Issue 238: Rio, Pulse, Bow Wow, Brent Everett, About Him, Frank Ocean, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

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Left & Found

The handkerchief code explained, once and for all.

Celebrity Big Brother’s biphobia shines a light on a deeply damaging problem. "Christopher Biggins’ hurtful remarks have drawn attention to an often-ignored issue. It’s no wonder so few bisexuals are comfortable being out in the workplace."

Trump, Brexit... Is New Zealand your escape route too? "Billy Crystal has threatened to move to New Zealand if Trump wins power and post-Brexit, ‘move to New Zealand’ became a top Google search term. Please consider moving here, but do so with your eyes wide open."

Are we living through another 1930s? "As daunting events come thick and fast amid increasing public racism and xenophobia, the similarities with the buildup to the second world war are real, but we can take hope from a few key differences."

Why we should relegate terrorists to the obscurity of their own infamy. "Limiting publicity would deny jihadis the glory they crave and reduce the risk of us banalising evil."


Pulse Orlando: "Always agitated. Always mad." Omar Mateen, according to those who knew him.

Pulse Orlando: Did a slow police response cost lives?

Pulse Orlando: The medical examiner's office has released autopsy reports on thirty-one of the victims - and shooter Omar Mateen.

Pulse Orlando: Survivor Angel Colon dances for the first time since the shooting.

Pulse, Trump inspire gay Muslim to marry longtime love, speak truth to Pakistan.

WATCH  Pulse: Ellen Page and Gaycation head to Orlando.

The ex-boyfriend leading the fight to bring a gay teen’s killer to justice. 19-year-old Stephen Sylvester (above) was allegedly beaten to death by his boyfriend, 20-year-old Bryan Canchola.

The family of 22-year-old Juan Carlos Ramirez, who last year was fatally shot outside Houston gay bar F-Bar, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the owners.

Out activist DeRay Mckesson hits back, filing a federal class-action lawsuit against the City of Baton Rouge for his "unconstitutional" arrest in July.

DTLA Pride, in pictures...

Joy, clay and nudity: A weekend in the woods with LGBT faeries of colour. "The Xrysalis gathering in northern California provides a rare chance for 50 attendees to commune with nature – and escape the white heterosexual gaze."

At home in the club: The LGBT parties changing the face of Brooklyn's nightlife.

The Mayor of Fairfax, Virginia, Richard "Scott" Silverthorne, has been arrested for exchanging meth for sex with men.

Kentucky official evicts gay couple, says she "never should have rented to the faggots".

How the sex offender registry destroys LGBT rights.

Lucian B. Wintrich - the guy behind the Twinks4Trump photos - wants you to accept that the media is wrong about gay conservatives.

A Republican intellectual explains why the Republican Party is going to die...

...And why a Trump trainwreck is the only thing that will save the Republican party.

Wikileaks working on hacking Trump's tax returns.

Hillary Clinton vs. Herself. "There’s nothing simple about this candidacy—or candidate."

Why the religious freedom argument is a sham.

The new movement calling for an end to "the war on black LGBTs".

On New York's "queer health warrior" Demetre Daskalakis.

Historic San Diego AIDS hospice to be preserved.

Facing my fear: driving while black can be fatal. But I've got places to go.

The short life of Deonte Hoard. "Shot and killed just shy of his 18th birthday, Deonte Hoard was one of 489 homicide victims in Chicago last year. How this happened — and how it keeps happening — is both one person’s story and the story of how a community has been forced to adjust to murder as an everyday fact of life."

The felon is hot. "Landing in jail and seeing his mug shot go viral was the best thing to ever happen to Jeremy Meeks."

The house that O.J. loved and lost (July 1997). "A debt-squeezed O.J. Simpson went from homeowner to houseguest yesterday, with the auction sale of his multimillion-dollar Brentwood estate to the same bank that foreclosed on it months ago."

Angels and demons (October 1997). "On June 4, 1989, the bodies of Jo, Michelle and Christe were found floating in Tampa Bay. This is the story of the murders, their aftermath, and the handful of people who kept faith amid the unthinkable."

Unearthing the secrets of New York’s mass graves. "Over a million people are buried in the city’s potter’s field on Hart Island. A New York Times investigation uncovers some of their stories and the failings of the system that put them there."

The fugitive, his dead wife, and the 9/11 conspiracy theory that explains everything. "A few months after working at Ground Zero, Kurt Sonnenfeld became a suspect in the mysterious and high-profile death of his wife. He got off, barely, and started a new life in South America. But when the U.S. tried to bring him back to face charges, Sonnenfeld went to the local media. The Feds didn’t want him for murder, he said. They wanted to put him away because of what he knew about 9/11."

