Issue 219: Stonewall, Latex Ball, Bob Mizer, Le1f, Lukhanyo, Naz & Maalik, Mr. Terrific, George Cole, Cilla Black, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

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left & found

Global LGBT spending power estimated to be $3.7trillion.

In defense of "outing". (Image)

50% of Pride parade participants are straight, disturbing new polls reveals.

Are millennials more racist than anti-gay? "For this Caucasian writer, coming out was a breeze. Dating a black guy — that was a different story."

It's not a "white thing": The mythology of suicide in black American lives. Above, actor Lee Thompson Young, who took his own life aged 29.

Ten black men who could use your irrational unconditional support instead of Bill Cosby.

Stonewall: LGBT revisionism and LGBT careerism. "In short: Truth is sanitized - revised to comport with a preset idea of how it was Way Back When... As an activist/writer, I'm familiar with the wrath of revisionists upset at seeing their cozy assumptions punctured. And it makes sense: careers are built on 'owning' a socially approved angle on a profitable commodity, such as being a 60s radical, or vanguard 70s 'gay activist.' But the actuality of such eras is far different from reductionist simplicities and certainties translated into easy generalizations."

Gay iconography: Paying mind to Marsha P. Johnson.

How the Mafia once controlled the New York gay scene.

Maintaining the beautiful relationship between gays and Cities. "Gay people are often chided for gentrifying urban areas, but they rarely get commended for their vibrant contributions to them."

The true meaning of the word "cisgender".

The thirteen biggest anti-gay trolls in media.

the news - america

LGBT equality stripped from UN development goals.

A second Missouri man has been sentenced to thirty years in prison for knowingly exposing his partners to HIV. 39-year-old David Lee Mangum has pleaded guilty to two counts of exposing sexual partners to HIV in June.

Where's the justice when a white paedophile gets fifteen years in jail and Michael Johnson gets thirty?

Black women, gay men are suffering at the hands of the police too. "Media attention has focused on the mistreatment of African-American men by police, but black women — and all minorities — are suffering too."

Staten Island man Louis Falcone: I was victim of anti-gay police attack.

Learning how to be nice to queers at New York’s Police Academy.

Miami drag queen saves man’s life after pulling him from exploding car.

John Stone-Hoskins’ husband James Stone committed suicide back in January, and Stone-Hoskins himself has only six weeks to live. But before he dies, Stone-Hoskins wants the state of Texas to provide him with an accurate death certificate for his late husband, reflecting that the two were married in New Mexico last year.

Will & Grace actor Leslie Jordan helps expel anti-gay Starbucks customers, throwing coffee iced tea and telling them to "get out of my house."

Christian group attacked for giving out gay "second coming" condoms.

Iowa couple plans 1,000 anti-gay billboards.

Gay couple ejected from public pool in Texas for kissing.

The footage of Sam Dubose’s murder is hard to watch, which is why we must watch it.

Bette Midler on the Republican leadership debate: “Lenny Kravitz’s penis slipped out on stage? So what? Wait for the GOP Debate on tonight – there will be 10 dicks on stage!”

Republicans quietly drop anti-gay proposals.

Homophobe picks fight with gay West Point Military Academy graduates (above), walks away broken and bloodied.

Public high school in San Francisco to launch an LGBT history class.

Out of the woods. A visit to a semi-secret LGBT commune in the middle of Tennessee.

The American Foundation for Equal Rights, the non-profit organisation started in 2009 to fight California’s Proposition 8, has announced its closure.

Watch | Flashback to 1991 and The Phil Donahue Show marriage equality debate. How far we've come...

The lost girls of Rocky Mount. "In a small town in rural North Carolina, a serial killer has evaded justice for six years by sticking to a ruthlessly simple plan: He preys on black women who have slipped away from their lives, who live and hustle on the streets—the ones who are already almost dead.

What happened to Garrett Phillips? "In 2011, 12-year-old Garrett Phillips was killed in his upstate New York home. Years passed with no arrest, and now Nick Hillary, a former college soccer coach and an ex-boyfriend of Phillips’s mother, awaits trial on a murder charge. But Hillary and a vocal group of supporters say that he has been wrongfully accused."

