Issue 164: Rizzle Kicks, Don Lemon, Tyson Beckford, Billy Porter, Marc Williams, Mother Teresa, Nelly power, rape club, Solomon, Kele Okereke, and more...

the destination for the
week's essential news
and pop culture stories,
with a gay bias.


||| Nelly Power: when coming out isn't a choice. "These men — both real and fictional — who could never 'pass' might be considered the pioneers of gay visibility."

||| Gays have more "masculine" faces than straight men.

> The six gay men you never want to meet.

||| The silent same-sex domestic violence epidemic.

||| How many men in Asia admit to rape? For women, perhaps Anti-Rape underwear is the answer.

||| The thirty most bizarre questions lesbians are asked.

||| Where do all the angry white men come from? "Women have stepped free of gender stereotyping, but men are stuck with a protector-provider script for a role that barely exists."

||| Is it time to put a moratorium on the word "racist"?

||| When identities are more than gay/straight/black/white. "Racism is also nice people who are so busy trying to be nice that we don’t have a real conversation, scared that we might raise the dead. Racism is a deeper and more complicated issue than anything we’ve been taught, one that doesn’t go away when we pretend it doesn’t exist."

||| Embracing the "ist" factor. "No one wants to be associated with words like 'activist' or 'feminist' anymore. This writer says it's time to make strident the new sexy."

Who is the movement's overlooked MLK? "In the search for the movement's Martin Luther King, have we overlooked ourselves?"

||| Left-wing Christians need to have a louder voice. "The Christian right has successfully promoted its ideology; will the left do better after dropping 'socialist' from its name?"

||| In defence of the habitually late.


< Chicago celebrates as marriage equality bill passes. In pictures.

||| The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is seriously flawed. "Everyone from Apple's Tim Cook to US politicians is trying to get on the LGBT 'bandwagon', but workplace issues remain for gays."

||| So ten GOP senators voted for gay equality. Does this mean the culture war as we know it is over?

||| Gay youth charity The Trevor Project launches new "Ask for Help" campaign.

||| Parents sue New Jersey state for right to turn their gay son straight.

> This is Isaiah Smith, an out gay student in Texas's Birdville Independent School District, who was suspended for ripping out Bible pages concerning Leviticus during class.

||| Pro Bar, Atlantic City's first gay nightclub, is to close.

||| Meet Don Guardian, the new gay, Republican Mayor of Atlantic City.

||| Don Lemon on "Stop and Frisk": "Would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?"

||| Luxury apartments, luxury retail and gentrification. What New York City could look like in 2033.

||| CANADA: Toronto mayor Rob Ford, a reminder that even white people smoke crack...


||| Hate in schools is preventing gay teachers from coming out.

< This is Ricardo Pisano, who stands accused of murdering 62-year-old Michael Polding, a gay man who lived in the Kemptown area of Brighton.

> This is 16-year-old Shawn Green, who has been sentenced to life for stabbing Derek Boateng (left) to death on a bus on his sixteenth birthday back in April.

> David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glen Greenwald, accused of terrorism.

||| Paedophile case thrown out against gay man who watched twink porn.

||| The threat posed by retailer Tesco's "Minority Report" facial recognition software.

||| The Press Complaints Commission rules that an article published by the Daily Mirror newspaper headlined "Stuart Hall judge visited gay brothel" didn't breach guidelines.

||| Mufti Ismail Menk, the Islamic cleric who says gays are "worse than animals" has UK tour axed.

< The students who thought it would be a good idea to dress up as the North and South towers of the World Trade Center. Meanwhile, an American woman dressed as a Boston Marathon bombing victim, and was shocked by the abuse she received.

||| Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have made a "substantial" contribution to public finances, new report reveals.


||| Being gay is grounds for asylum, the European Court of Justice rules.

||| IRELAND: 76% of voters support marriage equality. The country will vote on the issue in 2015.

||| FRANCE: Does Paris have the most rough sleepers of the big European capitals?

> GERMANY: What are Berlin's pink pipes for?

< RUSSIA: Gay South African student tortured by thugs in the city of Belgorod, who lured him to an apartment on the promise of sex.

||| RUSSIA: Norwegian news team arrested, harrassed, and threatened for criticising the Sochi Olympics.