The manhunt for Christopher Dorner. "A disgraced ex-LAPD officer swore revenge on those he blamed for his firing. He vowed to kill them all... and their families."

Lost in the waves. "Swept out to sea by a riptide, a father and his 12-year-old autistic son struggle to stay alive. As night falls, the dad comes to a devastating realization: If they remain together, they’ll drown together."

Blindsided: A dream engagement turned nightmare. "Don Huckstep thought he’d found true love in his small hometown of Fowler, Indiana. But when Teri Deneka mysteriously vanished from his life, the disappearance foreshadowed a bizarre—and grisly—series of discoveries that left Huckstep, police, and another man’s family with more questions than answers."

A thousand pounds of dynamite. "In 1980, a bankrupt gambler came up with a plan to get his money back. He built an incredibly complex bomb, one that was impossible to defuse and that only he knew how to move, and snuck it into a Lake Tahoe casino with an extortion note demanding $3 million. Part of the plan worked. Part of it did not."

San Francisco's Millennium Tower is tilting, sinking.

WATCH  ABC’s What Would You Do? depicts man cheating on wife with gay lover.


One in fourteen adults have suffered sexual abuse as children, according to the Office of National Statistics.

Local authorities told to distribute free condoms, lube to gay men to curb HIV transmissions.

The mother of murdered William Lound has hit out at the lack of care for the mentally ill. The killer, Lee Arnold, targeted Lound because he was gay.

15-year-old Jamie Watson has spoken being left with broken bones in a homophobic attack.

Train company educates customer who complained about a "man in dress".

First same-sex wedding takes place on Isle of Man.

Brighton Pride 2016, in pictures. More here.

Colourful, carnivalesque, transgressive: The club that’s saving queer nightlife. "As gay clubs close across the country, Sink The Pink is revitalising the scene with its gender-screwing, club-meets-cabaret vibe."

Meet Bradley Charvet, the London entrepreneur who wants to erect a café that specialises blowjobs.

Thousands of insects released at Byron restaurants, in pictures.

Two south-east London teenagers killed in knife attacks in same week. "Andrew Oteng-Owusu, 19, and a 16-year-old boy died in separate incidents as knife crime reported to be up 16% in two years."

London's Olympic legacy: a suburb on steroids, a cacophony of luxury stumps. "Beyond Stratford’s investment units, cultural mega-hub and ‘innovation centres’, affordable housing is in scant supply on the former London 2012 site. [Mayor] Sadiq Khan and the legacy team have their work cut out to salvage the original vision."

NORTHERN IRELAND  Thousands call for an end to the ban on gay marriage at Belfast Pride.

NORTHERN IRELAND  Artist Joe Caslin creates giant lesbian mural in Belfast as equal marriage protest.

NORTHERN IRELAND  Gay men under 45 are to be offered the HPV vaccine.

Brexit: A disaster decades in the making. “On the day after the referendum, many Britons woke up with the feeling – some for better, some for worse – that they were suddenly living in a different country. But it is not a different country: what brought us here has been brewing for a very long time.”


IRELAND  Gay sex-scandal engulfs Catholic seminary amid allegations of Grindr use.

NETHERLANDS  Amsterdam boosts security for Gay Pride canal parade.

GREECE  Gay British couple beaten unconscious following a brutal homophobic attack after leaving a gay bar on the island of Mykonos.

RUSSIA  The bears who came to town and would not go away. "This is the story of a place at the edge of the world, where a black bear ventured into a Russian hamlet and attacked a human. One bear became two, two became dozens, and before long no one would leave their home, and no one had any idea what to do."

BRAZIL  The curtain rises on Rio 2016 and Brazil’s surreal political crisis. "Outside the grandiose stadiums, there are millions of Brazilians unhappy with political power games. Let’s hope their voices are heard during the Games."

BRAZIL  What does billions in security measures get you in Rio? Not much.

BRAZIL  Inside the angry protests against the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

BRAZIL  Criticising the Games has become an Olympic sport. But they’re a win for Rio. "After a spate of national crises, we Brazilians should be proud to be hosting an event that will provide unity and opportunities for future generations."

BRAZIL  What will Olympic tourism mean for Rio’s favelas?

TUNISIA  How a terror attack can destroy an entire tourist industry.

UGANDA  Twenty-five arrested at Pride Uganda event in Kampala; local and international organisations greeted the news of the raid with strong criticism.

