Issue 217: autosexuals, Rikers, Yemi & Femi, Miguel, Melrose Place, black party, Sean Zevran, Fire Island, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

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left & found

Stop slut-shaming Marc Jacobs, gay cruising. "Even though Marc Jacobs hardly stands as an accurate representative for all queer people, his recent affirmation of sexuality as a part of queerness is spot-on."

Are "straight acting" gay guys punished by gay culture?

If the LGBT fight seems done, look outside your own experience. "A gay man who works with homeless LGBT youth explains why now is not the time for rest."

Black on gay hate has to stop: Gay lives matter too.

It's time to reject gay separatism.

Why I support "No Gays Allowed".

How marriage equality boosts LGBT youth homelessness. "While 40 percent of all homeless youth are LGBT, the fight for marriage equality is both increasing their ranks and sucking up resources."

Shedding light on LGBT youth homelessness.

Watch | Three young people staying in Atlanta’s Lost-N-Found LGBT shelter share their stories in this emotional mini-doc...

Just because you can get married doesn't mean you have to.

Why there won’t be a marriage equality backlash.

Do we still need gay awards ceremonies in 2015?

Skoliosexuals, autosexuals and demisexuals: A dictionary of sexual orientations.

Has the LGBT movement been hijacked by big business?

How World War III became possible. "A nuclear conflict with Russia is likelier than you think."

the news - america

Ted Cruz and the fallout for Fire Island. "The fallout from the Ted Cruz dinner, hosted by a pair of gay real estate magnates, washes onshore at the Fire Island Pines."

Surprise: 60% of Republicans still oppose marriage equality...

...Because they're too angry at it.

The gay couples left out by the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling.

"Christians" donate $300,000 to bakery found guilty of discrimination.

Tennessee hardware store erects "no gays allowed" sign.

San Francisco's LGBT Chicano mural has been torched in a third vandalisation.

Gay Pride flag stolen, set on fire in Georgia.

Church burnings and Southern resistance — is it 1963 again?

NYC Pride: Anti-gay Jewish group hires day labourers to picket.

NYC Pride, in pictures. More at Boy Culture.

NYC Pride: Sam Clarke's photographs. "The NYC Pride march and accompanying festival has turned very straight and mainstream, with corporate sponsors like TD Bank and MetLife (probably places that once fired people for being gay) hashtagging their brand #foreverproud and #metlifepride on the Pride experience. When did it become OK for corporations to put their logos on the blood, sweat, and tears of what this march represents?"

San Francisco Pride, in pictures.

Looking back at one of the largest early gay rights protests in the US.

Ed Freeman's iconic photopgraph - for a cover of Frontiers Magazine nearly ten years ago - elicits death threats.

So what’s it like to be a gay cadet at West Point these days?

Man receives Fathers Day card from gay son twenty years after he died.

Two black trans boys, two N.Y. Families, and boundless love. "Penel Ghartey, 7, and Q Daily, 9, were both featured in magazines this week, supported by their trans-affirming parents and schools."

How living in a gaybourhood affects the price of your home.

Turns out most small business owners oppose anti-LGBT "Religious Freedom" laws.

The invisible man. "To date, more than 500 people have been killed by police in America. This is the story of one, Charly Keunang."

The Devil and John Holmes. "He was a nobody who became a porn star, a porn star who became a destitute freebaser, an addict who set up his dealer to be robbed, and finally witness to a retaliatory massacre at the house they called Wonderland."

Puerto Ricans living in Detroit: A view to two crises highlights powerlessness. "Parallels exist between Detroit’s bankruptcy and the Caribbean island’s current debt crisis, but expats living in the Michigan city say the marginalization of minorities in both places masks the impact of the economic woes."

This is Rikers. "From the people who live and work there."

Canada | Luka “the Canadian Cannibal” Magnotta is looking for his "Prince Charming" from jail, via a dating site.

Canada | Toronto Pride, in pictures.

the news - uk

19-year-old Syed Choudhury jailed for three years for wanting to go kill gay people with ISIS.

Asset of Community Value status upheld for The Black Cap, despite a legal challenge from new owners Faucet Inn, who want to turn the historic drag venue into a cafe.

Is it too late to save the UK’s oldest gay bar, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern?

