa’s, Molly’s and Lawrence’s baby steps to adulthood.

Gay missionary Room 104 episode tackles mormonism and masturbation.

You ain’t got the juice: why Arrow has no business addressing #BlackLivesMatter.

Has everyone forgotten what Star Trek is supposed to be?

This list of the most re-watched Star Trek episodes is baffling.

Class, the Doctor Who spinoff barely anyone watched, has been officially cancelled.

RuPaul wins the Emmy Award for "Outstanding Host of a Variety, Nonfiction Or Reality Program" for the second year in a row.

The BBC bans gay couples from Strictly Come Dancing...

...but is launching Love and Marriage, a brand new show about LGBT couples getting married.

The son of TV presenter Daniel Clark-Neal has joined his dad and step-dad Rylan in support of LGBT equality.

AMC is developing a drama series about the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement, based on Wesley Lowery's best-selling book, They Can't Kill Us All.

The Deuce: Why David Simon took on the sex industry as a "middle-aged white man."

The Deuce: Two James Francos. Porn. 1970s New York. The Deuce could go so wrong — but it doesn't.

The Deuce Why the women refused to titillate. "James Franco grabbed the headlines, but David Simon’s unflinching show about the sex industry in 70s New York puts women centre stage – and makes no one a victim. Is this why it’s being hailed as a worthy successor to The Wire?"

The Deuce Introducing the women of The Deuce.

The Deuce: Episode 1 recap. "In true contrarian style, the first episode of David Simon and George Pelecanos's '70s porn drama is not about porn."

How immigration became US TV's new obsession. "A slew of shows focusing on immigrants’ stories has been given the green light in recent months – and set up a new wave of borderless television."

Why 2017 is the worst fall TV season in recent memory.

How big tech became the new titan of television. "Hollywood power is in flux, as traditional broadcast and cable networks, which for decades shaped popular culture, try to keep up with technology companies."

Bromans: it's Love Island – with added togas, loin-cloths and genital casts. "Are you ready to watch a bunch of knuckleheads travel back to ancient Rome, strip off and generally get all Gladiator?"

When good TV goes bad: how Big Brother became a Z-lister hothouse. "After Brian Belo’s victory 10 years ago, the show abandoned any pretence of being a ‘social experiment’ and began rounding up gaggles of fame-hungry goons."

Here's the latest episodes of Love@FirstNight and Steel River; a peek at upcoming series House Boys; a new episode of The Come Up; and a look at new reality series #GStatus, about "six individuals from different walks of the LGBT... Atlanta nightlife scene."

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

George Michael pays emotional tribute to first boyfriend, Brazilian Anselmo Feleppa, who died of AIDS in 1993, in his last interview.

Boy George doesn't think George Michael’s "new" single is a good idea.

Mykki Blanco criticises "bisexual erasure" and queerbaiting. "I don't like when people co-opt queerness because joining an oppressed group of people will give you social justice clout these days."

Kid Rock wants to know "why, these days, is everything so gay?"

Fifteen years of 1Xtra. "When the BBC launched 1Xtra in 2002, it was in thrall to US hip-hop and R&B – but emboldened by grime, the station became woven into black Britain."

Can rap shine a light on America's social housing crisis? "Hip-hop artist Open Mike Eagle grew up in Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes. His new album recalls his own experience – and how residents were failed."

Red Light

Gay adult film actor Wesley Woods comes for Trump supporter Colby Keller.

Nikki Romaine, star of Right in Front of My Salad, discusses her newfound fame.

Long read
Death of a porn king. "Bryan Kocis made millions exploiting teenage boys in gay porn. Did one of them arrange his murder?" (September 2007)

Soaked #9, in pictures.

Denver's Exile Fetish Ball, in pictures.

The Philly Naked Bike Ride, in pictures.

Darius Ferdynand might have retired from porn, but he hasn't retired from working out.

Corbin Colby and Ryan Bailey do it.


It’s time to talk about chemsex and consent.

Nico Tortorella on his polyamorous relationship: “It’s not so I can go fuck whoever I want.”

A lesbian couple both had babies and the sperm donors are husbands.

Can too little sleep ruin your relationship?

Extremely beautiful people talk about what it's like to be extremely beautiful.


How to eat fried chicken.

Honeycrisp was just the beginning: inside the quest to create the perfect apple.


Talking to Vasilis Loizides about his new collection.

Cemfreio designer Victor Apolinário's São Paulo show that protested the fashion industry's pervasive whiteness, in pictures.

FAUXmosapien the afterparty, in pictures.

Telfar designs new uniforms for White Castle - and finds hot teen twins to model them.

Armani suits and bare feet: how Jean-Michel Basquiat created his look. "He was one of the most dazzling artists of his generation – but Jean-Michel Basquiat’s eclectic approach to dressing was a work of art in itself."

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

How department stores changed the way we shop.

The rise and fall of Sears. "How the retail store that taught America how to shop navigated more than a century of economic and cultural change."


Artificial intelligence can probably tell if you’re gay.

Dream Daddy, the game of the summer, was an ode to evolving queer narratives. "Was Dream Daddy a game for queer men, gamers, or fangirls? Yes."

Facebook took money from brands to market to "Jew-haters".

Facebook's dirty little secret. "An investigation into Facebook’s political donations to Republican and anti-LGBT politicians and its investments from Putin-linked Russian oligarchs. We found a pattern of political activity at odds with the company’s public image."

"What a fucking nigger. Jeez, oh my god. What the fuck? Sorry, but what the fuck? What a fucking asshole. I don't mean that in a bad way." That's the latest from vile YouTuber (and anti-Semite) PewDiePie.

The translucent speaker that flashes animated lyrics for songs while they play.

People maintaining 90s websites explain why.

Médecins Sans Frontières

Michael Friedman’s tragic death is an opportunity to set things straight. "The award-winning Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson composer died at the young age of 41 due to AIDS complications. Let’s use this as a teachable moment."

Nearly fifty new HIV medications and vaccines are on their way.

"Mind-blowing" cows hold clue to beating HIV.

You can lower your cholesterol by switching to these meds.

Is it ethical to take people off HIV meds for cure research?

PrEP significantly less effective on women than men.

What is your marijuana use doing to your penis?

Thinking about a "scrotox" procedure? You may want to check this out first.

What it's like to have your testicles removed as a young man.

Coffee cuts risk of dying from stroke and heart disease.

"Human Ken Doll" Rodrigo Alves warned against more cosmetic surgery by doctors.

The secret lives of functioning heroin users.



The race against heat. "How do you cool 7.5 billion people on a warming planet?"


Sharing a bed with your dog can harm your sleep and health.

The week in wildlife, in pictures.

Planes, Trains
& Automobiles

Final piece of Crossrail laid in London, marking official completion of £14.8bn track.

Farewell, competitive commuting: TfL paints zones where tube doors open.

The guy who photographs luxury planes for mega-billionaires.


Twelve incredible icons who tragically died in the closet.

The Instagram account taking down "basic gay men."

Finally, Walter has some dating advice; Jontavian and Brandon have an announcement; the struggle, with Andrew; and a kissing challenge with Chris & Aaron.

Issue 265: 08-15 September 2017
On the cover: Helix's Corbin Colby and Ryan Bailey.

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