ZIMBABWE  National Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda thinks Zimbabweans are “too shy” to talk about the "high rate of homosexuality" in the country’s prisons.

TURKEY  Gay Syrian refugee Muhammad Wisam Sankari beheaded, mutilated.

ISRAEL  The extremist who stabbed several people at last year’s Jerusalem gay pride is suspected of trying to organise another attack from his prison cell.

IRAN  Gay teenager Hassan Afshar hanged in Arak’s Prison; another teenager - Alireza Tajiki - is next in line for execution.

IRAN  Men in hijabs.

INDONESIA  Top court considers case to criminalise consensual gay sex alongside sex with a minor.

BANGLADESH  Hidden LGBT community, in pictures.

CHINA  Meet Mr Gay China Meng Fanyu, the new, more public face of LGBT.

JAPAN  The ghosts of Fukushima. "It’s been five years since the meltdown forced them to abandon their village. Now they’re going home. Can a town devastated by nuclear disaster be brought back to life?"


On the new documentary Shape Up: Gay in the Black Barbershop, which shows how getting a haircut isn’t always a positive experience for guys who aren’t straight.

From Ghostbusters to Star Trek Beyond: Gay characters are there, but only just.

Delta Airlines removes gay kissing from presentation of Carol.

The eight biggest wins for LGBT people in 2016’s blockbusters so far.

Jared Leto: Hollywood's homophobic discrimination must end.

John Waters remembers Multiple Maniacs, his LSD-fueled cavalcade of perversion.

On Women He's Undressed, the new film about the heretofore untold story of the great Hollywood costume designer Orry-Kelly, and Cary Grant - the man he loved.

Watching Rocky II with Muhammad Ali (July 1979). "'For the black man to come out superior,' Ali said, 'would be against America's teachings. I have been so great in boxing they had to create an image like Rocky, a white image on the screen, to counteract my image in the ring. America has to have its white images, no matter where it gets them. Jesus, Wonder Woman, Tarzan and Rocky.'"

Fifteen movie locations you can visit on Google Street View, from Marty McFly's house to Ghostbusters HQ.

The ride of a lifetime (March 2011). "Callie Khouri's first screenplay came from deep within: she knew what could happen to two women in a car—when some guy pushed them too far. The last thing she expected, in the spring of 1988, was that the macho Ridley Scott would want to direct it, or that a bevy of Hollywood's top actresses would want to star. Thelma & Louise, as Sheila Weller recounts, was a full-throttle, white-knuckle triumph for those who got it (from Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis to a virtual unknown named Brad Pitt) over the many who didn't."

Kubrick (April 2000). "The world outside the gates of Stanley Kubrick’s English manor house may have seen the legendary director as cold, arrogant, even a bit crazy. But to those who entered the citadel of Kubrick’s obsessive, often brutal devotion to filmmaking, his life made pure and perfect sense. At the premature end of a career that spanned Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, Lolita, The Shining, and this summer’s Eyes Wide Shut,the author, who co-wrote the screenplay for Full Metal Jacket, pays unsentimental homage to his longtime friend, remembering the humor, the cleanly burning intelligence, the outrageous sanity of a 20th-century master."

REVIEW  Front Cover. "A sweet gay romance, with a real interest the clashes between cultures. It may have a few issues, but it’s also pretty charming."

REVIEW  Thank You. "It’s rare to find a film that simultaneously feels like an art film and like pornography, but Thank You fits that bill, thanks to a sensitive and thoughtful look at sex beyond the mechanical, instead focusing on the sensitive and genuinely erotic."

WATCH  Closet Monster (trailer).


The UK's Celebrity Big Brother could be facing fines from the communications watchdog Ofcom after actor Christopher Biggins referred to AIDS as a "bisexual disease"; Biggins opposed the introduction of gay marriage, despite being gay himself.

Meanwhile, the regulator has rejected the sixty-seven complaints it received about a gay vicar’s kiss on the soap Coronation Street.

Finding Prince Charming: The "first gay dating show" on American television. "Lance Bass will host the show, which isn’t exactly the first gay dating program – that would have been the notorious Boy Meets Boy back in 2003."

Tyler Posey apologises for misleading "coming out" Snapchat.

Cary Fukunaga is developing a limited series about the ’80s AIDS epidemic and New York gentrification.

NBC is the internet's TV network punching bag. But its fall schedule is its best in years.

Sex, lies, jellyfish, and evil sloths: Zoo is TV's most ridiculous show, and I love it so much.

Stranger Things doesn't just reference '80s movies. It captures how it feels to watch them. And this: The benefits of nostalgia casting.