Canada | Vancouver Pride, in pictures.

the news - uk

This is 39-year-old Sebastian Szerer. The former head of housekeeping at the luxury London Reubens Hotel has been jailed for six years after raping a 24-year-old man he lured in with a fake job interview.

This is Mark Small, who works as drag queen Vanity Nightmare in London. He was beaten in a homophobic attack whilst on holiday in Sitges, Spain.

Gay couple claim they were subjected to a "tirade of abuse" from staff after kissing in a supermarket in London.

Scotland Yard accused of covering up a London Underground serial killer who pushed eighteen people to their deaths on the Tube in the 1970s.

Stop and search is a disgrace across the UK – not just in our cities.

Black Britons face a double whammy – failed race relations law, now budget cuts.

Brighton Pride, in pictures. The parade was briefly delayed - and diverted - due to a bomb scare.

Northern Ireland | Belfast Pride, in pictures.

the news -
latin america

Jamaica | First Pride celebration held in Kingston.

Jamaica | Dane Lewis, director of Jamaica Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG), on why Jamaica Pride 2015 matters.

The Puerto Rico crisis, explained.

Brazil | Gay couple strip naked in public to protest homophobia. In pictures.

the news - europe

Why is Germany one of the last remaining holdouts on marriage equality in Europe?

Germany | A right-wing party has called for a Russian inspired ban on "gay propaganda".

Netherlands | Amsterdam Canal Pride, in pictures.

Sweden | Stockholm Pride, in pictures.

Sweden | Video shows man rejected from a job for being gay.

Iceland | Reykjavik gets a rainbow road.

Italy | Could the Vatican be ready to back civil unions as the "lesser of two evils"?

On Finland, the country most afraid of Russia.

Russia | Founder of online gay teen support group fined thousands.

Russia | Vitaly Milonov, architect of the law that bans "gay propaganda", now wants to ban Nike for being "too gay".

Turkey | Trans activist raped, put in prison cell with attackers.

Turkey | Istanbul’s rainbow stairs demolished for "restoration".

the news - africa

Uganda | A few dozen Ugandans celebrate LGBT Pride at a secluded beach on Lake Victoria. In pictures.

Uganda | Boarding school closed after two male students were caught having sex.

Senegal | Journalist Tamsir Jupiter Ndiaye arrested for "acts of homosexuality".

Gambia | President’s nephew Alagie Jammeh is facing execution for supporting gay equality.

Gambia | Three men charged under anti-gay laws have been acquitted.

South Africa | 16-year-old Selby Ndlovu, a gay teenager from the village of Mangweni, was covered with red paint bullies, and attempted suicide. This is his story.

South Africa | Charl Van Den Berg, Mr Gay World 2010, is dead. He was 33.

the news - asia

Thailand | Gay couples banned from using surrogates.

Australia | What it's like for LGBT teens at school.

Australia | If black lives really matter, it's time we owned up to our history.

Australia | Sneaking around the headquarters of the notorious cult, the Family.

the news -
middle east

Israel | Six stabbed at Jerusalem Pride by an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who had just been released from prison, having serving a 10-year sentence for a similar attack at Jerusalem Pride in 2003. 16-year-old Shira Banki died of her injuries...

...And this: The scary reaction to two men holding hands in Jerusalem.

Israel | Thousands rallied to protest the stabbings, but posters praising the attack have appeared in the city.

Israel | Ultra-Orthodox leader Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern has visited the victims in hospital. A spokesperson for Stern said of the visit: “The rabbi told [the victim] that Judaism and bloodshed are mutually exclusive. He prayed for the man’s recovery and the healing of all those wounded.”

Israel | Itzik Shmuli, a MP for the Zionist Union, has come out as gay in the wake of the attack. "We can no longer remain silent because the knife is raised against the neck of the entire LGBTI community, my community," he wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth.

Iraq | The sickening moment a gay man was thrown to his death by ISIS militants.

