Let’s not talk about how I am. It’s a subject I know too much about to want to think about anymore

m a s s   i n

m o t i o n

Kyle and Ta’Leon - the Goffney twins - have been in the public eye for a long time now.

Tragically, Ta'Leon was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer earlier this year. "Now his entire liver is covered in the cancer, soon he will go into liver failure and die," Kyle says. "Nine months of chemo did nothing, now we are down radiation treatments and paying an alternative oncologist to save his life after another doctor told him to go home, spend time with his family, and prepare for the worst. He has two small kids depending on him who are just one and five years old. This has all been very expensive and hard in so many ways. So were asking for help to pay the alternative oncologist and help with the medical bill and copays. I’m not just going to watch my twin brother die."

Kyle has set up a GoFundMe to support his brother.

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About the quotation in the title: "Let’s not talk about how I am. It’s a subject I know too much about to want to think about anymore." Ernest Hemingway, American writer, 1899 - 1961.

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  1. This hurts me so much and you know why. That is awful. Emo and crying for more than one reason. But I’m ok

  2. Thats So Sad WTF. I Hope He Make It 😥


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