Social justice, shipping, and ideology: When fandom becomes a crusade, things get ugly. "Gatiss’s 'RIP' response caused a serious fandom meltdown among Johnlock supporters. Over the next few days, hundreds of them responded in dismay, with many accusing Gatiss — an openly gay man — of being insensitive to queer fans on the day of a major tragedy within the LGBTQ community."

Doctor Who filming in Swallowfield, in pictures (April 1972).

How the apartments from Will & Grace and other shows are really laid out.

The multitudes of Roseanne Barr (August 2001). "She’s TV’s loudmouth Domestic Goddess, desecrater of our national anthem and most of our notions of good taste. And she has a secret. Meet Baby, Cindy, Susan, Nobody, Joey, Heather and the rest: An adventure in Multiple Personality Disorder."

The About Him boys strip off for a promo shoot.

Porn star Kidd to appear in the forthcoming web series Steel River.

Porn star Tigger Redd to appear in new web series Pharm.

WATCH  The latest episode of About Him; the first episodes of new series Red Skin and Fallacies; the return of The DL Chronicles; and the trailer for the fifth season of Where The Bears Are.

At Night

America's oldest and longest performing drag queen is still kicking ass.

The extravagant glory of GMHC's Latex Ball, in pictures.

Angels in America: The complete oral history. "How Tony Kushner’s play became the defining work of American art of the past 25 years."


Same old, same old. How the hipster aesthetic is taking over the world. "Industrial furniture, stripped floors and Edison bulbs: why must we aspire to such bland monotony?"

REVIEW  Brighton i360. "It took husband-and-wife designers 13 years to get this 162m-tall ‘vertical pier’ built in Brighton – but is it a feat of architecture or a corporate branding post?"

The man with his head in the clouds. "Chicago architect Adrian Smith designed the world’s tallest building. Now he has created one that will reach even farther — a full kilometer into the sky. How high can he go?"


Edmund White reflects on Vladimir Nabokov’s "great gay comic novel" Pale Fire.

Twenty-one children’s books that are dripping with innuendo.

Osamu Tezuka was the “Walt Disney of Japan.” His beautiful manga biography shows why. "This massive biography in comic form has finally been translated into English — and it's more than worth the wait."

READ  An excerpt from A Gift of Love, the new memoir from Tony Cointreau, in which he describes leaving a singing career to work with Mother Teresa and her New York City AIDS Hospice.

INTERVIEW  Talking to Tim Murphy about his new novel, Christodora.

REVIEW  Christodora, by Tim Murphy. "What emerges is imagination and experience refracting onto the page. It is a beautiful — and often painful — sight to behold."

REVIEW  Best Gay Stories 2016, edited by Steve Berman. "Inventive, textured and diverse: An indication of what’s to come in contemporary gay literature."

REVIEW  Tom House: Tom of Finland in Los Angeles, edited by Michael Reynolds. "With this new presentation of Tom of Finland’s practice, Reynolds has truly brought to the surface the intimate nature of this community, and it’s remarkable."

On the rag, a weekly look at the free gay 'zines.

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

Heavy metal band Slipknot has partnered with North Carolina’s leading LGBT charity, and condemned the state’s anti-LGBT law.

Former Union J singer George Shelley claims he is attracted to both men and women and would "never come out as gay".

Justin Bieber’s naked body is on the internet again.

Decoding Frank Ocean: Secret messages, boomboxes and Boys Don't Cry. "With the R&B star’s new album finally about to land, we search for clues to its content in the mysterious live stream he posted this week. Plus: exploring the journey that made him the last word in artistic integrity."

Vince Staples, regular genius. "North Long Beach was Vince Staples’s whole world growing up. Now that the 22-year-old has escaped its grip, he just wants to be a normal guy."

The slippery slope of musical appropriation. "Steve Miller had a clear-cut legal case when the Geto Boys used his guitar-hook in their raunchy 1990 single Gangster of Love. The racial implications weren't so simple."

Red Light

"Gay-for-pay" model Daeveion Mangum convicted of first-degree murder in the slaying of 60-year-old owner Michael Castagne. Mangum bludgeoned Castagne 32 times before setting his body on fire.

Inside Up Your Alley, the filthiest leather festival in America.

Veteran porn star Brent Everett opens up about his struggle with drugs: “I’m an addict.”

Now Sean Cody is making their models hit each other while they fuck.


Sixteen signs your gay relationship is over.

Seventeen tips for being a better top.

WATCH  When you know for a fact he's a bottom.

Médecins Sans Frontières

You've been wasting your time flossing every day.