Why LGBT people should oppose the Iran nuclear deal.

médecins sans frontières

Why we need to educate patients – and doctors - to lower LGBT people's cancer risk.

What we actually know about the pill that prevents HIV.

Ten things people living with HIV are sick of hearing.

Stop putting a stigma on uncircumcised cock.

Watch | Never leave your back door unprotected; and what if you stopped eating?

Can smoking be "good" for you.

Six reasons why a gym body isn't a healthy body.

Should doctors operate on intersex babies?

Why everyone should take vitamin D pills.

Depression, low self-esteem rising among gay men.

Why modern life is making dementia in your 40s more likely.

Night shifts are wrecking my health – but I can’t seem to give them up.

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people?

I dare you to watch this story about Zion Harvey, the boy who received a double hand transplant.

It's never too early to start thinking about your own death.

Afraid of being buried alive? These coffins are for you.

art + design

The Bob Mizer Foundation has launched a Kickstarter fundraising project that will assist in the permanent preservation of the vast collection of color transparencies produced by controversial Los Angeles photographer Bob Mizer from the late 1940s until his death in 1992.

Where Love is Illegal, Robin Hammond's collection of images exploring LGBT intolerance and abuse. Above, Jean Yannick, and Tiwonge.


The rise of the queer style zine.

A love letter to J.G. Ballard's High-Rise.

Review | Hotel Living, by Ioannis Pappos. "Pappos is not breaking any new ground here, but his easy writing style and lost-but-lovable characters pull you into the world of Stathis, a poor son of a fisherman from an ordinary little Greek village via San Francisco, an upper-crust business school in Paris where he is educated with the privileged European elite, and to the boardrooms, bars and bedrooms of New York City from after 9/11 to the financial crash of 2008."

Review | Gay Directors, Gay Films?:Pedro Almodóvar, Terence Davies, Todd Haynes, Gus Van Sant, John Waters, by Emanuel Levy. "While it may seem under-theorized to an academic audience accustomed to more rigorous comparative work, for a general interest audience, it will serve as a breezy introduction to the field and to intriguing questions about gay subjectivity, identity and the difference. When viewed as an introduction, however, the book is troubling: directors of color are totally absent, and thirty years of inquiry into gay and queer subjectivities is largely ignored."

Watch | The rise of LGBT literature for teens...

in the night

Celebrating twenty-five years of runway and vogue at the Latex Ball. In pictures. (There's many more shots at the Latex Ball Facebook page.) Video:

Review | Briefs. "All vaudeville, all male, and all fabulously sexy!"

picture house

Thirteen of the best and worst films from OutFest 2015. Above, the much-anticipated Naz & Maalik.

Just 19 out of nearly 5,000 characters in top Hollywood films were gay in 2014.

Here's the first poster for director Roland Emmerich's film about the 1969 Stonewall riots, which opens 25th September.

Roland Emmerich responds to Stonewall Critics. "Some who've seen the trailer say the film discounts the contributions of trans people and racial minorities; Emmerich says it does not..."

...And lead actor Jeremy Irvine has spoken up too. "Marsha P Johnson is a major part of the movie, and although first hand accounts of who threw the first brick in the riots vary wildly, it is a fictional black transvestite character played by the very talented @vlad_alexis who pulls out the first brick in the riot scenes.”

Larry Kramer had this to say about the controversy: "Don’t listen to the crazies. For some reason there is a group of 'activists' that insists on maintaining their prime importance and participation during this riot. unfortunately there seems no one left alive to say 'it wasn't that way at all', or 'who are or where the fuck were you.'"

Stonewall: Roland Emmerich and Jon Baitz's failure of imagination. "Emmerich fails to answer the most salient question of the film's critics: Why on Earth did you need to insert this 'midwestern [white] man' into the Stonewall story as the tortured hero? Emmerich says that the film 'deeply honors' the real life activists, but why isn't the movie 'centering' on them instead?"

Five tweets that sum up why people are upset about Stonewall.

Brokeback Mountain is ten.