Does London have a homophobia problem within the gay community? "There’s no better time to be gay in the UK, but now a new battle is afoot and it’s threatening to divide the community... the rise of homophobia among the ‘straight-acting’ gay men who cringe at the idea of ‘camp’."

Supermarket chain Sainsbury’s slammed for censoring gay mags with clothed people but not FHM.

A 24-year-old van driver who swerved to avoid footballer Clarke Carlisle - who was attempting to kill himself - has himself taken his own life after being "plagued by nightmares".

Northern Ireland | Support for equal marriage has reached its highest point yet.

the news -
latin america

Puerto Rico | Marriage equality legalised.

Puerto Rico's crisis, explained.

Chile | Gay couples sign up for first civil unions.

Columbia | A hospital error sees two pairs of identical twins raised as two pairs of fraternal twins. This is the story of how they found one another, and what happened next.

Jamaica | Twenty-two truly inclusive hotels and resorts.

Haiti | The nation has been battling a cholera epidemic since 2010 — and it's still killing people. Why has no one been able to stop the spread of the disease?

Haiti | Where hope goes to die. "After the catastrophic 2010 earthquake, the U.S. halted almost all deportations to Haiti, except for convicts - who are sent home with few prospects, and a stigma that will follow them for life."

the news - europe

Finland | Russian gay couple wins asylum case to stay in Finland.

Spain | Madrid Pride, in pictures. More at The Advocate.

Spain | A memorial to gay equality activist Pedro Zerolo could replace Margaret Thatcher Plaza in Madrid.

Italy | Julius Ceasar goes gay for Pride.

Russia | Homophobes plagarise new "flag for straights".

Russia | What happens when two boys walk hand in hand through Moscow. (Spoiler: you won't be surprised.)

Germany | Cologne Pride, in pictures.

the news - africa

We Africans love the US, so why can’t we accept gay marriage? "A homophobic backlash is the instinctive African response to America’s same-sex marriage revolution. But do the continent’s leaders dare outrage the west?"

Kenya | Gay couple evicted from their home in Nairobi as homophobia ramps up.

Nigeria | The Chief Imam of Nigeria, Sheikh Muhammad Khalid, has condemned same-sex marriage, blaming Western culture and saying such unions will spread diseases previously unknown to man.

Mozambique | Decriminalisation of homosexuality comes into force.

the news - asia

India | A look at Queer Pride, section 377 and Hijras in 2015.

India's "Third Gender": Marginalised and sanctified.

Vietnam | Navigating the streets of Ho Chi Minh City (with a Grindr guide).

Vietnam | On gay life in Saigon.

South Korea | Kim Jho Gwang-soo and Dave Kim - the country's first gay married couple - have launched the first challenge to civil marriage laws.

South Korea | "Christian" protesters fail to shut down Seoul Pride parade.

South Korea | Samsung, Google censor LGBT apps as activists face mounting discrimination.

Thailand | Bangkok is sinking into the earth, fast.

This is what it's like to come out in China.

China | One third of the Great Wall of China has perished.

Taiwan | Thousands rally for marriage equality.

Japan | The lonely end. Looking after the kodokushi – the elderly who die alone – of Japan.

Japan | Everything you wanted to know about visiting Japan.

Indonesia | Foreign ministry vows marriage equality in Australia won't see the Muslim country sever ties.

Australia | Government minister Barnaby Joyce says his country cannot allow gay marriage as it will damage cattle exports.

Australia's devastating treatment of asylum-seekers.

the news - middle east

Iran | Actor Bahram Raden questioned by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, forced to apologise, after he tweeted his support for marriage equality.

sans frontières

July marks the 34th anniversary of the first New York Times article announcing a strange cancer found in 41 homosexuals. Larry Kramer writes, we demand a cure.

How the media looks at HIV in 2015 (it mostly doesn't).

Serosorting in the age of PrEP. "In the past, HIV+ and HIV- men often sought partners of the same status. Is it still, or was it ever, necessary?"

If you cut off HIV's sugar fix you can stop it, maybe even cure it.

Over 1 in 8 Americans living with HIV don't know it.

Bisexuals have worse health than gay, lesbian, or straight people.

The battle to replicate the body's most complex organ. "Military money for plastic surgery and urology is funding innovations in genital reconstruction. But can that benefit transgender men?"

Seven out of 10 men name their sex organs things like Hercules and Russell the Muscle. This is nothing short of disastrous.

Your adolescent binge-drinking has ruined your brain forever.