> RUSSIA: Eight stories of being gay in Russia.

||| RUSSIA: Vitaly Milonov, the lawmaker who compared being gay to having sex with a dog, "welcomes all" to Moscow 2016 Dog Show.

||| MACEDONIA: Mother Teresa was no saint.

||| ITALY: A gay student made more than ten calls to suicide hotlines before he jumped to his death.


||| JAMAICA: Shunned by their families, gay teens face rape, HIV on Jamaican streets.

< JAMAICA: How to help homeless gay Jamaicans.

||| ECUADOR: Cops raid "gay addiction" torture clinic, free seventeen captives, including 15-year-old boy who was electrocuted.

||| BRAZIL: Gay couple attacked by gang of neo-Nazi skinheads in São Paulo.


> ZAMBIA: Philip Mubiana and James Mwape tortured, jailed without food or water, endure discredited "anal probe" test.

||| ZAMBIA: First Lady Dr. Christine Kaseba–Sata seeks dialogue; media prefer gay-bashing.

||| KENYA: Fifty pastors in support of gay equality.


< NEPAL: Hundreds cheer on contestants in Nepal's first gay beauty pageant, in Kathmandu.

||| AUSTRALIA: In the lucky country apartheid is alive and kicking. "The richest land on Earth writes Aboriginal people out of history and pushes them to the margins. Like South Africa 30 years ago."

> NEW ZEALAND: The West Auckland teen boy rape club.


||| Could this be the way Gulf States detect if travellers are gay?


||| OMG! We're all going to die! The risk of a massive asteroid strike may be ten times larger than previously thought.

||| Is geoengineering the answer to cooling our planet?

||| Mass killings can haunt elephants for decades.

> A male Sumatran tiger cub is tossed into a moat for a swim test at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C.


> Trial of game changing new anal condom - that simulates "condom free" sex - begins in Boston.

||| What to say when asked how you got HIV.

||| Why you shouldn't take a vacation from your HIV treatment.

||| The prostate cancer aggression test that could "avoid needless operations".

||| The history (and effects) of injecting alcohol.

||| Is pickled turnip the answer to beating the winter flu?

||| The optical illusion making dentists drill holes that are too big.

||| The complicated relationship between bullying and suicide.

||| Monogamous: to be or not to be?

||| Straight men are "three times more likely" to not believe in bisexuality.

||| Here is a list of forty-six unusual sexual fetishes.


||| The internet of things will be huge — just not as huge as the hype.

> When the dead will outnumber the living on Facebook?

||| Facebook redesigns its "Like" button for the first time.

||| Why BlackBerry failed. "Did BlackBerry just get too old? No – the smartphone company had opportunities to adapt and survive, but it took the wrong direction."


< Thirty of the most powerful photos you'll ever see. This man has just found out his brother has been killed.

> Eleven amazing young queer artists you should know. Right, Seyi Adebanjo, a "queer, gender-nonconforming Nigerian artist living in the South Bronx".

||| San Francisco's 17th Annual Art for AIDS auction takes a record-breaking $US275,000.

< Bent-Con's 2013 Pop-Up Gallery Exhibition, in pictures. Left, Angel vs. Demon, by Mauleo.

> Disney characters re-imagined.


James Baldwin felt he was part of his elders' hope for the future. "When James Baldwin was 16 years old, he sat nude for the queer Harlem Renaissance painter Beauford Delaney, who was then in his 40s. The two were never lovers, but formed a lifelong,familial mentorship; Baldwin spoke of Delaney as his spiritual father."

< Colour Scheme author John R. Gordon's writer's diary: typing, not writing.

||| Talking to Hilton Als about his new book, White Girls, which "blends fiction, non-fiction, and cultural critique to offer a deeply personal meditation on American literature, art, race, gender, and history."

Fifty incredibly tough books for extreme readers.

||| Amazon e-book offer riles independent bookshop owners: like "inviting hungry foxes into the henhouse".

||| Is there any reason to still have print magazines? Time Inc hopes so.

||| Print newspaper circulation falls to the lowest level since the 1940s.


< Playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney for the 19th annual Out100.

> Actor Billy Porter for the 19th annual Out100.


< New BBC film Pride recreates gay London in the 1980s. The Wire's Dominic West stars.

||| "I guess that a lot of the figures that I love were gay." Why James Franco is so fascinated by the gays.

||| The other reason not to see Ender's Game.

||| Ender's Game author's anti-gay controversy does not deter audiences as film takes number one spot at US box office.

||| Samuel L. Jackson to play first gay role in Stephen King film.

