Tired old queen at the movies

Green For Danger

ho-dunnit? That's the big question when a murderer works his way through a make shift hospital outside of London during the blitz in Launder & Gilliat's Green For Danger (1946).

Trevor Howard, Alistair Sym and Sally Gray head a cast of top-flight British actors in this adaptation of the famous medical thriller by Christianna Brand. The plot is intricate, the dialogue amusing, the acting brilliant and the dénouement a complete surprise. In a genre that rarely comes off on screen, Green For Danger remains a mystery that truly is, until the very end.

Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes' Tired Old Queen At The Movies on YouTube

Steve Hayes' Tired Old Queen At The Movies on Facebook

Here at ka-os|theory, Steve Hayes is regarded as a legend. He's opened up a whole world of cinematic pleasure, and fired up my appreciation of film. His enthusiasm is infectious, electrifying, and unfailingly on point. The films he recommends are always worth seeing, and several have become firm favourites. If you have even a passing interest in movies, watch a couple of reviews. They're fun, funny, and you'll be intrigued. As he says, "Trust the tired old movie queen, this is terrific!"

(Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes. I'd recommend that readers check out his YouTube channel and explore his reviews. Discover the joy of vintage cinema - I did!)


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