How to drink all day and not pass out.

What's it like to hallucinate from sleep deprivation?

Your dentist may be ripping you off. Here are seven tips to help you avoid it.

How aging affects athletic performance. Above, Kim Collins, who is still competing in the 100m at the age of 39.

How do steroids actually work?

People are poor communicators when it comes to pain during sex.

Why small talk is so excruciating.

inside the spaceship

How to kill the password: don't ask for one.

What staring at a screen all day is doing to your eyes.

The quiet racism of Instagram filters.

Why gaming's "breakout" gay character matters. "Gamers and critics welcomed Dragon Age: Inquisition with its revolutionary LGBT content, but online conversation still lags behind."

Telepathy technology is coming – are you scared?

Facebook quietly changes its logo to optimise it for mobile.

"Christians" set up a "sin-free" version of Facebook where no gays are allowed.

How far will we go to charge our phones?

The revenge of the desktop app. "Why Quip, Cotap, and others are scrapping the mobile-first playbook."

art + design

Limit(less). On Mikael Owunna's new photo project focusing on LGBTQ African style in the US.

Richard Renaldi's photographs of young Americans from the past 15 years.

The lost pink triangles. On the exhibition of the Nazi persecution of homosexuals, which has gone on display in New York City.

Imagining Disney Princes as Magic Mike strippers.

The famous optical illusion hidden in every typeface.


The inspiring new project sending LGBT YA books to libraries and shelters.

In Cold Blood: An overlooked gay classic? "With the 50th anniversary of its publication, Truman Capote's novel proves its worth in the queer literary cannon."

Here's a first look at Yemi & Femi, the titular heroes of the forthcoming graphic novel Yemi & Femi's Fun Night Out. They're pictured with artist and author John R. Gordon at Black Pride in London.

Five LGBT comic books out now.

How to properly use semicolons in your writing.

Review | A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara. "One of the most talked about books of 2015 and with good reason. What begins as an atmospheric bildungsroman set in a mythically ahistorical New York City morphs by slow degrees into a harrowing meditation on otherness and the redemptive possibilities of survival and friendship."

Review | This Life Now, by Michael Broder. "A window into one man’s existence — bridging mainstream and margin, domesticity and sexual adventure, survival and risk—weaves its narratives with a diligence mellowed by experience."

Review | The Giddy Death of Gays and the Strange Demise of Straights, by Redfern Jon Barrett. A "rambunctious second novel, an oddball and one-of-a-kind romantic comedy."

Review | Intimacy Idiot, by Isaac Oliver. "A great presentation of Oliver’s excellent comedy and writing abilities. It can easily be likened to a spread of hors d’oeuvres best enjoyed by picking the pieces you like. It may leave you wanting more from Oliver, which is not such a bad problem for him to have, but you’ll be ready and hungry for his next book."

Review | Bad Kid, by David Crabb. "For those who grew up during the era, the book is sure to have you laugh and cringe with recognition. For those who didn’t, the book immerses you so well that it doesn’t matter. Either way, the journey of Bad Kid is one well worth reading."

Review | Gore Vidal: Devil with a Soul, by Michael Mewshaw. "His portrayal of Vidal is not a bouquet, yet it does reflect the love of a friendship lasting four decades. Mewshaw was in awe of the master, but he was not taken in by him."

shouting in the night

Why you DO NOT text while Patti LuPone is acting.

"Circademics", and getting serious about circus.

picture house

Dustin Hoffman declares, “It’s the worst that film has ever been.”

The Longform Guide to the dark side of Hollywood.

On Clark Gable and Loretta Young. "Loretta Young made her name in Classic Hollywood as a great beauty — and for the cover-up of one of the industry’s greatest scandals: concealing a child, born out of wedlock, with Clark Gable, one of the era’s biggest stars. It wasn’t until recently that even Young learned the right words for what she’d been hiding for decades."

Coming soon | Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz. On "the man who changed the way the New York Times reported on LGBT news."

New pictures from the set of director Roland Emmerich's new film Stonewall.

Talking to directors Marc Serena and Pablo García Pérez de Lara about their film Tchindas.

Watch | Dustin Lance Black's short for Coca-Cola (huh?), featuring a closeted gay teen.

Fourteen events in LGBT history that deserve films.

Talking to Dito Montiel, Robin Williams’ last director, who discusses the actor’s approach to playing a closeted gay man in Boulevard.