> Thor: The Dark World's Shanghai poster mix-up.

||| Jamie Foxx is in talks to play Martin Luther King Jr.

< Are these the fifty most heart-wrenching movies of all time? Johnny Mad Dog (left) ain't here, so I guess not.

||| DVD review: Triple Crossed. "An entertaining thriller with a cute gay romance at its core."

||| Trailers: Hieu Tran's Squared (be sure to check out the film's Facebook page), starring Yamil Jaiman and Ethan Le Phong; and Triple Crossed.


||| Ten things we learned from Instagram about HBO's new gay drama series Looking.

< Former Doctor Tom Baker on Doctor Who: "It was so much better than real life..."

...Meanwhile his successor, Peter Davison, says playing the part made him a "gay icon, actually".

||| Talking to David Yost, the actor who played the original Blue Ranger in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, about "how he overcame bullying in Hollywood, suicidal tendencies, and a nervous breakdown on the road to accepting himself as a gay man".

> Hollyoaks male rape storyline: Expert Q&A with advisor Duncan Craig.

||| Coronation Street's current outdoor set at Granada Studios' Quay Street in Manchester will be re-opened in March 2014 as a tourist attraction; the soap is soon moving to a new site at Salford's MediaCityUK.

||| Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, from Anthony D. Langford.

< Arrow star Stephen Amell talks about his first roles in Queer As Folk and Dantes Cove.


||| Rappers accuse Frank Ocean and Macklemore of using "gay agenda" for fame.

||| Eurovision Song Contest organisers threaten to ban Russia from hosting over its anti-gay propaganda laws.

< Kele Okereke wonders why there are so few black female stars with darker skin?

||| Are today's over-sexualised pop stars represent "a fleshy, naked emergency"? And if so, what's the solution. This woman thinks she has the answer.

> Hip-hop is "overly-misogynistic and it's still homophobic" says Jordan Stephens, one half of Rizzle Kicks. The boys are "arguably the biggest hip-hop act in the UK".

||| Anti-gay hate monger Eminem named Artist of the Year at the inaugural YouTube awards.

||| So, why is it so important for Eminem to keep using the word "faggot"?

||| How the Wu-Tang Clan changed everything.

||| Max Lucado - Britney Spears's favourite author - believes marriage equality will lead to legalised polygamy and incest.

> A guide to JLS's worst songs - by JLS.

||| Videos: Solomon - The Way We Were; Pet Shop Boys - Thursday, live on The Jonathan Ross Show; a look at the UK's House of Suarez Vogue ball 2013; and some sexy UK mixed race yumminess with MDNGHT - Into The Night.


< Tyson Beckford has been getting naked again, this time with a trans model.

||| Director John Waters claims heterosexual porn has become "obscene".

||| There's a Pandora for porn because of course there is.

> Why. Seriously why?

The return of porn God Marc Williams.

||| Talking to Marco Rubi.

> Bobby Williams, the former Falcon and Raging Stallion model, is dead. He was 31. Williams - real name was Peter Rigali - was in a car crash in Holyoke, Massachusetts.


< Kwame Harris convicted of domestic violence after assaulting boyfriend Dimitri Griers in a dispute over soy sauce in a Chinese restaurant.

||| Australian boxer Anthony Mundine criticised for suggesting people of Aboriginal origin can't be gay.

> Out pro-football player Robbie Rogers flaunts it for the annual OUT100 list.

||| Cookie Johnson - wife of Magic - talks about supporting her gay son E.J.


Teavana can't brew a proper cuppa tea. "Spare me the upwardly-mobile marketing. A genuine British cup of tea just needs a good tea-bag, boiling kettle and dash of milk."

||| The real cost of a bottle of wine.

||| How alcohol prohibition made soda king.

||| Fresh or frozen? And a little fun with a quirk of the New York subway system.

||| These pictures of abandoned toy factories and shops.

||| And finally, Rogue "Marbie" Scott discover games have benefits; Qaadir says no shade; Andrew says no hate; and Walter wonders if the lack of black father is contributing to black boys femininity...

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Issue 164
02-08 November 2013
On the cover: A prostate tumour.

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© 2013

"You know, we might just as well not have
bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."

1 comment:

  1. Those building fails are really quite extraordinary. I mean, a couple of them are obviously jokes by jaded builders, but most of them - really bizarre & made me laugh out loud.

    I found the sexy versions of Disney characters disconcertingly sexy: what an odd project!


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