What happened after I watched Brokeback Mountain with my straight father.

Straight Outta Compton puts California city back under scrutiny. "The highly anticipated biopic about NWA will put the 10-mile sprawl back in the public eye. Is Compton still a violence-riddled ghetto? Has anything changed?"

Four crowdfunded LGBT films that deserve our support.

Interview | Talking to writer Hanif Kureishi, whose much-loved 1985 film My Beautiful Laundrette broke racial and sexual barriers.

The strange inside story of the legendarily bad, never-released Fantastic Four movie from 1994.

Fantastic Four reboot destroyed by film critics.

Are Hollywood blockbusters losing the plot?

Has filming a movie and its sequel back-to-back ever had a good result?

Some brilliant person photoshopped hot guys into Disney movies.

TCM’s Film Noir Into the Darkness course study group: Conclusion.

Review | Seashore. "Although it has its frustrations, particularly a rather pointed desire to be seen as serious cinema in way that edges towards pretentiousness, underneath that Seashore is a well studied look at teen friendship and the point where bromance may become something more."

Watch | Stonewall (trailer); Daddy (trailer); Closet Monster (trailer); In The Grayscale (trailer); Love in the Time of Civil War (trailer); and Creed (trailer)...

the box

HBO's gay president Michael Lombardo claims canceling Looking was "very painful on a personal level."

First gay African-American superhero joins Arrow. Echo Kellum is to play Mr. Terrific.

An Empire spin-off is on its way.

HBO orders David Simon ’70s porn drama The Deuce starring James Franco as twins.

Out actor Wentworth Miller to return for Prison Break revival.

Queer As Folk's showrunners Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman talk about the backlash they received from the gay community.

The Queer As Folk cast explains why the sex mattered to a movement.

How much longer can sprawling TV box sets get?

EastEnders newcomer Jonny Labey has spoken out about the abuse he has received on social media over his gay storyline.

Kieran Yates, the filmmaker behind Muslim Drag Queens, has slammed Channel 4 over their documentary Muslim Drag Queens.

George Takei once asked Gene Roddenberry why Star Trek wasn’t more gay-inclusive. His answer may surprise you.

True Blood to Tarzan: How Alexander Skarsgård swung into Hollywood.

How UnREAL used every trick in the reality TV book to reveal everything that’s wrong with reality TV.

The Cosby Show's producer Tom Werner hopes “people can distinguish between the show and Bill”.

Taschen's Favorite TV Shows: At least it gives fanatics something to argue about. "The publishing house’s ‘best of’ book would make a brilliant makeshift anchor, but as a comprehensive list of the most impressive television of the past 25 years it’s weighed down by its own impossible mission."

What's the worst example of a dead TV show that just kept on going? "Call it the 'Dead Show Walking' phenomenon. A TV show has already run out of ideas, it has no more sharks to jump, the plots are played out, and it’s clearly doomed. But it just... keeps... airing... episodes."

Cilla Black, the singer and television presenter, is dead. She was 72.

Cilla Black: A life, in pictures.

Ta-ra Cilla, TV's queen matchmaker. "With her power suits and hairspray, Cilla Black dominated 1980s TV light-entertainment. She paved the way for reality formats but no female presenter has since matched her success."

Cilla Black was the archetypal British working-class pop star. "Cilla Black’s TV career sometimes overshadows the fact she had more 60s hits than the Stones or the Kinks, and a consistent sound that few of her contemporaries could match."

How we made Blind Date with Cilla Black. "When they rejected my first theme tune, I just said: what about 'Blind date, blind date – da da da da da da?'"

Cilla Black changed my life.

George Cole, the actor best known for his long-running role as Arthur Daley in Minder, is dead. He was 90.

George Cole, in pictures.

George Cole's Arthur Daley – a wideboy loved by liberals and Thatcherites alike. "Minder’s wheeler-dealer opportunist charmed his way on screen just as the actor won the hearts of viewers with his crooked comic turn."

Christopher Hyndman, the gay co-host of Canada's Steven and Chris, is dead. He was 49.

