I know that free movement in time and space is a scientific dream I don't expect to find solved in a junk yard

IINTRODUCING THE Doctor Who art of Darryl Joyce. 

Many of his pieces recreate moments from the TV show - such as this moment when caveman Za is mauled by a sabre-toothed tiger in the show's very first serial, An Unearthly Child - and there's other less canonical pieces, such as the first Doctor and Steven with a "1965" K9.

In fact Joyce's best work covers the first Doctor's era - Marco Polo and The Keys of Marinus are both well-served. He also covers the more recent Doctors, for those of you interested in that sort of thing.

There's much more at his website.
Marco Polo
The Keys of Marinus
Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150AD
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Faceless Ones
The Web of Fear
The Mind Robber
The Daemons
Planet of the Spiders
The Faceless OnesThe Face of Evil

1 comment:

  1. Some of these are rather charming (last caption should be Face of Evil tho). It's interesting how some sci-fi shows function as secular religions. This is a sort of religious art in that the artist is expressing him/herself through representing stories from the show in his/her idiom - much as artists used to do Bible scenes (often smuggling in homoeroticism) as there mode of self-expression...


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