The history of drag movies — and why Hollywood owes us big-time.

The twenty-one best (and worst) queer movie villains.

Who will be the first gay superhero in the movies?

The magic behind Mike. "Reid Carolin was going to make thoughtful documentaries about veterans and war-torn nations — then he met a former stripper named Channing Tatum and helped him put his life onscreen. Now they’re one of Hollywood’s smartest young duos."

Robert Zemeckis vows there will never be a Back To The Future remake as long as he is alive.

Why Back to the Future is the most perfect blockbuster ever made.

In Defence Of... Back to the Future Part III, one of the best trilogy ends ever.

This awesome variant edition of the Escape From New York poster...

...And Flash Gordon, too.

Eight ways to solve Hollywood's naked woman movie poster problem.

New documentary An Open Secret looks at the rampant sexual abuse of child actors in Hollywood.

Gone in 46 seconds: In Hollywood that’s all non-white actors can hope for.

Review | Do I Sound Gay? "Sounding gay is a far more interesting and intriguing subject than you might think. Whether you like ‘camp’ voices or not, this documentary may make you realise the issues surrounding it are actually fairly complex, taking in both the history of homosexuality and some of the key questions about being gay which are yet to be settled."

Review | Paternity Leave. "While taking a relatively grounded approach to a pregnant man may seem a little odd, it works surprisingly well. Paternity Leave’s themes are ultimately pretty standard rom-com ones that we’ve seen many times before, but it’s still an entertaining ride that’s often very funny."

Review | Dániel. "Beautifully made but perhaps not as ambitious as it might have been. Dániel feels like it’s making a couple of simple points well, but beyond that there isn’t a huge amount to it."

TCM’s Film Noir “Into the Darkness” course study group: Weeks 4-5.

Watch | Pink Moon, Sal Bardo's new short set in a world where heterosexuality is forbidden; 19th Birthday,a short in which a closeted gay kid gets a surprising present from Mom and Dad; An Open Secret (trailer); It's All So Quiet (trailer); Holding The Man (trailer); and Back on Board: Greg Louganis (trailer).

the box

TVs are disappearing – but we’re still telly addicts.

Why are some people still defending Bill Cosby?

Talking to Looking's Jonathan Groff about dating Zachary Quinto and being gay in Hollywood.

Kyle XY star Matt Dallas has married his fiancé Blue Hamilton.

Homophobe accuses NBC of changing its logo to "gay colours". The network has had the same logo since 1986.

Broadcasters are failing to make minorities feel represented on TV, rules the UK media regulator Ofcom.

The heartbreaking downfall of a Hollywood golden girl: Amanda Peterson's troubled past before her death at age 43.

Lifetime plans a Melrose Place "unauthorised" tell-all movie.

What Hannibal's cancellation — and possible renewal — tells us about the future of TV.

Gays of our lives: What sort of a week have our favourite gay characters in soap had? Above, Australian soap Neighbours.

Watch | T.R.A.D.E IT ALL season 1, episode 3 - Masks and Missconceptions; The Boyz Next Door LA episode 2 - A Kodak Moment; Social Theory series 2, episode 3 - Lights Out; and an interview with interview with BAIT actor JR Rolley...

beats, rhymes & life

How pop songs are made.

Olly Alexander - of Years & Years - has hit out at other openly gay singers, who sing about gender-neutral love interests instead of men.

Are Years and Years’ Olly and Clean Bandit’s Neil the cutest gay couple on Instagram?

Miguel declares he makes better music than Frank Ocean.

The lost recordings of '70s gay rockers Smokey.

Why we’re so confused about Amy Winehouse.

On the endless fall of Suge Knight. "He sold America on a West Coast gangster fantasy — and embodied it. Then the bills came due."

Ten thoughts about the 2015 BET Awards.

Investigative reporting on the important question: Who robbed Warren G on Regulate?

NME magazine to be given away free.

The photographers who revolutionised album art.

Justin Bieber makes an ass of himself...

...But it's not a patch on John Legend's phatty.

Thirty of the thirstiest songs ever.

Cakes Da Killa (and friends) work it at the Loud + Proud festival in Paris.

Listen | Driskell - Sugarcoated. Driskell is the artist formally known as Ken Dahl.