Watch | Social Theory series 2, episode 4 - Full Circle; The Boyz Next Door LA episode 4 - Bottles Up; Coming Out, season two (trailer); BoyDrama series 3, Chapter 1 - The Languishing; and Capitol Hill - starring RuPaul's Drag Race winner Jinkx Monsoon (and Pit Crew God Jason Carter, above) and porn star Colby Keller - season two (trailer).

beats, rhymes & life

Was '80s New Wave a casualty of AIDS?

Le1f's new album tackles racial injustices, trans rights, and clean water. "Le1f is gay and raps about being gay, but he's not a gay rapper. The 'gay rap' for which Le1f has become known is far more complicated than the term allows. It centers on challenging the power and destruction of the male gaze and the fetishization of his black body by white men."

Out country singer Steve Grand gives the perfect response to haters who criticised his "gay" swimwear...

...And gets in a beef with Str8UpGayPorn.

Meet EXP, the US-based K-pop boy band with no Korean members.

Is the Weeknd the next face of R&B? "In a music scene dominated by women such as Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, the Canadian is tipped to become the defining male pop star of a generation."

Drake and Meek Mill’s beef, explained.

Drake's Meek Mill diss was a sign of hip-hop's new political correctness.

A leaked email exchange between Drake and Meek Mills from last night.

Interview | Talking to Zebra Katz.

Interview | Talking to Cakes Da Killa.

Interview | Talking to Jay Boogie.

Interview | Talking to Swedish pop star Robyn about recording an album in the face of death.

On Lenny Kravitz’s wardrobe malfunction.

Watch | Petite Noir (aka Yannick Ilunga) - Best, which combines New Wave influences with his South African upbringing; Manila Luzon - Ice Cream; and the latest episode of gay music show The GrooveOUT; and (just because) MN8 working out at the gym...


Helix Studios responds to viewers who feel “guilty” looking at young men. "It really bothers me that gay men are so stigmatized by stereotypes of pedophilia placed on them by anti-gay conservatives. Straight porn’s bread and butter is ‘barely legal’ female models and nobody cares, meanwhile gay men somehow feel guilty looking at porn unless the guy has a hairy chest or looks over 30. It doesn’t make sense. These 18-year-old models actually look like 18-year-olds. Nothing at all wrong with that, and definitely nothing to feel guilty about."

Marqui, the Taggaz model, is dead.

Whatever happened to Shorty J?

Behind-the-scenes with Drae Axtell.

Interview | Talking to Puerto Rican ballet dancer and porn model Ashton Summers. Here's some pictures - and a trailer - from his sizzling porn debut.

Interview | Talking to Dawg Dixon.

ghetto romance

Caleb Anthony and Kordale Lewis, the Instagram-famous gay dads with three children, have separated.

Majick Tadepa on the perils of dating while Asian.

Twenty-five dating tips every introvert needs to know.

92-year-old George Montague and Somchai Phukkhlai get married.

Here's Shaun Ross and his boyfriend Devin Harrison looking cute at the ANTM Cycle 22 premiere party.

What happens when gay men miss out on "junior high drama"?

Why are more straight men than ever are giving "bro-jobs"?

Watch | What happens when a straight man asks 100 men for their numbers; and "Gay Black Boys In A Relationship From The Hood Of Chicago" (yes, that really is the title of the video...)

hell's kitchen

Manhattan's bodegas are slowly dying off.

Tesco has stopped selling Ribena and people can't cope.

Why Tesco’s female tills have checked out for the final time. "Britain’s biggest supermarket has had it up to here with unexpected items, and former EastEnders actor Helena Breck has paid the price: her self-service voiceovers have been replaced by those of a cheery, posh gent."

Big Mac 'n fries, sure! Your McDonald's waiter will be with you in a minute. "Table service goes down well with visitors to the burger chain in Greater Manchester as the fast-food giant tries ways to reverse sliding sales."

Why your burger is full of living things.

Why the future will be full of lab grown meat.

Healthy food is blander than ever — and it's making us fat.