A neuroscientist explains why your brain is so anxious all the time.

Rag Trade

Celebrate National Underwear Day with 50 Cent.


Byron betrayed its workers. The system betrays us all. "The true scandal of undocumented burger staff is a rigged labour market that allows firms to exploit employees at their discretion."

Inside the underground economy propping up New York City's food carts. "Once a path to the American dream, manning hot-dog and coffee carts now traps entrepreneurs in a spiral of low wages and a black market operating in plain sight."

I was a warehouse wage slave. "My brief, backbreaking, rage-inducing, low-paying, dildo-packing time inside the online-shipping machine."

My four months as a private prison guard. "Private prisons are shrouded in secrecy. I took a job as a guard to get inside—then things got crazy.”

1.8 million American truck drivers could lose their jobs to robots. What then?

The secret life of a DJ: a joyous job in a grimly misogynistic industry. "Nothing compares to the buzz of mixing tracks and the oneness I feel with the crowd but as a woman I’ve had to invent a male manager to be treated fairly."

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

Hotels of hate: The Sultan of Brunei's ten properties to avoid.


How screen addiction is damaging children's brains.

Amazon plans noise-canceling headphones that know when someone says your name.


Karma's a bitch: Tyson Fury, who said gays will bring the apocalypse, faces UK Anti-Doping charge.

Out athlete Gus Kenworthy caught on camera partying with the son of the Sultan of Brunei; being gay is punishable by death in Brunei under the Sultan's dictatorship.

Rio 2016: A favela brass band prepares, in pictures.

Rio 2016: Olympic opening ceremony was done on the cheap – but it was heartfelt and dazzling. "Fernando Meirelles, probably best known for the Oscar-nominated film City of God, pulled off something remarkable on a budget about one-fifth of London’s." In pictures.

Rio 2016: Six winners and five losers from a scrappy but impressive opening ceremony.

Rio 2016: No out LGBT athletes chosen to be flag bearer for Olympic Parade of Nations...

...But if Team LGBT were a country, it would be the 61st largest at Rio Olympics.

Rio 2016: There are a record eleven openly gay male Olympians in Rio. None is an American. Above, Jeffrey Wammes.

Rio 2016: Fans taunt lesbian soccer players with homophobic chant.

Rio 2016: Meet Pita Taufatofua, the Tonga flagbearer who stole the Opening Ceremony.

Rio 2016: Each Olympic athlete has been allotted forty-two condoms.

Rio 2016: The trouble with the Olympic Games. "In light of the Russian doping scandal, London’s debatable legacy and the craven prostrations of prospective future hosts, the Olympic ideal looks shabby indeed as we draw closer to Rio. What is the point of the Games today?"

Olympic Outlist: 257 LGBT Olympians throughout history.

Life after the Olympics. "Eight Olympians, all of whom struggled when they came home from the games. Some wrestled with health problems and financial woes. Some faced public anger or disdain for their politics. Some confronted anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. But these are not stories of defeat — they are ultimately about renewal and reinvention."

The slow descent of Houston McTear, the greatest natural sprinter ever. "He set a world record in the 100-yard dash as a teenager. He was mentored by Muhammad Ali and a man who orchestrated the largest bank embezzlement in U.S. history. He was homeless for part of his adult life before making a comeback at age 34. Throughout it all, Houston McTear was really, really fast."

The importance of being LeBron (October 2003). "Just before his first NBA game, an 18-year-old LeBron James was asked about the pressure of controlling the combined fortunes of a city, major corporations, and the league. 'I can handle it,' he said."

Ali And His Entourage: Life after the end of the greatest show on earth (April 1988).


The climate crisis is already here – but no one’s telling us. "The media largely relegate the greatest challenge facing humanity to footnotes as industry and politicians hurtle us towards systemic collapse of the planet."

The really big one. "An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when."

The week in wildlife, in pictures.

Deep intellect. "I had always longed to meet an octopus. Now was my chance: senior aquarist Scott Dowd arranged an introduction. In a back room, he would open the top of Athena’s tank. If she consented, I could touch her. The heavy lid covering her tank separated our two worlds."

And Whilst You're
Thinking About
That, Think
About This...

Gay Monopoly, the best board game you never knew existed.

And finally, Walter talks about bottom shaming; Andrew's sex life; Stahr Milan: My boyfriend gave me an STD! And Kenneth confesses: I slept with his best friend!

See you kids next week - it's been emotional! Zee Jai

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Issue 238: 31 July - 07 August 2016

On the cover: Tongan flag
bearer Pita Taufatofua.




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bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."

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