Watch | The Internet - Girl; Miguel - Find What You Love and Let It Kill You; Team Heartbreak - Do It Like Miley (featuring RuPaul's Drag Race's Violet Chachki and Alaska Thunderfuck); and Violet Chachki - Vanguard.

Watch | The latest episode of The GrooveOUT.


Matt Cage writes about being a professional wrestler - and coming out as gay.

Australia's National Rugby League has come out in favour of marriage equality.

Mexico fans allowed to chant anti-gay slur “iPuto!” while watching their national team play in Chicago.

Talking to Tom Daley about homophobic bullying, coming out and trans athletes.

It's that time of year. And ESPN The Magazine's Body Issue is as naked as ever. (How about some make volleyball players? Here at KAOS we'd love to see Brazilian star Ricardo Lucarelli buck naked.)

Here are some athletes you should bone instead of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Here's an ad featuring living sex doll Cristiano Ronaldo.


I lost it at the black party. "I weave in and out of men bent over and men on their knees, and occasionally realize that the hands that brush my legs aren’t hands at all."

An oral history of early gay porn.

Centurions Of Rome, one of the most expensive gay films of its time, and financed by a 1980 theft of almost $2 million by a Brink's security guard, gets a DVD re-release.

Gay porn star Jarec Wentworth found guilty in $1.5 million extortion plot. Was his trial a case of rich vs. poor?

Here is the list of gay porn stars Jarec Wentworth's "victim" Donald Burns paid to fuck. "As he admitted under oath in federal court yesterday, Donald Burns has engaged in criminal activity dozens and dozens of times by hiring male prostitutes every 3-6 weeks and flying them to his home for hardcore gay fuckfests and group sex orgies. Luckily for Don Burns, the government will not be filing any charges against Don Burns for repeatedly breaking the law in multiple states, including his home state of Florida."

Mickey Taylor and Kayden Gray attacked in Berlin.

Here's more Sean Zevran. You're welcome.

ghetto romance

Are Michael Sam and Vito Cammisano over? Cammisano, meanwhile, has taken to YouTube to share his coming out story.

Big gay weddings across Texas, in pictures.

Michael Robinson and Earl Benjamin get married!

Never been missed: Looking for my first second date as a person with a disability.

Eight behaviours to avoid like the plague after a break up.

hell's kitchen

OUTgoing: The Hidden Geography of NYC Gay Nightlife, an ongoing project that attempts to completely map out the history of New York City’s gay bars. Interactive map.

This is why you eat too much when you’re drunk.

Why are we so obsessed with bacon?

betta work!

The dangerous lives of Colombian mangrove clam collectors.

I spent seven years working in retail. I’ll never complain about a long Starbucks line again...

...And things you only know when you've worked in retail.

All this digital technology isn't making us more productive.

planet earth

LGBTs and the National Parks. "The gay ranger who is helping make the National Park Service a little more queer."

Could our planet's shrinking crust result in a water world?

The underfunded, disorganised plan to save Earth from the next giant asteroid.


Humpback whale joins in with the Pride season by blowing rainbows.

Birds are getting wasted by rubbing ants on their wings.

Vet finds, removes eight pairs of underwear from dog’s stomach.

The one thing that people never understand about cats.

planes, trains & automobiles

These startups want to do for buses what Uber did for taxi rides.

How dangerous is airplane turbulence?

NASA's heartbreaking space shuttle exhibit.

and whilst you're thinking about that, think about this...

This is a picture of a GAYTM.

DOs and DON'Ts for Fire Island.

The strange history of bubble wrap - and why it's changing.

The history and evolution of the G.I. Joe action figure

Fifteen toys and action figures that have consistently gone down in value.

The big joy of small villages. On the UK's quaint and quirky miniature villages.

A dive into YouTube's strange micro-worlds will mesmerize and charm you. "There is something inexplicably moving about the obsessions of others, even if that thing is miniature vehicles."

And finally, Rogue "Marbie" Scott on the Rainbow Filter; Martin takes on shady gays; Andrew on mental illness; and Walter declares Atlanta is a city full of lonely bottoms...

See you kids next week - it's been emotional! Zee Jai

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Issue 217: 29 June - 12 July 2015
On the cover: It's 34 years since the New York Times article warning of a rare "homosexual cancer".



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"You know, we might just as well not have
bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."

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  1. Thank you for all of your hard work with the website.

  2. Thank you Manuel, it's appreciated!


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