Eat more chili peppers, lower your risk of death.

Which oils are best to cook with?

What is fake cream made out of?

Where have all Manhattan's morning drinkers gone?

Why do ice cubes get cloudy in the middle?

rag trade

Calvin Klein's gay couple fronts New York billboard. Is it the knicker brand's most provocative range of adverts yet?

Watch | Boxers vs. briefs: The men of Hollywood spill...

The teenage Brazilian barbers grooming those who can't afford it.

Why ancient armour had awesome abs.

betta work!

I’m a straight man, and he’s my new sugar daddy. "When one broke Brooklynite embarks on a new side job as an escort for hire, he finds himself swimming through a murky world of easy money, broken promises and naked truths."

Take a tip from waiters: workers’ rights are being destroyed.

Why robots aren't about to steal all our jobs.

A Negro schoolmaster in the South. "W. E. B. Du Bois’ 1899 account as a young, black schoolmaster in the South."

The last breaths of a dying asbestos mine. "Nearly everyone else on the planet agrees the age of asbestos is over. But the generations of men who’ve built their lives harvesting this powerful poison aren’t ready to turn out the lights."

I own 51% of this company!

“I like big loads and I cannot lie," detergent brand Surf declares in new ad featuring topless hunks.

planet earth

Apocalypse in the land of Starbucks. "Fears of a major earthquake in the Pacific north-west have thrown the region into panic, and put me off ever climbing Seattle’s Space Needle."

The tricky ethics of the lucrative disaster rescue business. Who gets out alive when disaster strikes? The people who can afford it.

The warm ocean "blob" in the Pacific feeding a toxic algae bloom.

Built for eternity. "Ghost towns and nuclear waste sites are among what you find in the Nevada desert."

Eight giant asteroids that flew uncomfortably close to earth.


We've wiped out half the world's wildlife since 1970.

This is a ceratioid anglerfish, a new type of fish discovered in the northern Gulf of Mexico between 1,000-1,500 meters below the surface - "so deep there is no sunlight, with the bio-luminescence of some fish as the only light source".

Just why are dogs so insanely happy to see us when we get home?

Watch | The science of dogs.

planes, trains & automobiles

Pilots explain why we shouldn't worry about turbulence.

Thirteen sexist vintage airline ads from the '60s.


Tom Daley has secured his Team GB place at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Olympics screw the gays, chase the cash with 2022 host-city vote.

Rio 2016 Olympics, a year to go: Mascots, medal hopes, sewers and soaring costs.

The Olympics are dead: Does anyone want to be a host city any more? "With Boston’s bid collapsing due to lack of support, it seems now more than ever the Olympics exist solely for cities looking to make a political statement."

Two gay NFL players would come out if the media wouldn't make a big deal out of it, NFL draft analyst claims.

2015 world swimming and water polo championships, in pictures.

inside the spaceship

2015 is the year the old internet finally died.

Google has finally acknowledged that Google+ isn't working out.

It’s fast, global, engaged and influential – so why isn’t Twitter flying?

Twitter wants to become more like Facebook, and it's a terrible idea.

The Hamburg Data Protection Authority, the German privacy watchdog, has ruled against Facebook’s real name policy.

White Pride Facebook group descends into chaos after reporter spams out pro-LGBT, pro-Obama messages.

Users of the social network can now nominate a "legacy contact" to manage their digital presence after they die – but how on earth do you decide who to pick?

Ten ways to making your home wifi network faster.

Everything you need to know about Windows 10 but couldn't be bothered to ask.

and whilst you're thinking about that, think about this...

This Lego crashed Star Destroyer.

And finally, Andrew talks about interracial dating; Walter declares his pride; the Baddie Twinz discuss Jamaican stereotypes; and Rogue "Marbie" Scott is shattered...

See you kids next week - it's been emotional! Zee Jai

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Issue 219: 27 July - 09 August 2015
On the cover: Gerald Oglesby, by Bob Mizer (Athletic Model Guild, June 1977).



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"You know, we might just as well not have
bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."

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